Mobius Forum Archive

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Joined: Aug 28, 2004
Topics: 5 / Replies: 67
Replies: 2
Views: 502
16 years ago
RE: Sonic Universe #3 Previews/Spoilers/Discussion

Maybe the Station Square squares don't look at it that way. That's just my take on it, anyway; your mileage may vary.

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Universe #3 Previews/Spoilers/Discussion

One, Hope is NOT a teenager; she's still a tween. And you know how seriously the adult world takes tweens. That's why... Two, she'...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Universe #3 Previews/Spoilers/Discussion

Crazy Cham Lea asks: "Where else would she go to help with technology in fighting Eggman?" True. But in my story line it never occurred...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Universe #3 Previews/Spoilers/Discussion

And is it me, or does Cmdr. Tower have one brown eye and one blue eye?

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Universe #3 Previews/Spoilers/Discussion

The day I received SU #3 (I've never received 1 or 2; probably got my order in too late) I read it and my reaction was: "To hell with the ro...

16 years ago
RE: Need Sonic X Comic Help Please

No, no, you covered it all extremely well, WB. In a way, it's understandable that Archie would lock the continuity into a non-canonical neth...

16 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 446
RE: StH #200 and SU #4 Previews

The cover drawing of Sally is wrong, Wrong, WRONG!! And Tails doesn't look much better.

16 years ago
RE: Sonic 194 Spoilers!

Somebody contact the Forty Fathom Freedom Fighters; this story has officially jumped the shark. I liked where Ian was taking the story in #193, bu...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic #185 main story discussion SPOILERS

Y'know, you'd think it would be sufficient for his purpose if Mammoth Mogul did a Manchurian Candidate/Sleeper Cell number on Sonic alone; then we'd ...

17 years ago
RE: What if Sonia the Hedgehog is poisoned during SU

Quote:Isn't this basically fanfiction? "Darkfic" is more like it. I'd like to know where SonicJordan2 was going with this idea. If all yo...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic X #29 Monsterous Review!

Considering how things played out in the original Sonic Adventure game, I thought that was the more satisfactory bit of storytelling. In the game, Ch...

17 years ago
RE: technically a small ad spoiler from STH #184....

I second rattrap2K's response. Apparently, the cross-promotion deal Archie struck with DC (the results of which included that lame-o Batman vs. the P...

17 years ago
RE: 184 Spoilers

I'm still waiting for my copy, but from what I've read of the spoilers my biggest disappointment involves Scourge. At the end of the back story in S1...

17 years ago
RE: Oh shoot, Sonic 181 Spoilers!

If you haven't seen your copy yet, don't be surprised if the artwork for the back story strikes you as UGLY!!! I haven't seen a coloring job this hid...

17 years ago
RE: Why Would SEGA Lie...

OK, I know that Sonic and Knuckles's designs are more stylized than nature would allow, and that Tails's design owes more to Japanese mythology than t...

17 years ago
RE: Why Would SEGA Lie...

Spiner, Thanks for clearing that up. Apparently in Japan using kansai for a character is like fitting out the Texas guy on the "Simpsons" ...

17 years ago
Replies: 30
Views: 200
RE: Do you think that there will be a HUGE story arc to # 200th

Since we just came off a three-issue arc (S175-177), the idea of S200 either anchoring or culminating in a major arc isn't that big a deal. In fact, ...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #177 Spoilers and Discussion

I'm waiting for my own copy to arrive, but two things: 1. It was WAAAAAAY back in S130, at the end of the Tossed in Space arc, that long-haired Sally...

18 years ago
RE: What were they thinking?

Not so unusual that an illustrator would do some writing. There have been stories in the past where Ken Penders did pretty much everything except the...

18 years ago
RE: I wanna spoil #176!

The point is, S176 was not a resolution of any kind. It felt like a huge set-up when I was done reading it, as if Neo-Knothole was actually some kind...

18 years ago
RE: What was Pender's problem?

As someone who followed Ken's writing pretty much from the top of his Sonic career: Ken had several problems that manifested themselves over time. O...

18 years ago
RE: I wanna spoil #176!

