Mobius Forum Archive

Estimable Member
Joined: Jul 29, 2001
Topics: 4 / Replies: 191
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Claw scratched his head, he was getting old. "How do you know who I am?" growled Claw, silently kicking himself for not having paid bette...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Claw shot an annoyed glance over at Toby before turning back to Kenneth. "Don't worry about it, kid. I've been in worse scrapes than this,"...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Claw hurled himself through the clear tunnel and crumpled to the ground near Ryn. Every muscle in his body ached from the expenditure of will power ov...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

"Fair enough, grab the kid and follow my lead. I can't do this for long," growled Claw. "Do what?" asked the feline. Ryn could a...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

"This place is a death trap, we need to evacuate. How many wounded are there?" growled Claw.

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

"Eyankal!" The cry seemed to penetrate the low snarling sounds of the unholy beasts surrounding Claw. He looked around, in the chaos he had...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Claw glanced at his torn up shoulder and then at the blood trickling down on to his hand. With bestial fervor he licked the red substance from his fur...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

he volatile blood of these evil creatures erupted from expertly placed cuts made by Claw's lethal katana. Using psionic power to enhance and his stren...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Claw roared, the burst of feral sound was pure blood lust, fermented in the battlefields, extracted by the sound of gunfire, and brewed with the hilt ...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

A grin spread over Claw's own bestial visage. The darkness pouring from this creature sent surges of adrenaline through his veins. He could feel his o...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Claw faced his back towards Rico. Claw faced one way, Rico faced the other, swords twitching, anxious for a fight.

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Claw stopped dead in his tracks upon hearing the unholy cries of something evil and dark seem to rise up from the very asphalt itself just like heat f...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Claw watched as the last of the ESO Troopers disappeared. Odd. Claw sheathed his katana then turned back to Rico. "I've go an idea, I dashed q...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Claw, katana still in hand eyed the soldiers around him and Rico. "If killing these troopers would've solved things they'd already be breathing ...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Claw was a bit startled by the sudden movement but kept his vigil on the troopers that surrounded him. "We've both done things, Rico, terrible t...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

The gunfire shattered the roaring sound of flames that were smoldering and smothering the city sector. Claw had managed to draw his katana and strike ...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

"Agent Shade?," asked an authoritative voice. Claw had sensed them as soon as they stared rappelling down the roof and into the alley. They...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

OOC: More filler, rejoice! More Post-E'sRP stuff IC: The next time Claw became conscious he was careful not to move around. He kept his eyes relaxed...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Dammit, why hadn't he noticed that targeting laser?! It didn't matter now, Claw was carrying a literal mark of death over his shoulder as he noticed h...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Craig Bayfield? So he finally manged to get off Mobius. For a moment he could still "smell" The Art wisping off of Bayfield. interesting th...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Claw growled as he rubbed the bridge of his furry nose with thumb and forefinger. "Way to go Kruehees, making sure the left hand doesn't know wh...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

OOC: Apologies to Astral, I missed the part where Niki changed out of the waitress get-up. IC: Claw sighed. "Great, just what this chaos need...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Claw heard what sounded like a military parade just a block away. He sheathed his katana, giving the poor medic one less pointy thing to worry about. ...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Claw suddenly dropped the youth, who landed expertly on his feet. Now Claw was a few feet from the end of the rifle. Claw peeked behind the medic and ...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

"Listen, brat, that Warden's switch is set to kill. I'm tired of watchin' people get blown up today, let alone headstrong little kids like you,&q...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

A furry hand shot and grabbed the charging youth by the collar and lifted him up off the ground. Kenneth suddenly found himself suspended inches away ...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Claw could hear the all too familiar sound of Evolian fighter crafts soaring overhead. Something was up. The engines sounded a bit under strain. Car...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Claw growled angrily, but he knew Rico was right. That sudden spike and power, he could sense it clearly, this was what he had felt earlier. He quickl...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Claws eyes widened when his sword met with another sword. "Didn't think you were one for katana's Rico," growled Claw. Claw spun around an...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Claw was confused, he had sensed such an enormous energy earlier with the initial attack downtown, bu the attacks Rico were throwing were a far cry fr...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Even with all this information Claw found himself unable to move. Rico Underwood, alive! "You've lost your mind, Underwood!" growled Claw. ...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

OOC: Thought I'd add some filler, mainly cuz' I'm bored. IC: Damn Where the hell was he this time? The last thing he could remember was... That's...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Claw's katana shot out to the side of his body, the edge of the blade mere millimeters from the Private who had so foolishly gotten too close. "...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Claw glared, irritated at the medic for brushing him off like a mental patient. The beast looked back towards the lazy columns of black smoke wafting ...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Claw looked at the medic with bewilderment. "There's no time for that, medic, these men aren't out out of danger yet," growled Claw. Despi...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

Claw did his best to keep to himself but the cadre of soldiers lining up outside the cafe did more than pique his interest. "... Xira Aramae... ...

17 years ago
RE: GM experiment: Aftermath of Evalc (With apologies to Evalc)

OOC: Please, no apologies, this is fascinating, I'll throw in a familiar face if it's acceptable to do so. IC: He watched the white feline from the ...

17 years ago
RE: Evalc's RP: Disc Three

OOC: Sorry to keep bumpin' this up to the front, every now and then I get the hankerin' to skim over the last few posts and realize this thing was sev...

17 years ago
RE: Evalc's RP: Disc Three

"Damn!" growled Claw as he watched one of those most powerful psionics in the known universe and in in all of history for that matter, rise...

18 years ago
RE: Evalc's RP: Disc Three

Nduli Nyang'au staggered backwards. Despite his best attempts to maintain a game face, he wasn't prepared for the sheer presence of power Evalc projec...

18 years ago
RE: Evalc's RP: Disc Three

James grabbed Rodger by the collar, "What the hell are you talking about, Bossman wants to stop my master." Rodger put his hands as a sneer...

18 years ago
RE: Evalc's RP: Disc Three

Provost brushed himself off. "Show me what ya got," sneered Provost. Psionic energy cascaded from Provost's form as he allowed his body to...

18 years ago
RE: Evalc's RP: Disc Three

Colt and Kayla at each other and through no words were exchanged, they decided to join the detachment going down to the Bio level. CjTails, who had re...

18 years ago
RE: Evalc's RP: Disc Three

Claw grimaced as he saw the carnage strewn out before him. The lingering aura of manipulated energies hung in the air. They were definitely Psionic, b...

18 years ago
RE: Evalc's RP: Disc Three

"Brace yourselves!" barked the pilot as the allied transport rocked through the atmosphere of Felus. Mega-Lasers blazed by the hull. Evalc'...

18 years ago
RE: Evalc's RP: Disc Three

OOC: Please forgive any plotholes or sudden character jumps, it's been awhile since I've been able to get back to the guild, I'm probably a bit rusty ...

18 years ago
RE: Evalc's RP: Disc Three

OOC: Anyone is more than welcome to jump back in this RP. When I have time I'm going to continue to post and eventually give this thing an ending. I f...

19 years ago
RE: Rico & Jet Joint Project: The Third Age

Evalc's words of encouragement. Keep it up, very interesting.

19 years ago
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