Mobius Forum Archive

Drew Mears
Eminent Member
Joined: Sep 12, 2006
Topics: 0 / Replies: 49
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

As the doctor began to sew Drew's strange wound, the young man looked on how the old fox worked. He was beginning to understand the strange fate he wa...

17 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

Drew nodded at Otis, and sat down, holding his wound again. "Well, I now understand that there are probably a lot of these guys out there, and th...

17 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

"Can't say anyone taught me how to fight but myself. Until now, I never did have to worry about getting hurt in battle, so I always threw myself ...

17 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

"Don't worry Otis, i'll be fine once the fighting's done. I just need some time to lick my wounds." He grimaced, and gave the old feline a t...

17 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

Drew was steadily passing in and out of conscious. Who was this white haired guy, and why was he so so...strong and...crazy? He looked down-his woun...

17 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

Drew's eyes darted around. "Ugh." He was leaning against a broken table, everything he could do to keep his guts in his stomach. "Jus...

17 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

Drew looked at the new Orderling, and smiled, raising his right hand-the only finger up being his middle finger. "Here's what I think of your O...

17 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

He hit the ground-and blood started gushing out of his wound. "Jesus! What the hell is wrong with you?!" He shouted back to the psychopath....

17 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

"Lady," Drew rasped, his hand convulsing from the energy in his arm. He eventually let go, his hand scarred and burned. "I'm just the w...

17 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

The body of the man in Otis' arms moved. If the old cat had noticed, the blood would have already stopped-the wound however, would still be open. Some...

17 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

Another swing-she dodged-and it hit. The blade pierced Drew's chest as his blade fell inches from the woman's face-inches from a fatal blow. She had...

17 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

"Otis, stay out of this!" His face turned to reveal a man full of rage and anger. For the first time, he looked angry-not happy or kind. &qu...

17 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

No more jokes. The time for questions, the time for talking was over. All that mattered to the man now was blood-this woman's blood. The force of his ...

17 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

Drew stopped cold. "You...killed...children?" Feelings rushed and surged throughout his body-his face turning pale with shock, and slowly ga...

17 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

"Don't have time for it? What, you schedule random acts of murder? Do you have a business card and a secretary so I can reschedule fighting you?&...

17 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

"Don't worry pops-I have a plan." Drew winked at the old cat and gave him a thumbs up. "Acting like a complete idiot and nearly getting...

17 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

"Hey lady, just because I got a bit of facial hair doesn't make me old, alright?" There it was-humor again. What was the plan,to kill his en...

17 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

Drew looked over to the newcomer, who had decided to stroll in amongst the dead and grab some liquor. "Jesus, who in this world isn't freaking bo...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

"Again with people calling me an Overlander. I don't believe I came from any anything of that sort. I mean, what is up with that...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

"Heroes?" He looked over at Otis. "The old cat may be, but i'm just the old, 'wrong guy in the wrong place' kind of fellow." He ...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

Drew looked back at Otis and nodded. "Sounds like trouble." His hand went to grasp the hilt of his blade, and started a walk towards the s...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

Drew looked back at Otis, and shrugged. "I know a few yarns, most that...well, you probably wouldn't get or understand." He continued down...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

"Here we are, on the road again!" Drew exclaimed, following Otis. Of course, Otis had probably never heard of the song that Drew was loosely...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

Drew nodded. "Trust me, back home, I walked all the time. Well, not all the time, sometimes we drove, but the majority of the time I was walking....

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

"Alright, alright. Even if I tried to find the place, I wouldn't find it. I need someone who knows the area, and any information helps." H...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

"Knothole, eh? Sounds good." Drew shrugged off the fact that he would be "killed", and kept down the path. "So, what direct...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

"Coincidence? Or maybe it's fate, eh?" He looked at Otis. "I planned on goin' to a larger town or city, a place that might have more in...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

Drew nearly jumped out of his skin as Otis approached him. "OH!" He turned around. "O-tis, right?" He eyed the cat warily for a ...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

Drew kept on his path, having no idea where he was going. Drew wasn't exactly 'famous' for a good sense of direction. On the contrary, Drew was always...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

Once again, Drew was alone. Well, alone in a town full of the dead and wounded, at least. "I don't belong here..." he muttered. It wasn't hi...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

Drew sighed, and looked around. He was never much of a healer, so he decided it was best for the wounded if he stayed away from them. He wasn't much o...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

"...You actually mean I need to study?" Drew shook his head. "I don't have time for that!" He stood back up. "I guess i'll ju...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

Drew looked down. "Well, to be honest, I actually..." He looked up at the sky. "I absolutely know nothing." --- Delios smiled a...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

Drew placed a hand at his chin and began tapping. "Hmm, well, being a new face, anything I should know? Like, the big do's and dont's?" --...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

"It's just a figure of speech, friend." Drew was tapping his own blade with a finger. "I got the ol' Cross Sabre a while back. I think ...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

Drew chuckled. "I guess you could say i'm from another nation." He kicked a small rock, pacing a bit. "So, your name's Blade, eh? That ...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

Drew sighed. "Truth is, i'm not from around here." Drew looked up at the sky. "Really, really really not from around here." He s...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

Drew nodded. "Well, I can defiantly use some practice with my sword play. It's been a while since i've actually used the blade in actual combat.&...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

"Robots?" Drew raised an eyebrow. "What kind of robots are we talking about? The huge big scary crush you kind? Or the humanoid laser c...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

"Well, back home I was..." Drew shook his head. "Nevermind." He didn't feel like delving into the past, seeing how literally painf...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

Drew nodded at Otis' comment. "Maybe I can stick around for a bit, just until this whole thing blows over." He looked around at the people. ...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

Drew nodded. "Thanks. I guess lightning rarely strikes twice anyways." He looked around. "I'd hate to take advantage of a bad situation...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

Drew sighed and sat down on the ground, tapping the basket hilt of his own blade. "So, this...mass murderer is a new thing then?" He shook...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

"My name's Drew Mears. I'm...well, to tell the truth, i'm undeniably and completely lost. I spent three days lost in a swamp, and now I wind up i...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

"Christ on a candlestick..." Drew muttered. "What are we in, The Crusades Mach two?" He shook his head. "I mean, all of thi...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

It wasn't long until Drew found himself in the midst of the destruction in the town. "Dear god!" Drew exclaimed, nearly falling flat on his ...

18 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

"Note to self...don't build the house in a swamp." These were the words of a young man, well, a young human man. Well, one could say "m...

18 years ago
RE: No More Heroes

The man nearly jumped as he heard Chay whisper to him. "Huh?" he asked quietly, moving towards the fox. "What is it?" the man asked, keeping his hea...

18 years ago
RE: No More Heroes

More slums, more trash, more cities. In all actuality, the man looked like a bum, torn clothing, wearing a raggidy cloak around him like a pancho. It ...

18 years ago