Basically, I figure by then Nintendo will have a peripheral for literally everything that isn't necessary. For example, you can get the same effe...
Sonic only has 3 years left!?!?!?!?!?! Um.... Yes?
I think people acknowledged it, maybe watched a video about it or checked out Sonic Channel, and then went about their business. Maybe in 3 years it w...
Hooray and Happy Birthday to Sonic. 17 years and he's still running.... (strong?). I'm gonna play my favorite Sonic game today to ce...
Sorry about the double post, but either I'm just dumb or I can't delete a double post. Either way, I'm a noob. ^_^
Oh well. Sorry about that. I'm obviously not keeping up with things.
I hope I'm not repeating a link. At least I'm pretty sure no one has directed us to this yet, but there's a new video showing more of j...
Yes he does... in 80 days. Which would be pretty slow for Sonic, but educational for all!
I am taking all this in with a shaker of salt. I wanna play this before buying. Does look purdy though. My thoughts exactly. You can't tell h...
I wonder what crazy awesome multiplayer/party games the Wii version will have...
Hmm sorry. I don't know why that didn't work. But it's number 2 of the 10 screenshots. It doesn't remind me of Knothole because th...
So does this place remind anyone else of Knothole Village?
You're not missin' much. ^_^
looks like a long, long awaited return to speed-based platforming - well, apart from the fact that at night Sonic turns into a werehog.The first half ... Wow I really like that. It reminds of me of the 3D Blast (Saturn) soundtrack more than anything.
Very nice find. I'm actually excited for this game now, because it may be the fan service I've been waiting for.
Quote:Seems it's like 1996 again. Hehe, yeah. Wasn't NiD Sega's attempted combatant against Mario 64? Not that I'm saying JoD is their attempt agai...
Quote:Let's have a Panzer Dragoon character take up the racket for the lulz, they were always so serious Azel could be a ref, or a ball retriever.
I snagged a "NiGHTS JOD Behind the Scenes DVD" at work (GameStop) today. We're giving them out as an incentive for people to reserve the ga...
I think Japan just has a larger fanbase for this game than the US, and I guess larger than the UK as well. As many gamers as I hang out with, few of ...
Quote:I'm sure a lot of gamers may want to scream bad voice acting! immediately after reading this, but i'm going to hold off judgement til i play the...
Quote:WANT. So much. The fanboy in me also wants it, but unless there is something super awesomely exclusive (besides polished graphics), I'll just d...
I never thought I'd say this, but maybe Sega should take a few pointers from Nintendo. Mario Galaxy is a genuine Mario sequel, and how long ago did S...
I don't mean to be nit-picky, but that "garden" doesn't even look like it's done being created. The grass texture alone looks very N64-ish.
And the video where Sonic uses it. Why wouldn't you call that the peel out?
Free stuff is good. It reminds me of a nativity figurine for some reason. That figurine may not be as "cool" over here in the US, but mayb...
So in some places "panty shot" = Aww she's so cute. And in others it equals Jack Thompson saying, "That game raped my parents and caus...
She looks to be made of clay. Let us mold her into something less annoying.
I don't think they're going to have any trophies very far beyond the Genesis days as far as items and misc things go. But I'm sure they'll have troph...
I thought I heard that distinct *boing* sound in the video.
So I woke up today and checked the Brawl site to find the Sonic video/confirmation and smiled with joy as this totally made my day. I put it in the b...
Woohoo! I was right! And yeah, I get the same impression about the owl. But it also looks like he's the link between Nights and the kids rather than...
Hahahaha... soccer balls.... Yeah the dragon looks really weird, not because it's snake-like, but because it's NiGHTS all streeeeeeetched out. But h...
I guess I'm not up on the whole anti-PD port thing. Oops.
*notices door in bottom right corner of image* Hmmm..... Is that where the children enter each level? Or something else entirey?
Sweet. I'll most likely look into it then. Thanks much.
Dang, you guys already got through this thing and I haven't even bought it yet. Kudos! Anyway, I'm thinking about picking it up to play in my spar...
Quote:Now give us Jet Set Radio with Wiimote spraying and I'll be a Sega fanboy again. Same here. If they bring back enough franchises, then it migh...
Quote:I notice Wizeman in background. Wow I didn't even notice that myself, haha. He looks pretty scary. Me like.
Quote:Does this mean you skipped out on Sonic R also? No I own the original and Sonic Gems, but I see your point. I guess I'm just a little peeved o...
Quote:Apparently EGM recapped E3 in their recent issue, in which they gave the game the "BS Award". They were slamming on the fact that Mari...
Quote:New level, new screenshots, and... televisions? Maybe they're similar to the Sonic TV monitors somehow? Or.... since the kid's dad was never a...
The last time I played through an entire Sonic game was in celebration of the spring semester ending back in May. I played through S3&K as Knuckl...
Quote:The great thing about this is its similar to Mario Kart in leveling the playing field. Sonic isnt always going to win the 100 metre dash; its re...
Wow. That's pretty impressive. It reminds me of Sonic Robo Blast since it's a mod. Sega should definitely be taking notes from this game.
Quote:Then explain the massive popularity of the Super Smash Brothers games. Smash uses each characters' unique abilities and uses level designs from...
I definitely see where they're coming from with that article. It does seem like a waste that the two biggest mascots in game history are competing in...
Quote:ARCHIE CHARACTERS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY! Haha, what do you mean, bloo?