Ever since Sonic Adventure 2 - Sonic Heroes, Knuckles wasn't a rival, either.
Nice illustrations, mate! It must feel good to draw other characters than Patch, eh? ^^;
Yep. Sonic and Shadow are still in the exact same poses. But, Knuckles has been replaced by Silver. Where is Tails, anyway?
I have very simple (and thusly obvious to me) theory of what "Iblis Trigger" means. Firstly, Iblis is the fire demon. Now, think of "...
I and a team of others have been working on a fancomic for nearly a year, now; Sonic the Hedgehog in Krudzu Crisis. If you're interested, I'd be very ...
Agreed, DC. From what you'll see below, I'm pretty sure it will be reset again. ^^ Anyhow, Ken's posted another intriguing message. Quoted: "I...
Well, Ken gave his half of the story on M25YL. Allow me to quote him from www.kenpenders.com: "I had written a 2-parter as my swan song for th...
Good job, there, Brian! You'll probably find yourself updating that every once in a while, so keep it up! ^^
Whoa; show down, Rattrap2000. That's pretty cynical of you to say. You know the cliched (yet honest) saying; "don't judge a book by its cover.&qu...
Heheh! Jet's in trouble! ^^ Good job with them!
Sunset... That is stunningly awesome. O.O Did you get the copy of the script, by the way?
-Blinks- Come on, guys. This isn't really nececaary! ^^ So, how's it going, Sunset?
She's the Goddess of art, actually!
I agree! ^^
I thought that was the size of their tails!
Do you mean contrary to the way Millenium Items are treated in Yu-Gi-Oh, for example?
Welcome! I actually see you quite a bit in the chat, but have some welcoming Jello(TM)! It's green!
Blimey! I forgot all about that entity! O.O
Could it be Sam Maxwell? Nah, probably not.
Tim Smith III pencilled issues 1-4, and I believe the upcoming 8-9; Tracy Yardley! pencilled issues 5-6, and the upcoming 10-11; David Hutchinson did ...
Thanks for the review, Miss Puar! I didn't actually read it, because I didn't want to spoil the issue for myself. I couldn't help but reading the pros...
They also refer to "King Fredrick" as king, although he's probably long dead.
I find mine at my local "Polly's Country Market," or a Kroger.
I'm a MIDI composer, and I may be interested. That's a MAYBE, though, because I'm majorly involved in the creation of my fancomic, Krudzu Crisis. I'll...
shay023: Is sonic going to get back with sally (relationship-wise) in the near future? IanPotto: 1) Maaaaaybe Yes! Yes! Yes! This "maaaaaybe&...
What would you give for PC Sonic Heroes? Place your offer!
Wow, I'm a fool! OO;
Something I found from Google: news.sonicstadium.org/story/170/ PLEASE tell me this is a joke.
Ooo. Hot. ^^
Sonic has already defeated his true PRIME menace, Julian Ivo (Kintobor) Robotnik. He's believed dead by most, except some online fans who wish him to ...
Well, we'll find out if this is true or not in six days!
You may want to visit Ian's messageboard for these types of questions, rather than here. You can visit Ian's forum at: www.bumbleking.com/forum
Heheh! And, on top of that, she has my comic to work on! (Isn't she awesome?) ^^
Yes, yes. I'm an image-master. However, screenshotting the full-screen Heroes doesn't take a screenshot. When I use the prnscn key, and paste it back ...
Well, I own the PC version, and I've completed the game, but I'm not sure how to take the pics. It's in full-screen, and the printscreen key doesn't w...
Many greetings! Well, I need your opinions on how I can upgrade my system. Here's the stats: OS: WinXP Home Service Pack 2 Build 2660 System Manu...
Maybe I should be covering my butt in this RPG, then. O.o
Ken Penders used to claim on his messageboard that there was a chaos emerald in the Quantium Dial. (After all, the Xorda created the Chaos Emeralds, j...
1) Bean isn't "stupid." You're just seeing his personality. 2) Bean and Bark played a very major role in Ian's fancomic series: Other-M.
It looks like a mix of Dawn Best's art and Art Mawhinney's artwork. Doesn't it?
Hooey. Good job, Dirk. We think alike.
Ha. I found it funny that the SWATbots thought Blaze was a "he!"
I've got a question. Do I need to give you a sprite sheet and stats of my character? (I haven't made either of those.)
Brilliant, indeed! I am so thankful to have you working on this comic with me, Sunset!
I loved that. Thanks for sharing that with us! (THANKS FOR THE INTERVIEW, TEAM SONIC!)
Welcome. If I had your screenname, I'd probably forget how many ha's are in my name. OO;
And, according to what he has said at Ian's messageboard, he is the lead penciler of StH.