Mobius Forum Archive

Dirk Amoeba
Noble Member
Joined: Jan 21, 2004
Topics: 43 / Replies: 1394
RE: Teeth

see also:

18 years ago
Replies: 16
Views: 68
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ Is a base < is an acid v Wants to watch our titration, the sicko.

18 years ago
RE: Which comic characters do you hate?

I'm not sure exactly what you mean by hating them Do you mean characters that we wish were not in the book, or character that you "love to hate,&...

18 years ago
RE: Scientology

That's quite a difficult question to answer, but I've never heard anyone claim Constantine as the founder of Catholicism. And I find it difficult to C...

18 years ago
RE: Scientology

Vec, how do you figure Constantine as the founder of Catholicism?

18 years ago
RE: The Church, State, Pledge and **Your Body**

I suppose I must have been given the wrong impression then, because I've never attended to public school and I'm basing it on what I've heard from fri...

18 years ago
RE: The Church, State, Pledge and **Your Body**

Personally, I loved my catholic high school, not because it was academically better than the local public schoos (whcih it was), but for various other...

18 years ago
RE: Scientology

This is the Marbe Garden, Cyc. In Marble Garden we have no place for your "facts." please take them eslewhere.

18 years ago
RE: What are their motivations? (This one's for you, Ian)

Do you remember in Sonic Adventure 2 when Sonic and Shadow are running side-by-side, talking to ona another before they begin to fight each other as a...

18 years ago
RE: The Church, State, Pledge and **Your Body**

I've gone to catholic school for thirteen years and I've never seen anyone marginalized by the students or the faculty because they did not believe in...

18 years ago
RE: What are their motivations? (This one's for you, Ian)

Shadow's motivations aren't "interesting" or "complicated." They're nonsensical. He has never been consistently charcterized within the games or comic...

18 years ago
RE: What are their motivations? (This one's for you, Ian)

Seconded. I think the characters' motivations are fairly clear and mostly work as they are right now. And they don't need to be complicated in order t...

18 years ago
RE: Scientology

Scientology is very difficult to take seriously. I try to keep an open mind as much as possible, but I find myself hindered by the fact that Hubbard s...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic X #14, #15, and SONIC #169 Previews!

It irritates me that Archie doesn't use Super Sonic often enough. Or, in fact, ever. I don't remember the last time Super Sonic made a real appearance...

18 years ago
RE: What are their motivations? (This one's for you, Ian)

I think that the Sega version of Eggman is quite clearly motivated mainly by ego. That is probably also partially true of the Archie Robotnik.

18 years ago
RE: Planet Pluto(1930 -2006)

Actually, there are several dozen dwarf planets in our solar system. Possibly hundreds.

18 years ago
RE: What are their motivations? (This one's for you, Ian)

Excellent first topic. Welcome to the MoFo. Quickly addressing Rotor, we do know a bit about his motivation because we've seen how Robotnik's coup af...

18 years ago
RE: The Church, State, Pledge and **Your Body**

Somebody help me! I am being opressed by Cyc's commonly-held majority belief! Seriously, though. Saying that a democracy would favor a majority relig...

18 years ago
RE: The Church, State, Pledge and **Your Body**

Quote:As an American, I live in what is supposed to be a democracy, and in a true democracy, I should feel confident that our very government will not...

18 years ago
RE: The Church, State, Pledge and **Your Body**

::sigh:: how often do we have to go through this? Quote:In fact, in the first amendment of our very constitution, we as citizens are promised by our...

18 years ago
RE: I know you heard about this, but this might be good news.

It's from the SatAM article on Wikipedia. Therefore anybody could have written and embellished it. The Archie and SatAM articles on Wikipedia in par...

18 years ago
RE: I made a topic and it's not important.

I don't know a lot about you. I've always known that you exist and are generally liked around here. I've only been here (in full force) for about 18 m...

18 years ago
RE: Wonderbat's Official Snakes on a Plane IS HERE thread

I did nothing, aside fro the occasional cheering, clapping and laughing. By the by, I'm a few years older than you, if your profile is accurate.

