** wins while you chat **
It's time for evening tea! ** shot for using English stereotype **
Strangely enough, the Japanese site still has only Eggman and Amy as the "secret characters". The other characters (Shadow, Rouge, Cream a...
Seen it. Loved it but it was too friggin' long. 😛
Who would have thought Mr. Rogers had it in him....
You didn't understand. I dragged you into a dark alley, without anything you mentioned, thus you were killed. Got it? ^_^
World War 2 would have still occurred because the conflicts that created the first war were still present. One notable difference is that there would...
Your curry rice was burning.
Later, Dreamer of Nights killed stairmaster in a dark, hidden alley because he got reminded of the lack of presents on Christmas.
I live in the future. Yay!
A: No games Q: What stuff, besides videogames, did you get for Christmas/Hannukah/Kwuanza/whatever holiday you last celebrated?
Hablas espaol?
The British Forumers had theirs four hours ago (EST) Our Australian forumers had theirs a long time ago (like more than 12 hours ago), so Happy New...
They might be available via "If you have a save for such and such game, you'll get these so and so characters". It happened before. 😛
And thus, that was the last post we had received from Darkest Light. May his soul rest in peace. ** moment of silence ** ... So what else is new?
Two things: 1) Professor Coldheart == Mr. Creosote 2) I R TEH WINZORR!
I started to post here because I wanted information on Sonic Heroes (back in 2003) :p
Don't give these guys any crazy ideas @ Terg.
Nice avatar, Ric. And what the bosses said in regards to the topic.
Quote:Now...just hope no one fires an anti-air missile at himThat SHOULD be the LEAST of his concerns. ** is still angry to the fact he has forgotten...
you mean yourself, right? oooouuuhhhhh!!!
meh == winnah!
I'd like to see a NiGHTS into Dreams theme, please. 🙂 If not... Quote:Quote: MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 THEME. Seriously, I can't stress it enou...
Santa shouldn't be participating in any sort of game. He should be looking at an angry me for not bringing me my copy of NiGHTS and my Saturn. Now, ...
Quote:It's not exactly right to make more spin-offs when your main series is in trouble. ** Thirds or fourths or umpteenths the motion. **
Relax darling, as there is a Sonic the Hedgehog in the works. I doubt Sega would release a sequel to Sonic Heroes before. Then again, I wouldn't be ...
I think he wants to setup a controller with the game which is done before playing the game. It doesn't make sense to adjust it when the game runs unl...
1) Make sure your Sonic Heroes disc is in the computer. If not, insert the disc and let it run (if it has autoplay active). Make sure your joystick ...
Quote:Discussion about racism pisses me off because everyone always tries to figure out what group is a bigger victim of it. The way I see it, sh-t fl...
Mega, I don't hate you. ... That is all. o.o And what everyone else has had said. o.o; @ Rico's proposal.
I heard about this about two weeks ago and your responses were the same ones I had when I read that article. And, GALE'S GHOST HATH RETURHNETH!!! **...
** steals your win along with an order of fish 'n chips **
What does "FTW" mean? ?_?;
Can someone list the commands available as of right now for the elitechat?
** offers holy water and a cross ** o.o; @ Chibirini's offer.
Quote:Remember, this is the "What Not To Say Game" (that I ressurected after the EzBarfHack), so it has to include a quote... The "toughen up!" was t...
The purpose of the Supreme Court is to interpret law. The way you wish the Supreme Court to be was not phantomed by the founding fathers. The reason...
For a mere moment, I thought Cheney was resigning. And yea, I find that very ironic too.
You are going to Spain? o.o;
And the fact that the game was during the week, would not help on viewership either.
What'cha doin' next week?
What's "next sweets"? Engrish strikes Sonikku!
And they probably will end up having a drought until the next century. }:D ** shot **
Spoilers (Select To Read) ans sophisticated and stoned? (End of sentence). But we already know what happened later.