Mobius Forum Archive

DragonQuest Dude
New Member
Joined: Aug 17, 2001
Topics: 0 / Replies: 4
RE: Microsoft To Sony: 'Oh Yeah! Well You're A Doodyhead!'

I don't think spyware and virii writers have yet exploited the root-kit, what the root-kit has been exploited for was MMORPG game hacking that come wi...

19 years ago
RE: Headin' down to the happiest place on Earth...

Becareful with your pay and benefits.. Disney has the reputation of being the kind of job where "You work here because you like it here, you c...

19 years ago
RE: Electro-Smog and the Vatican

My Lamp is possessed by ghosts!! No wait.. electromagnetic waves. Cancer card I have a feeling will be played against them as well.

19 years ago
RE: Please Post Character Profiles Here

---Basic Profile--- Name: Hiroshi Zelanda Age: 20 (Current) Height: 5'9 Species: Human/Fox Alingment: Chaotic-Nuetral Abilities: Strong Dark and wi...

23 years ago