Jealousy meter hitting critical mass... OFF TO PHOTOSHOP!
It's just like one of my Japanese animes!
Falcon, CT uses your smilies in almost everything he posts. You have a fan. Now it's only a matter of time before you hate yourself for being fam...
Dead God! That cat has eaten a child!
Amano's work makes the characters look more prickish than they already are.
You put a burnt peice of rug in a birthday card?
The use of my smileys in response to something I said... thats weird. Hukos... why don't you make one?
I, indeed, enjoyed that video which you posted. Pretty obvious who they are marketing that to... wait... rug burns? Lets take that outta context sh...
I decided to do Soul Eater. Ramza and CT, ya'll be getting yours soon. I basically do these on whim alone. So I'll probably have em for you...
Subbed Soul Eater?
I... I don't think that's his excrem.... yeah.... pretty sure thats something else.
I dunno, Paul does look pretty badass in that picture. Gary just kinda looks like a model.
Fan service is relevant to everyone's intrests.
Bigger pics if you can. 007's was annoying cos it was a sprite. Gimme your avatar at it's full size.
Have guards posted at the pillow portcullis! We run a tight ship! I want these pillows clean enough to eat off of! *dons the Downy Fleece Stuffed Ar...
You can turn off these tips in the Interface menu.
FalconMBuster: It's an ongoing joke on the Internet that May is exceptionally...'large' for a 10-year old in the anime. Hence the empha...
This calls for a Christmas themed Falc
Oh no! The return of HOLYANYICORTHAP!
Wrong. Her age wasn't stated till the third episode, but only in Japanese.
I shall explain! This is obviously a more realistic representation of their ages as the series goes on. All trainers start their journey at 10. Let...
For a second I though you said "every single post" not "every single bit."
Searched FalconMbuster.
The birds and the /b/s flow smoothly with the breeze. Lolcats and memes, Is what it all seems. Gothly garbed robots, Specters and rowdy tots. Th...
Albino Rapper is a girl.Who said she wasn't? o.o I was actually questioning his taste in channelsForgive me for not having taken the t...
Homosexuals want blanket-robes too, apparently. I was actually questioning his taste in channels. That channel is terrible. If your gonna watch a chan...
(I just saw this ad for the first time, at around midnight on the Logo channel. o.o )Why?
I actually found that pretty relaxing too, the first generation especially. It's kinda nostalgic.
Christ! Spawn used exclamation points! It must be REALLY IMPORTANT!
A dingo ate my baby.
And they all sound the same.
It appears that Deckman has succumbed to the robot virus.
I'm actually talking about the Main character from that "V for Vendetta" movie. You insult me, CT! I know of what you speak... I eve...
Varying degrees of want. Soul Eater > Naruto
Blaziken and Sableye Blaziken is just so cool. It just looks fast! I really like when Sableye opens it's mouth.
This topic is in dire need of french mustaches
Use.. letters?
Also try to find the second generation pokemon in that pic. That's right THERE AREN'T ANY.Wow... your right. Are the second generation pokem...
And, Psxphile, Mario and Luigi are Nintendo, not Sega. Congratulations.
This desverves MS Paint pictures... THEY MUST BE MADE.
I see no kicker. I demand a kicker!
I don't get it either.
Then I say we go back to Glycerine.
Well, then what would you suggest?