Mobius Forum Archive

Active Member
Joined: Nov 12, 2005
Topics: 1 / Replies: 4
RE: StH #159 spoilers and discussion

>Insert quote from Dan Drazen here< Ugh, well, whoever it is, they really need to stop. >.< It looks so awful! I mean, really? He looks s...

19 years ago
RE: StH #159 spoilers and discussion

o.O Oh my goddess. ...No one else seems to care about Elias so I'm gonna give him a bit of attention here... ...What is UP with that hair? His appea...

19 years ago
RE: Who are your favorite characters

1. Elias Acorn (Major <3) 2. Fiona Fox 3. Mina Mongoose 4. Sally Acorn 5. Tails Prower I <3 sideline characters...

19 years ago
RE: #156 Arrives (SPOILERS)

Being an Elias fan, I have to say, I was very excited that they brought him back in this issue. He's my favourite character, and I wish they'd do more...

19 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 156