It's possible that a clone became self aware on its own I think.
I think I see an old deformed Dean flash by the screen for a milisecond near the middle of the video. I don't know if this is Dean in the future....
has anyone tried to eek out some guesses about what will happen this season? Obviously the boys have survived long enough to almost reach manhood....
Well I've got free time and I want to join.
Here you go watch it before it gets taken down or something. This is youtube we're talking about. I used to have a "Dermott" fr...
region lock?
lol it's been 3 months since this RP got a post. Is it still active. It would be a shame for the thing to die now so early in its story. I mean t...
Even NightTrap is better
I'm so glad I wasn't alive back then. Well actually I was but I was too young to even understand what a video game was. So my first consciou...
.... @ Hatter. How would you like to meet THAT in a dark alley Hah! And I was thinking the same thing, Legion. Its like if Ronald got possesse...
A blooper reel
Hedgehog Engine. Sonic R 2 *tarred n feathered!* 2D platforming in Sonic is great fun for me. 3D platforming in Sonic makes me go aaaaaaaa...
Nothing Better I'd also like to bring attention to this web comic. It's really good. About a bunch of kids in college but its not the usual ...
But the graphics mean eeeveeryyythhhiiiiiing ;;
That's the blessing of the free market. Other publishers won't follow Activision's foolishness if nobody is willing to shell out that m...
I just thought Station Square had charm for a hubworld >.> Might have just been the music. Twinkle twinkle twinkle park....
I'd love to see a new Station Square for the current Gen
Ok seriously. I don't get why you're so negative all the time. I'm only speaking out of wishful thinking. I like Nack and that's a...
Lol this is how I'd have fixed the werehog stages. A. Don't actually give him stages. I think It would have been more interesting to giv...
Holy Snikerdoodles I had no idea they did a LP of Unleashed! *watching nooooow!*
You mean this one? The video seems to work fine. It's actually the first of many. 50+
I want to live inside that camel.
Sorry if this has already been linked. Not much content to it but it might interest someone.
Gah. This stuff is the horror that makes up the dark corner in the minds of fangirls. Wolverine is not a bishi! Acknowledge this!
Alright, we're here. Just sitting in the car I want you to show me if you can get far Step on the gas (step on the gas) Step on the breaks(...
oh sweet mythbusters clips. haha
New Tron Movie? New Tron movie?
Laura uses Phenix Down to revive random minority sidekick character The ancient 3000 year old T-Rex dropped 1500 gil To me she looks just lik...
She looks cool. I notice that her breasts get smaller with every reboot. I guess they finally realized how completely impracticable those balloons wer...
Yes the very concept of things like Source and Gmod breaks my mind sometimes...
Oh Boi I think I stumbled upon something really bad. La Cosa Nostra Basic summary: This is Twilight if the story were about the Mafia instead of...
Its not that I don't like Furry Comics. I knew someone would try to say that eventually. I just think a lot of the ones I find are horrible.
Revenge of the Fallen.... bootleg...
As far as Raine Dog goes. I don't like her ideals very much. Ozy and Millie bored me as did that other comic with the eagle. But I didn...
Oh God. I've read Raine Dawg. I never liked Ozy and Millie but Raine Dog looks to be about 10 times worse! Just because your dog is sentient does...
Fresh Prince can mix with anything!....mostly Spiral Mountain Mario Sonic 2
wait...FlapJack is too mature for Canada kids??
TwoKinds is stupid,diluted,contradictory,and pointless fake furry porn nonsense
I found a few BatB eps on youtube. and every TF Animated episode is on there too
I want more Batman the Bold and the Brave
Hiiisssssssss @ TwoKinds
So who is paying off the debt now?
Chugworth Academy and Boss Noodle are bad. I just finished reading what there was of Boss Noodle and TRIED to read as much Chugworth as I could before...
At first I thought...Wow is this a Mod? But apparently this is a real game. Apparently. At this point. Every BAD fanart of the Team Fortress chara...