It actually looks rather nice (graphics wise). It would be much better if when the zombies bit you, you could actually see the saliva on your limbs. B...
I still say it would make a great pet, you could feed em' apricots er sometin. They could live in cardboard boxes in our corners and they could b...
Let it die - Three days grace
Moer antoine haxxor attacksor sometin Blaze: 4 Chaos: 9 Antoine: 3
..... Never heard of the guy, to be honest. He seems like he was pretty interesting though.
two hits to Antoine Blaze:5 Chaos:7 Antoine: 2 WinRARS Tails Doll Emerl Metal Sonic Manic Sonic Gamma Tails Knuckles Sal...
lulz antoine Grounder: 9 Blaze:5 Chaos:7 Antoine: 3
see more pwn and owned pictures
2 from Lightfoot Grounder: 7 Blaze:5 Chaos:7 Johnny Lightfoot :2 Antoine:5
Mephiles can haz two Grounder: 7 Mephiles:9 Blaze:5 Chaos:5 Johnny Lightfoot :5 Antoine:5 WinRARS Tails Doll Emerl Metal Son...
FINAL FURY: HUNGRY WOLF!! Grounder: 7 Mephiles:7 Blaze:5 Chaos:5 Johnny Lightfoot :5 Fang:8 Antoine:5 Mighty: 0HP WinRARS ...
*Closes my 50 tabs*...dang... you... T.v. tropes.....
Powerslave - Iron Maiden
A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Thats all I needed tah say. I just wish the next season would hurry up and come out. I have to get the majority of my Haruhi fix ...
Planes are pretty safe and they still crash. Also, it is partially fear of the unknown, but mostly that the scientists building the machine are tryi...
The Ladies of the Galactic Underworld want you! ..... No further Questions...... Anyhow, we may as well just make a new sticky ad thread. Althoug...
double attack mighty Grounder:5 Mephiles:7 Blaze:5 Chaos:5 Johnny Lightfoot :5 Fang:8 Antoine:5 Mighty: 2 WinRARS Tail...
HAADOUKEN!!!(on mighty) Grounder:5 Bunnie:2 Mephiles:7 Blaze:5 Chaos:5 Johnny Lightfoot :5 Fang:8 Antoine:5 Mighty: 2 Wi...
That's freaking awesome. Giant rats! The pet of the future!