Mobius Forum Archive

Darkest Light
Noble Member
Joined: Jun 1, 2001
Last seen: Jun 5, 2011
Topics: 7 / Replies: 1369
Re: Sonic #225 Preview - 20th Anniversary Special! ~Spoilers

However, I do have a nail biting question. Where'd Eggman get the rings from? Certainty not from Naugus's hoard. Since Lien-da works under him now, ...

13 years ago
Re: Guardian Heroes coming to XBLA, maybe PSN someday.

Yo I'm with Psx on this one. Take my damn money. I LOVED Guardian Heroes sooo much. Ginjirou all damn day. Unded Warrior craziness, and I STILL never...

13 years ago
Re: Sonic #225 Preview - 20th Anniversary Special! ~Spoilers

I got this issue, and I love it. However, I do have a nail biting question. Where'd Eggman get the rings from? Certainty not from Naugus's hoard. (si...

13 years ago
Re: Why the hell are YOU still here?

O.o I pop in from time to time and catch up (and stay abreast) of game media better than some other rabid forums I hit up. Plus, it would be the only ...

13 years ago
Re: SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #228 "Genesis" Part Three Preview

No, but they could do the Cover of Issue Four like the intro Screen to S&K with them back to back and the DEATH EGG LANDING ON FLOATING ISLAND! CA...

13 years ago
Re: SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #228 "Genesis" Part Three Preview

No, but they could do the Cover of Issue Four like the intro Screen to S&K with them back to back and the DEATH EGG LANDING ON FLOATING ISLAND! CA...

13 years ago
Re: Knuckles Chaotix isn't that bad.

I really loved Knux Chaotix. I was also one of the fools that bought a 32X mushroom shaped console attachment just for that game since nothing else on...

13 years ago
Re: Games you love, parts of it you don't.

Grandia: This game was known for having some large and confusing dungeons but Dom Ruins and the Underground Ruins of Zil Padon stand out. The problem ...

13 years ago
Re: Creepypasta?

Psxphile wins the thread. I LOVE those books Especially that pic from the dog story, Mega Creepypasta.

13 years ago
Re: Sonic #225 Preview - 20th Anniversary Special! ~Spoilers

:/ Im guessing people have this issue already. :/ Granted, spoilers are up. I dun care who dies. I just wanna know, is there a view of the Great Hil...

13 years ago

Ultra. Naa I was before Cooki then, I remember posting about Ish 37 and Mecha Madness :/ :p

13 years ago

o.O..I dunno when mine is since I got shuttled away :o... O snap. Its next month. Who knew? Noo....that's not right. Uhh when did Cooki start. I was...

13 years ago
13 years ago
RE: Sonic FCBD 2011 Preview and Discussions! Spoilers!

I missed thsi issue and to be honest, I'm really mad at myself. I would like to view this issue, see the bios and all >>.

13 years ago
RE: Sonic Legacy and Two Other Graphic Novels Announced

I wonder what is in the Legacy Series, because that is what interests me. As one who already has all the Knuckles series, I dun think purchasing it ag...

13 years ago
RE: Matilda the Armadillo

ROTF Is that my boy Randy from Guardian Heroes?

13 years ago
RE: National Endowment for the Arts: Video games are valid art form

Time time time. 4 games per system? And they pick Zwei AND Saga? Saga, Yes. Zwei..ehh that could have found a better game for the Saturn :/ Hell X-Men...

13 years ago
RE: Thor

Pachamac wrote:Darkest Light wrote:O crap. The after credits scene. I gotta seee it :/ Damn, I dun wanna sit through Thor to get my after credits Marv...

13 years ago
RE: Thor

O crap. The after credits scene. I gotta seee it :/ Damn, I dun wanna sit through Thor to get my after credits Marvel Scene :/

13 years ago
RE: Mofo Memories

Lol Yeah I really miss Vortex's Box XD. I'd stay up Fridays just waiting for him to post it. And the Sailorness Disease. Nothing like this Little pony...

13 years ago
RE: Sonic Genesis Cover

Eggman trying to control Chaos? Yeah we saw that in Iss. 81-84? No seriously. I dun think he'll win again, more like he'll end up thinking he won, ...

13 years ago
RE: Sonic Universe #30 Solicits and Discussions! Spoilers!

Psxphile wrote:Every time I see Scourge and Fiona together I can't help but see it as a bizarre perversion of the Sonic/Tails relationship. Isn't...

13 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #227 Solicits and Discussions! Spoilers!