18 years ago
RE: Wonderbat's Official Snakes on a Plane IS HERE thread

I wih I could say I loved it. But I don't know. Because I got kicked out. My friends and I were clapping and cheering, and the people behind us wer...

18 years ago
RE: The Source of All *SPOILERS*

Well, he did immerse himself in the Source when he was young. Whether that had any real effect other than ritual isn't exactly clear. If any such effe...

18 years ago
RE: The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny.

MFC would be a better place if more topics had in their subject line the capitalized name of a bodily fluid. I move for "[BILE]" to be adde...

18 years ago
RE: StH #165 Spoilers and Discussion

Quote:Anyway, it's not fair to compare the Fire Vs. Ice thing to Pokemon because they didn't invent the concept of elements and they certainly didn't ...

18 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ continued the pattern < Broke another pattern V Will probably restore the pattern

18 years ago
RE: Lets discuss... Comics.

Some of those I've seen a bit of, and some I haven't. My current favorite is Sam and Fuzzy by Sam Logan. It's a lot of fun and has an ongoing story t...

18 years ago
RE: StH#168 &amp; SX#13 - Previews

That really isn't the point. The point is shooting down speculation.

18 years ago
RE: StH#168 &amp; SX#13 - Previews

Not so much, I admit. I don't have a problem with Ian clarifying things. The problem I have is that he shot down the SatAM-Robotnik speculation befor...

18 years ago
RE: StH#168 &amp; SX#13 - Previews

Am I the only one who is tired of having lines of speculation prematurely shot down because "Ian said this" and "Ian said that?" I might find the comi...

18 years ago
RE: StH #165 Spoilers and Discussion

GBU suffered from the same problem as almost every other similar plot point: it was made out to be of huge importance, then went unmentioned for a cou...

18 years ago
RE: StH #165 Spoilers and Discussion

Picking nits, as of today Ivan Kintobor is 2 months, 4 days old (born 6/6/06, remember?). The Xorda attack won't occur until Kintobor's an adult, prob...

18 years ago
RE: StH #165 Spoilers and Discussion

How do we know he's dead? All we know is that Rouge assumes him to be dead.

18 years ago
RE: StH #165 Spoilers and Discussion

That's not mo much a continuity error as a simple coloring error.

18 years ago
RE: StH #165 Spoilers and Discussion

I think it's just for the sake of Dichotomy.

18 years ago
Replies: 62
Views: 543
RE: Bye, Bye E3

Um. For one of the three major console makers... E3 was nothing short of a GODSEND.

18 years ago
RE: sonic music! (and leagal too :p)

Quote:and I whould NEVER sell Inleagal cd's for money. That's good. I have no problem with people downloading illegal music, as long as they know tha...

18 years ago
RE: Who's going to COMIC CON?

Best thing ever? Just might be

18 years ago
RE: most dissapointing issue ever!

Quote:Just because it's a milestone issue and Mike Pellerito was hyping it for the LAST 10 issues before it came out doesn't mean it has to be more th...

18 years ago
RE: StH#168 &amp; SX#13 - Previews

Quote:yeah, it is. because normally the whole world/universe is at stake, so i can imagine it would be. You miss the point. Only one threat can be th...

18 years ago
RE: StH#168 &amp; SX#13 - Previews

Well, in DBZ, each threat is hailed as the greatest ever. I wonder if any of the Z fighters ever stopped to marvel at the luck they have that each t...

18 years ago
RE: StH#168 &amp; SX#13 - Previews

Silly Sam. It's an homage to Dragon Ball Z. Like everything else in Sonic.

18 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ Continued the boring alphabet trend < Refuses to continue the boring alphabet trend V Is probably upset about the boring alphabet trend having be...

18 years ago
RE: sonic music! (and leagal too :p)

OBJECTION! It's not legal. I don't object to the downloads. I object to your claim that they are legal.

18 years ago
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