Mobius Forum Archive

Eclipse James
Estimable Member
Joined: May 24, 2005
Topics: 0 / Replies: 108
RE: The Rise and Fall

OC: i am well aware of how stupid my title for this post is, but meh, i thought it was funny at the time ;P Wraith, that was an excellent post, it's ...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC: Bloody. homework. kills. me. yeah. Tergonaut, i'm real sorry for taking so long to post after you had already pretty much served me the basis fo...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC: Ben! How are you? How'd you go? What's up? SO MANY QUESTIONS! missed you a lot. but it's good to see you back! shame about the net connecti...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Been meaning to progress the storyline seeingas Bentleee told me i can in a previous note, but never had time. Here we go! ---- IC: Downtown ar...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Howdy everyone! Just letting you all know that i will be posting soon, i just didn't get time tonight because posting in another RP has been so h...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC: Honestly Tergonaut, i didn't realise the accidental hint you had made about the 'pretty ears'. Funny thing is, i seem to have made an accidental ...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC: Hello everyone! guess what? JAMES HAS FINALLY GOTTEN SOME FREE TIME! that's right. i've pretty much finished a Multimedia project, sat a maths t...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC: ooh, cool! Tergonaut, that was a fantastic piece of writing! Those two characters are well portrayed, especially Bean, he's a bit of a pyromaniac...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: oh, seems we're in a bit of a pickle. I now know that many people seem to be waiting for Wraith to post, but he is waiting for me to post, and i'...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC: That's okay Tergonaut, for the message board, it'd be a good idea to keep it if everyone is willing to create a forum account for it. personally ...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: I know that the RP isn't progressing because those who are currently driving critical storyline points aren't posting yet, but this might be some...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC: An apology is in order on my behalf i believe, as i feel it is necessary after being away for so long... again... without a warning. Basically, a...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: i'm not dead people! still alive and kickin'! XP seriously, i've been soooooooo caught up in homework recently it has been a nightmare, namely '...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC: As i have told Tergonaut, the culprit for my long abscense is none other than a massive workload from my highschool, mainly maths stuff... gawd i...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC: howdy all! My long disappearance can be blamed on massive workload from school (even though its just the first friggin' week O.O ), and a super c...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: howdy all! My long disappearance can be blamed on massive workload from school (even though its just the first friggin' week O.O ), and a super c...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: sorry guys! i been busy lately, too busy to post. Also, i been a bit unsure about posting because of my last post. it involved characters falling...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC: okay! showtime! ^^ good to see everything is back in full swing. Tergonaut, i'm proceeding as we planned. just like to thank you again for your h...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Sorry Torn, but you said that you didn't expect Lucent to hear the noise of the trashcans when Riku fell over, so i assumed if there would be any...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

Oh my, everything i wanted to say and more has already been said. All i can say now is that i agree one hundred psercent with both Tergonaut and Pacha...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Wow... THANKYOU BENTLEEE!!! *hug* that art piece is so cool! Lucent's in character there for sure, that facial expression is so beautifully draw...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC: i'm quite interested in seeing Riku's next course of action, i myself have no idea what she intends to do. If she does follow Taffy i know there'...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC: Thanks for writing out that summary Pachamac! I tried summarising the RP in a message to Bentleee, but you're summary is much more precise and in...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Wraith, writer's block strikes many a talented writer, and you being amongst such ranks can obviously be presumed to experience writer's block ev...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC: Eclipse, take 5 buddy, we're on hold for a little while *gets hit by a rock* Ow. Thankyou so much for your compliments on my posting Tergonaut,...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Just to let everyone know, i'm going to message CodeZX and ask him about his participation in the RP. On another note, i'm not making my next po...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC0 First off, i am still interested in this RP. it'd be fun to continue it. Sorry i haven't posted in a while guys, been busy lately. I have read al...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Oh, poor Ari. i really do feel sorry for her. Wraith you have developed your characters so well, it really is a pleasure to read about them. I'...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

Eclipse opened his eyes and saw darkness all around him, and felt the recogniseable chill of a certain marble-like floor. "no.. not again... i t...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Pachamac, i loved that little sequence within G.U.N, that was very well structured! Oh, Wraith, i have to tell ya, the character development ar...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

What in the hell happened there? Lucent was somewhat releived to see that the voice behind him belonged to Azieral. He smiled and then addressed the ...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

Nocturne Base "Ow! OW ow watch it! ow, damnit, ARRRGGGHHH!!!" groaned Plugg as the bullet in his arm was being pryed out with a scalpel. ...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

Eclipse looked helplessley as Max and Riku attacked Taffy with their harsh words, and how Taffy reacted just as viciously. From listening to their an...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

"Did you honestly think you had a chance against the likes of our gang?" Sachio taunted him "I question your vision when I see how far ...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: a very entertaining lot of posts guys! keep it up! i absoloutely love how everything is tying together. BTW Bentleee it's good to have you back,...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: okay, have to agree with EVERYTHING, EVERYONE has said in their OOC's, first off, thank you Erika! you made my day when i read your OOC about how...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

Azieral finished her explanation, and placed her Sais in her sash on either side of her body. Well? Azieral asked. May I be allowed to join your group...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

Eclipse blinked as Taffy finished speaking, then slapped his head. "Oh, right! i'm sorry, how could i forget?" Eclipse looked down by his s...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

Lucent eyed the robot with curioisity as it walked away. It's actions had been so... life-like, almost like it was a living being... a remarkable piec...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

Eclipse woke up and yawned loudly, stretching his arms as he did so. His vision took a moment to gain clarity, and as soon as he could see with detail...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

Both Azieral and the robot had their eyes fixed on Lucent, and it annoyed him to an extent. Obviously this machine wouldn't leave unless it was satis...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

Lucent became annoyed at the robot's persistence, it was obviously intelligent in analysing Lucent's actions, but not smart enough to know when it is ...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

Lucent laughed for a short moment after Azieral finished speaking. "hahaha... This is a trick isn't it?" he mused. Azieral was about to re...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Good to have you back Pachamac! missed ya! ^^ ---- IC: Lucent skidded slightly to a halt as his backflip came to an end, and he caught up his c...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: Not posting IC yet, waiting on Pachamac to reply. in the meantime however, i must say that everyone's doing great! and a big warm welcome to our ...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

OOC: Eclipse here, still interested in the campaign. oh and by the way, before anything serious happened to Forest of the future, i went to the libert...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: FINALLY! Posting is back! And I see everyones taken full advantage of that already ^^ its good to see everyone resuming their posts with some fan...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: ah, all's good then. Glad you cleared that up, and it still is an interesting post. unfortunately i haven't got time to IC at the moment, gotta g...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC: ah, all's good then. Glad you cleared that up, and it still is an interesting post. unfortunately i haven't got time to IC at the moment, gotta g...

19 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

OOC2: basically Torn, Eclipse isn't born yet. This is his father aged 21.

19 years ago
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