Hi Wolvie :o. To add: Wait, how the heck did we skip 226 >>. Must still want that under wraps. But yes, the solicit seals teh deal.I wonder i...

13 years ago
RE: Sonic Universe #27 Previews and Discussions! Spoilers!

Yay its already out I can go gets it./ Bout time the Comics were both on the same cycle so I didn't have to go get them 2 weeks from each other.

13 years ago
RE: The Epic Crossover Images Thread (56k = LOLno)

I am nuclearly impressed by teh amount of Win. Im saving teh whole thread.

13 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Finished Pokemon Black and organizing my Pokedex now, as well as who I wanna make into competitive whoopassery. Also got my transitioning Pokes lined ...

13 years ago
RE: Nintendo 3DS , the DS successor

Hiro. Excuse me? Where do you live? I NEED that type of deal in my life....Is this for games or for 3DS's :O?

13 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #225 Preview and Discussions! Spoilers! The Death Egg returns!

Hrm. After reading all those other threads today, Yeah I'm still sticking with my House of M correlation. We all know how that turned out.

14 years ago
RE: Sonic Genesis Cover

I'm going for House of M-hence my Wanda Maximoff equivalency to this. Ultimates is mixed..but generally a downer.

14 years ago
RE: Scourge Returns Arc: Sonic Universe 29 Preview

You know what. With the Reboot happening, it would be great to see Evil Sonic. Mainly because I feel he's going to play an extraordinary role in the R...

14 years ago
RE: 'Sailor Moon' to be republished! 'Sailor V' to have English language debut!

o.O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Fangirl scream* This is beyond awesome., I never finished my SM series mainly because of the fact that I never ...

14 years ago
RE: bow to the awsome wonder woman!

>_> I was gonna contribute to the convo, then I saw that Pony Image. I refuse to post now. u_u

14 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #225 Preview and Discussions! Spoilers! The Death Egg returns!

Should we post out theories on what 225 is about? Im sure we all have crazy theories.

14 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #223 Preview and Discussions! Spoilers!

This is fantastic, and I really am excited for Sonic again. However., Last preview panel-Sally looks like a Lego XD.

14 years ago
RE: FACT: Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has been announced!

TR-explain. I thought they'd just come on an expansion pack you'd buy and download when you hooked yer X360 to the web? Psx: Ok. I know that list is ...

14 years ago
14 years ago
RE: Nintendo 3DS , the DS successor

Yes. This is what I'm taking about. Access to concrete classics. Whoa Pokemon Red all over again, lol.

14 years ago
RE: Shenmue III?!?

o.O ::Looks at Shenmue DC game:: ::Looks at Saturn Collection:: Uhhh no Shenmue for Saturn Hiro

14 years ago
RE: Thundercats are on the Loose (Again)

When does it air? I'm super not convinced and Panthro wasn't even in the preview! REALLY not liking Cheetara ;_; I do hope this is fixed..but yay for ...

14 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #224 Solicits and Discussions! Spoilers!

If there was , I blanked it out cause they probably made it a dream sequence. I figured since they actually knighted him so long ago, let's make use o...

14 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #223 Preview and Discussions! Spoilers!

The fact the Eggman gets an Emerald from Feist BOTHERS ME! But not in a bad way. Now we have what...4 Emeralds available for Sonic to get. OMG MY DREA...

14 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #224 Solicits and Discussions! Spoilers!

Yeap. And its about time-I was wondering if they left that game in the dust, but I knew Sega woulda pushed for it.

14 years ago
RE: FACT: Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has been announced!

Cyclops is gonna be there. Its made for his corny butt. Prolly Cyke and Mega :O I dunno why Gambit is not there yet either...He's had major developmen...

14 years ago
RE: Nintendo 3DS , the DS successor

:/ Yeah nothing noteworthy. Wish somehow they'd made a third game in the Guardian Heroes storyline, I wasn't too much a fan of GH Advance..

14 years ago
RE: Road Runner 3D: Coyote Falls. Old show, new gags.

Yea seriously. I havent seen a LT cartoon in over 5 years. And Roadrunner is my fav, that's pretty danged awesome right there.

14 years ago
RE: FACT: Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has been announced!

NO. No Robo. Thor is lamer than flat soda on a summer day. I retract Hsien -ko only partially cause I just got her ending, that took a bit of wo...

14 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #225 Preview and Discussions! Spoilers! The Death Egg returns!

She will. Im sure everyone will make a massive power play..and the end result will be Eggman "winning" for now-OMFG I hope I'm right, so far it seems ...

14 years ago
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