Mobius Forum Archive

Noble Member
Joined: Feb 25, 2008
Topics: 104 / Replies: 1217
RE: SATam DVD release?

hey i ordered a SatAM dvd off ebay a coulple of days ago. its legal, what they do is they video the show. plus i only pay $45 for mine. EDIT: here i...

19 years ago
RE: #155 Arrives (Here There Be Spoilers!)

. . . . what. . . . . hold on back up. Sonic and Sally have been together for a decade. Now archie has stepped on the history of SatAM. now Sonics a...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

The clockwork titan lay there, unmoving and silent, except for the light whirr as a dim light in its head moved, scanning.

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

The human didn't even flinch as the cat went for him. Amber was caught in midair by White, and pinned to the ground. She fought viciously against th...

19 years ago
RE: The Buried World

Ren shrugged as she reached the bed. "Not at all. It's kind of...lovely..." Finally, Ren's exhaustion caught up with her, and she fainted...

19 years ago
RE: Interesting picture.....

What the heck is this?!Ahhhh

19 years ago
RE: Collision

Beige was becoming a little frantic, as she called out, "wait, don't go!" It seemed she didn't want to be alone with Mega, and whatever it ...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

Dr. Mobius moved his arms as he spoke. "Your confusion and fear are understandable. This has never happened before. But, I can assure you that...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

It took several minutes of traveling down corridors before the power started to come back on. The restored lighting made traveling quite a bit easier...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

The body of Ivalice moved a little. "DEFENSE MODE ENGAGED." A force field was generated from his body, putting itself between the anomaly ...

19 years ago
RE: Collision

Beige shook her head. "I've no idea. I was on my way home from summer school, when everything went crazy!" She glanced around suddenly, h...

19 years ago
RE: Shrek 3 and Shrek 4 and other future movies

as you wish, my lord. websites: The Movie Insider The Game Insider ill make links once i finish my first chapter on

19 years ago
RE: Shrek 3 and Shrek 4 and other future movies

Three other Movies coming out is: The Simpsons:the movie. (200 Dragonball z (200 Madagasger 2 (2007?) Simpsons movie should be good.

19 years ago
RE: The Buried World

Farris fired at the zombies coming nearer to him, holding them at bay while his eyes darted around the room for more of those ghosts. He couldn't see...

19 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 21
RE: The Buried World

After firing bullets into the heads of a couple of the zombies, then watching them get back up again, Farris understood what Kage was doing. "Ge...

19 years ago
RE: The Buried World

Farris was nervous to be by himself with Kage. He felt a kind of hidden hostility from the man. Still, the fact that if anything happened to him bot...

19 years ago
RE: The Buried World

Because Kage was so close to it, he was bowled over as the Duke charged! "Damien!!" Ren shouted upon seeing his limp form. Farris lifted ...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

Gem stopped, and looked up. "We made it." The 'Happy Little Pet Shop' loomed above them. It was a small, one-story building. The front d...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

OOC: Yeah, Wraith, that's right. I tossed out the first phrase that made sense to me. I edited it to be correct. IC: Ivalice2 and Ivalice3 were c...

19 years ago
RE: Collision

Beige's mind may have been at ease about Mercury and Chorona, but she still couldn't look at Mega with anything but terror. "I - it's a...pleasu...

19 years ago
19 years ago
RE: need a bit of help

another question. How do i make a picture that goes under the Username and custom title.

19 years ago
RE: Screw you Sonic X.

Sonic x and STC are targeting a younger audience than Archie Sonic. I used too collect STC long ago but when I got my first Archie Sonic iss (#127) i ...

19 years ago
RE: Post Your Character Profiles Here

Yeah heres my profile Name: Shendu the Hedgehog Age: Unknown Gender: Male Species: Dragon like Hedgehog Eye Colour: Red Fur colour: Dark Red He...

19 years ago
RE: SATam DVD release?

off topic questions 1) is a pg-13 the amerian version of a english 12a? 2)i just want to know if SatAM is suitable for a 12 year old. 3)and if it is...

19 years ago
RE: My First Fanatic (no flames).

sorry for this fic. a admin please close this topic.

19 years ago
RE: Automatic ShadAmy (funny)

harley read the rules plz, it says dont write anything that you wouldent let a 10 year old read. you made Sonic unemotional and. . . well you know wh...

19 years ago
RE: My First Fanatic (no flames).

ok shadow hog you are out Craig Bayfield you and Chaos xshadow swap If you dont like the way i made you tell me and ill change it. Chapter 1: the pl...

19 years ago
RE: The Buried World

As the Duke advanced, its mouth twitching in anticipation, it stepped right on top of a Flare Trap Ren had just set up! FOOM! If it was mad before, ...

19 years ago
RE: Festival of Fun (NEW PLAYERS WELCOME - see FIRST post)

Matilda's face was horribly pale, there was a cold sweat covering her body, and she was breathing heavily. She was shaking, her mouth moving rapidly,...

19 years ago
RE: Collision

OOC: I have decided to act upon the cliffhanger Mega left. Character profile first! Name: Beige Description: Human female, 16 years old. Has blond ...

19 years ago
RE: My First Fanatic (no flames).

1)its my first fic 2)i was in a rush ill edit it later 3)if people dont want too be in it tell me otherwise ill use you. 4)why, do you think craig is ...

19 years ago
Replies: 14
Views: 19
RE: What could've been (STH: One Year Later)

1) i think it was ian porto who said i think we can see sonic and sally back together sooner than we think. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2) i...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic X #2 (Spoilers)

you are a joking! i think its this

19 years ago
RE: What could've been (STH: One Year Later)

well said . Sonic/Amy? no Karl, i am glad to see him go. hes left for good(hopefully) and take your crap ideas for sonic back too your hut. too bad ...

19 years ago
RE: music request

I live in Great Britain not the U.S

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

***Team 1*** Gem looked around the road, then led the group down another street. "I'm starting to think that when it comes to us and humans, n...

19 years ago
RE: music request

i need something thats quick, simple, legal, mp3 song there was only one mp3 file on sonicHQ and that was Live and Learn which i dl. i would like open...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

OOC: I was going to edit it, but I went to bed before I could read the reply. Now that things have moved on, I'll leave it be. I'll try to do things...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic cd is overrated

so. . . . you think its overated, so what. its your opinion and you are entitled to have it. for example, quite a few people didn't like Sonic Heroes ...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic #158 and SX #5 Preview

i said you can post if you want, im not stopping you. also i know you talk about issues here and so do i, i just think its too in future. lets just di...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic #158 and SX #5 Preview

i never said it was useless i said it will be useful later, soon this topic will be important. btw i said locked as a joke because its too far in the ...

19 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 19
RE: Sonic:Dark Memories

can i be in it heres my profile: Btw this is my own charcter o.k if you need it. This villian which i would like too be is like Ixis Naughus type vill...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic #158 and SX #5 Preview

this is in 4 issues time this topic will be useful later but we should focus on the next 2 iss or so. people do not understand the reveiw, we'll have ...

19 years ago
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