omg is this comic the debut of the new artist?
Double attack Tails Doll Sonic: 5 Tails: 4 Knuckles: 5 Blaze: 5 Fang: 5 Metal Sonic: 5 Tails Doll: 4 Chaos: 5 Gamma: 5 Emerl...
double attack Tails Doll Sonic: 5 Tails: 5 Knuckles: 5 Blaze: 5 Fang: 5 Metal Sonic: 5 Tails Doll: 5 Chaos: 5 Gamma: 5 Emerl...
double defend Manic Sonic: 5 Tails: 5 Knuckles: 5 Blaze: 5 Fang: 5 Metal Sonic: 5 Tails Doll: 5 Chaos: 5 Gamma: 5 Emerl: 5 G...
double defend Manic Sonic: 5 Tails: 5 Knuckles: 5 Blaze: 5 Fang: 5 Metal Sonic: 5 Tails Doll: 5 Chaos: 5 Gamma: 5 Emerl: 5 ...
Double defend Manic Sonic: 5 Tails: 5 Knuckles: 5 Blaze: 5 Fang: 5 Metal Sonic: 5 Tails Doll: 5 Chaos: 5 Gamma: 5 Emerl: 5 ...
Ok. So now we officially start round 3. Round 2 went well. Nice and fast. So the rules remain the same. Are you ready! Set? Go! Double Attack Meph...
Yay Somebody other than Psxphile got the right answer! Raw Danger : Gameplay: Players must think on their feet and utilize creative survival s...
It would have to be mind blowing. Or at least high on the decency scale. - Slight language warning (peppered with swears) Part 2. Same warn...
My Wii owning friend says she thinks the "final story" is more fun than the story/gameplay before it.
dang you. I just want this round to end so fine. Blaze: 8
This game isn't very well known in the United States though it and its predecessor were brought over anyway. It has a cult following though. I ...
doooooooooooooes this mean I guessed it right?
I'm going to take a friggin stab in the dark and say its Front Mission 3
Maaaybe if BIOWARE made it. Yeah right like I could ever trust them with Sonic again >>
Aaaaaiiiiieee I love That girl with the violin! >< I need to learn how to COLOR.
I liked the way you drew the hair on Random Girl Head. very flowy. But yeah. the head on Random Girl is a tad too big.
Another StC styled Amy Rose.
Yay more pointless art Elise the Singer After watching Macross Frontier. I had this wild idea that Elise should have been a Princess/ singer cele...
Fresh Prince of South Island vs Duane and Brando. (Language Warning) YOU DECIDE *rumble rumble rumble* [Ari Edit: Tacked a language warn...
Mor Sonic games need fanart contests! Its something they've definately done right. A couple of the USA winners have DA accounts I watch.
If Silver wasn't a Sonic Character I'd like to see him in his own game. Or heck. Maybe if he wasn't a hedgehog...
I FEEL SO BAD FOR POSTING THAT! Not really.... Moar Spoilerz This is part 2 of the cutscenes. What I posted above with portion of the fana...
Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert. . Full Intro and some cutscenes. Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Near the end of this v...
no Blaze can still be eliminated. We can't continue until that is official. And I double Attack Blaze lol Blaze: 4
Sonic the Celebrity XD As if he wasn't one already. So maybe a rock star?
IT BEGINS! brief footage of the other playable characters.
Gah. Why are you so good at this game! >< And indeed Vivi's Funeral Salon was the best part.
you know how NiGHTs got all those cameos in Sonic games? Well I think Ristar deserves some too! And the chance to be a fighter. Secret...
Wave can't be a knight. in Blaze's profile it says she is the only female of the round table.
Wow. Jet? Wow.... Looking at how lame their profiles are. They shouldn't even be on the site. They should have just remained a rumor to l...
The precioustones ?
Unfortunately the emerald, as always, broke into many shards because its so freakin old.
double defend Antoine Blaze: 4 Antoine: 4 WinRARS Tails Doll Emerl Metal Sonic Manic Sonic Gamma Tails Knuckles Sally Acor...
i hope someone rigs those life jackets j/k XD I want figure skating. But thats totally not going to be in this game. arg. I want Snoopy on the...
you know how NiGHTs got all those cameos in Sonic games? Well I think Ristar deserves some too! And the chance to be a fighter. Secret hidden unlo...
I can't find any larger images of this game. But can anybody guess what it is?
i can't wait for that Dragon Egg mission!
attack Blaze defend Antoine Blaze: 4 Chaos: 9 Antoine: 5
Yeah i had the same problem until I logged in. You probably can't even vote without an account.
I would love if they were like the Ultra Combos from Street Fighter IV. Indeed
I know there are those Castaway of the Flying duchman books. But I don't even glance at them. Heh. I probably should.
ooooh is it COSMO TANK !!!1111!!!???
I wonder what special moves would look like. Would they just be 10 second spectacles of fluid animations or one of those mini game deals where the eff...
I may have read something about him years ago but I really knew nothing about him. So many generations apart we are.