I don't care if Archie treated him badly. I don't want him to win since it could potentially destroy the book. I don't think that he deserves copyrig...
There's more news. Complaint Claims BioWare Approached Penders for Help on Sonic Chronicles The lawsuit Ken Penders filed against Sega and Electronic...
I can't see Penders having enough money to go up against both Sega and EA.
This just in Penders is now suing Sega and EA Games over Sonic Chronicles. Former Sonic comic writer and artist Ken Penders has filed a civil lawsuit ...
It's weird that even though Penders is paranoid about Archie's lawyers spying on his forum, he continues to let people talk about the copyright case o...
So Penders is living off unemployment, yet he's working on that web series "The Republic". So technically he's not unemployed. Truth be tol...
I really doubt that Archie's all that worried about Penders copyrights which are on shaky grounds legally. Plus a lot of things that Penders has said ...
I refuse to it the Death Egg. Since it's really the EggDome, I think that it should be called the Death Dome.
I thought that of the mini-series only the Knuckles mini-series was any good. The Sally mini-series has a weak story. Sega made Penders rewrite the st...
Poor Fiona is wearing a prison outfit.smiley: frown
Yes according to Penders, Archie's legal team spies on his forum, and some of what's been said on the forum has shown up in legal documents. Anyw...
Where did this latest excerpt come from? It's part of one of his replies on his forum. What he said about Sega possibly not o...
Now Penders is saying that Sega might not even own the rights to the "Satam" characters. While SEGA owns the characters and concepts it creates - Soni...
I don't think that Penders will win. Anyway most of the Echidnas look way too much like Knuckles for him to say that they are original characters.
I still don't think that Penders has a strong enough case to win. Almost all of his copyrights are for story, and art. None of them mention him actual...
I still don't get this. Penders can't use Angel Island. He can't use Sonic or Knuckles. He'll be able to use Julie-Su, but without Knuckles, she...
Now that some of the facts are starting to come to light via recent filings with the court, and are being posted elsewhere, I can discuss some issues ...
I first come across the comic back in 2002. My first issue was #108. I soon fell in love with the characters and the storyline. And the Archie Sonic c...
... t-lawsuit/ Two former artists on the Archie Comics Sonic series have filed statements supplementing Ken Penders’ pending motion to dismi...
I'm glad that it's only four issues, plus I'm glad that it's not really a reboot. The comic is perfect the way it is.
Hopefully a certain foxy lady that we all know, and love will part a part in this story arc.
Here's some more news on Penders legal battle with Archie. TSSZ News has obtained through sources copies of two work for hire agreements Archie Comic...
but Archie took no steps to object to the applications, and failed to provide the Copyright Office with copies of any agreements that would disp...
My money's on the timeline being reset after the previous issue. Oh well. The SatAM verse and the Archie comics extension at least had a fun run and a...
I hope that no one minds me bumping this thread. The attorney representing Ken Penders against a lawsuit brought by Archie Comics is attempting to ...
This was a cute issue. But I feel bad for Nicole. Some people want her to be shutdown. The backup story where Knuckles talks to Dimitri was great. I f...
may or may not bring the comics closer to the games.I hope that it doesn't bring the comics closer to the games. I like the way the comic is now...
Sally appears in the previews for Genesis, so she's safe. I'm playing my bets on King Max. I hope that it's not Fiona though I doubt that she'l...
Does Bob Repas really think that they are going to win this? Penders does not have a legel leg to stand on. Everything in the book belongs to Sega.
I hope that Sally's not the one that will betray Sonic. I can't wait to see Lien-Da's new look.