Mobius Forum Archive

Eclipse James
Estimable Member
Joined: May 24, 2005
Topics: 0 / Replies: 108
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: I'm seeing some excellent character development AND plot thickening here people! I'm really looking forward to seeing where these tra...

16 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: *Dusts off his keyboard* Let it begin, anew. ----- IC: "You what???" Dirges eyes scanned over Wraith and Tails sinisterl...

16 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Post coming very soon, hold tight folks ;3

16 years ago
RE: The Unofficial RP Discussion Thread!

Looks like FOTF is getting back into swing, thought i'd help that along by making a post :3 But where are my manners? Howdy everyone! It's good to ...

17 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC: Apologies for the hiatus everyone, but nonetheless, i'm definitely back for this roleplay :3 It's wonderful to see everyone gathering back here ...

17 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC: Im just going to get straight into the post and save everyone the endless banter on my part. VCE is annoying, and adequate free time is scarce....

18 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Howdy there everyone, long time no see. I must formally apologise to everyone for my lack of participation with the roleplay as of late, despi...

18 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC: Ugh, I'm so very sorry Tergonaut, and everybody, it's my fault that things haven't really moved. i claim full responsibility, as i did mention...

18 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC: Howdy everyone. I got a post together, although Im really sorry for the delay, I meant to have it up on Saturday, though I got sidetracked by a ...

18 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Sorry Wraith! and everybody. I just finished handing in my graphics folio yesterday, which had been the cause for many hours of sleep lost. s...

18 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

Okay, i'm real sorry to be double-posting... but i just re-read parts of the roleplay and read everything up to date and... wow! There are so many dev...

18 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Hoo-boy, about time I got around to writing a post eh? What can I say people, I hate to sound like a broken record, but school really is proving ...

18 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC: Hello there everyone. I would like to take this time to formally apologise to every roleplayer who took part in this adventure, for my long and ...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Glad to see you are at least taking some action and planning some sort of schedule upon which to post Brent. I on the other hand need to set the ...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: whoah, things are really picking up quick! Where the hell are you Brent? Just a quick IC here... well, quick by my standards XD ------- IC: St...

19 years ago
RE: Slave of the Teknians (Sonic escape survival)

OOC: Howdy all, just posting to state the obvious in saying that i won't be taking part in this roleplay afterall. Having already gotten into my very ...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Hello everyone, a thousand apologies for not posting in so long, and even worse, doing so without so much as hinting at an explanation. The exp...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

Real sorry everyone, doesn't look like i'll be getting that post up tonight. it's 10PM here atm and i've been spending most of my time afterschool try...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Sorry for the lack of updates on my part people, i've had serious writer's block I'd just like to take this oppurtunity to say that Brent and...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Wowzers! Wraith, when you said that you had a killer character idea, i knew it'd be something exciting, but man oh man i did not expect what you...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Ah, thanks for the heads up there Pach! In terms of moving the RP, i could simply copy the lot and paste it in one humongous post if i have to,...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Howdy everyone. While waiting for brent to post, i realised that i could at least make a post concerning the Nocturne base with Wraith and Myst....

19 years ago
RE: Slave of the Teknians (Sonic escape survival)

OOC: ---- Howdy there! I'm just posting to ask whether there is room for another player within this RP? I have read almost all of this RP's current ...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Sorry i've taken so long to reply everyone, i've been recovering from a new years party that i was at, it was at Brent's place in fact. I think...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Welcome Jet! Whats that? Confused? Ah, quite alright, feel free to ask questions whenever you like, it is how we learn after all. What Wraith w...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: *glomps back* howdy Kate! just here to say go right ahead, i was actually looking forward to seeing you post with Sachio's reaction to Lucent's...

19 years ago
RE: The Unofficial RP Discussion Thread!

Hey if you have some ideas for progressing the storyline for Caine and company then that would be great Ben! Feel free to go right ahead, i was hoping...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Howdy everybody! Sorry for my exceedingly long absence, although I am near the end of my second week of holidays, I have been somewhat uninspire...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

-please ignore this post, i accidently double posted, see the next one. my bad everyone -

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC: Howdy Everyone. I know that much earlier on i said that i was interested in joining the RP, and i also know that i have yet to post anything, bu...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Howdy Everyone. I know that much earlier on i said that i was interested in joining the RP, and i also know that i have yet to post anything, bu...

19 years ago
RE: Virtual Sonic (started, read 1st post)

OOC: Howdy Everyone. I know that much earlier on i said that i was interested in joining the RP, and i also know that i have yet to post anything, bu...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

hey everyone! i just wanted to apologise for not being around much and hardly ever posting at all. I've been leaving my rp-ing 'till too late after do...

19 years ago
RE: Virtual Sonic (started, read 1st post)

That was quick Froggy22651 XD Tails for me then please!

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC: Howdy everyone! i got some free time today cos i had barely any homework because i worked extra hard at school today... but i came home extra exh...

19 years ago
RE: Virtual Sonic (started, read 1st post)

Wow. Tergonaut, just wow. I was just reading through the roleplay list to check for updates and make a post on some that i'm in, and most fortunately...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: *scratching noises. a hand reaches up from below the computer desk and clutches onto the egde, the fingernails digging into the timber. A body is...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC: *sigh* i'm sorry once again for such a long abscence, it's got nothing to do with the developments of the RP, as i find it all to be very interes...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: *sigh* i'm sorry once again for such a long abscence, it's got nothing to do with the developments of the RP, as i find it all to be very interes...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Brent, I know for a fact that you have more work to do than I have, so as Wraith said, post when you are able okay? That VET Multimedia assignmen...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Man oh man, this RP just keeps getting better and better! There have been sooo many character twists in this storyline as a whole that I am serio...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

Great to have you back Bentleee, was just about to message you soon! Well, seeing as posts with Caine have resumed, i think it's safe to say i can co...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: It's taken me way too long to post up here. Not writer's block this time, it's a VET Multimedia class project this time that's the culprit, i hav...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: those were some very interesting posts there guys, i'm seeing oppurtunites much easier now that my writer's block is gone, and man, those posts c...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Writers block situation: Contained. Initiating RP post creation process... ------------------------ IC: Downtown District "Once this is...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC: From those that are in the other RP i am in, 'The Rise and Fall', you will know that i have been experiencing writer's block. Good news, that i...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Hi everyone, how are we all? Just dropping by to fill everyone in of my whereabouts. i've had writer's block recently. really, bad writer's blo...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: I know i'm probably going to sound stupid asking this, but with all the appearances of NPC's, i don't know who exactly those two figures are tha...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC: Not posting an IC just yet, i just thought i'd get some OOC comments in. Agreeing 100% with Pachamac on the Boss Fight System there Tergonaut. T...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: My gosh, the posts lately have been utterly.... brilliant! First off, Brent, for a newcomer you are certainly getting the hang of this quick, t...

19 years ago
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