Another dispatch from the old -- Let's see, in S175 Sonic got beat up, the Egg Fleet attacked, and Robotnik zapped everybody. This time around Son...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #175 SPOILERS: The Unthinkable Happens

Quote:I'm still annoyed that Eggman just lets Sonic go at the end with no real explanation. Come on, give us SOMETHING, or else we're stuck with "...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #175 SPOILERS: The Unthinkable Happens

Sega has made it implicitly clear that no major character or game elements may be used in Sonic X Which is fine by me. That means no dueling violins...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #175 SPOILERS: The Unthinkable Happens

The Judge Dredd cover actually looked pretty impressive in a monochrome sort of way. But any cover featuring downlighting -- always a bad sign.

18 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #175 SPOILERS: The Unthinkable Happens

Purely an initial reaction: I should've known from Spaz's Frank Milleresque cover that this wasn't going to be a fun ride. It also explains the prev...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic # 170 review

Now THIS is more LIKE it! Ian is starting to build onto the continuity rather than showing some useless characters the door. 2007 may see him actual...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic # 168 Spoilers

If I may ask a polite question: WHO THE FRAG TOLD GARY BEDELL HE COULD DRAW??? :"> The art for "Courage and Honor" is some of the WOR...

18 years ago
RE: What are their motivations? (This one's for you, Ian)

I think the false binary of simple/complex is getting in the way here. Simple or not, when it comes to writing the only qualities that matter are BE...

19 years ago
RE: Good Guys that have tried to kill Sonic

Looks to me like the conflicts break down into three groups: good guys gone bad, bad guys in disguise, and noobs who have to learn who's the hero of t...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic X #14, #15, and SONIC #169 Previews!

"Forget super forms, they just need McAfee VirusScan." Well said. And I hope everybody understand that "penultimate" means "...

19 years ago
RE: Favorite Storyline

I still have to go with "Forbidden Zone" from the Knuckles comic. The characters were the best; too bad Ken never even TRIED to milk all th...

19 years ago
RE: If you could have a Non-Continuity Sonic Crossover...

I'd love to see some kind of Sonic/Miyazaki crossover, but I'm not sure how it would work. Maybe explaining that the Overlander population's roots co...

19 years ago
RE: Rumor question

Last version of the rumor I heard, it was going to be a D2V, but tht story was already a couple years old. If you ask me, half the rumors in the worl...

19 years ago
RE: StH #159 spoilers and discussion

Quote:in the back-upstory he has a nantie affect Bunnie after reuntiing her witn Ant, boy talk about going out the wrong way, but hopefully Ian will w...

19 years ago
RE: StH #159 spoilers and discussion

Quote:What is UP with that hair? His appearance... It literally changes from issue to issue. They're ruining everything, right down to the art. It isn...

19 years ago
RE: StH #159 spoilers and discussion

"Insidious," which I believe is the name of the Robotnik-ADAM back story, is first off story-telling at its worst: a heavy-handed exercise w...

19 years ago
RE: StH #158 spoilers and discussion

Quote:Too often on this book we're left guessing for so long that we just stop caring. THAT is ultimately why I bailed. Writers are supposed to make...

19 years ago
RE: StH #158 spoilers and discussion

No deus ex machina; just stupefyingly bad writing.

19 years ago
RE: StH #158 spoilers and discussion

Quote:Robotnik uses some kind of reset button to bring Mecha back under his control PLEASE tell me that this sequence isn't as lame as it sounds! ...

19 years ago
RE: Ken Penders says "Bygones"

Quote:[Ken's] recent arrogant belief in his own hype (mostly hype created by himself, too) eclipsed a lot of that as far as I was concerned. What did...

19 years ago
RE: SONIC #160 and SX #7 PREVIEWS!

Forget about the chronology and Bean and Bark, I'm trying to wrap my mind around: Quote:It Sonics birthday, and hes just been presented with the newl...

19 years ago
RE: Ken Penders says "Bygones"

Quote: I tried to talk Drazen into coming back. He said it's very possible. I can tell he wants to. Like a lot of you on this board, I have mixed e...

19 years ago
RE: Ken Penders says "Bygones"

Quote:I didn't really like the Princess Sally story Tania Del Rio did. The art was too much into "furry" territory, and it remains to be see...

19 years ago
RE: Please make a case for Sally being a FF

If "Ken wants to return the classic status quo," he's got a funny way of showing it. For me, the Freedom Fighter dynamic was lost a LONG ti...

19 years ago
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