Mobius Forum Archive

Reputable Member
Joined: Jan 20, 2004
Topics: 1 / Replies: 257
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

Bah! I don't care what everyone else says, I love this game. Yeah, it can be a little confusing at first when you are dropped into a city getting bomb...

19 years ago
RE: Virtual Sonic (started, read 1st post)

He was supposed to find Froggy? Why would Shadow need to find Froggy? Shaking his head in annoyance, he ignored the objective that had appeared in his...

19 years ago
RE: Virtual Sonic (started, read 1st post)

Connectingconnectingconnecting System status nominal, all lifesigns read normal. Direct Interface Unit (DIU) fully operational. Character selection c...

19 years ago
RE: Automatic ShadAmy (funny)

Shendu, you are not a mod, so don't try to do their job. I personally found this little parody to be hilarious, because it's true. Most ShadAmy (or ...

19 years ago
RE: Azuria: Lightyears From Home (Episodic Rp)

"I think Mike feels safer on the other side of the table", James said with a grin, "And what are you doing here, anyway? I figured you'...

19 years ago
RE: Azuria: Lightyears From Home (Episodic Rp)

"Did I miss anything?", the next member of the small group said as he approached. It wasn't a flashy entrance, quiet, unassuming, and coming...

19 years ago
RE: NEW MOBIUS: enslaved and hopeless

"We meet again, Br...ouch. What happened to your paw?", James said as he kneeled down beside the feline. Taking her paw in his, he looked at...

19 years ago
RE: NEW MOBIUS: enslaved and hopeless

James was awoken by the sun light that beamed down from a pleasant blue sky. For a moment he wondered if he was delusional. But the gentle sea breez...

19 years ago
RE: Virtual Sonic (started, read 1st post)

...or maybe you could just trust me to not screw up, eh?

19 years ago
RE: NEW MOBIUS: enslaved and hopeless

James quietly walked inside the crowded miner barracks at the guards' insistance. It was time for those in his shift to sleep, and he certainly welcom...

19 years ago
RE: Virtual Sonic (started, read 1st post)

I want to play Shadow. So there. I said it.

19 years ago
RE: Virtual Sonic (started, read 1st post)

Ooo... Ooo! This is good. This is really good! I like this idea. It's very inventive, and I would be very interested in playing it. Trapped in a vide...

19 years ago
RE: NEW MOBIUS: enslaved and hopeless

James grimaced as the whip smacked against his back. He surpressed the urge to destroy the robot that had hurt him. Not now, not yet. There would be a...

19 years ago
RE: NEW MOBIUS: enslaved and hopeless

James nodded and winced in sympathy. After the beating they gave her, it wasn't surprising that her head hurt. "I know what you mean... Stuck do...

19 years ago
RE: NEW MOBIUS: enslaved and hopeless

James knew the feeling. He was sure that most of the prisoners did, too. That feeling of helplessness that made you want to lay down and die. He refus...

19 years ago
RE: NEW MOBIUS: enslaved and hopeless

James snuck away from the deserted passage that Zero One was occupying. He was frustrated at his lack of success. Another wasted trip; another futile ...

19 years ago
RE: NEW MOBIUS: enslaved and hopeless

James met the fox' gaze unflinchingly, stiffling a growl. "I am no liar. I'm just telling you what I heard. Make of it what you will; I just fig...

19 years ago
RE: NEW MOBIUS: enslaved and hopeless

James bristled at being called an idiot after he took the risk of sneaking off to talk to the guy. He was expecting something more impressive out the ...

19 years ago
RE: NEW MOBIUS: enslaved and hopeless

"I would rather die than serve those who murdered my friends and loved ones", James said darkly, "And I would rather die on my feet, fi...

19 years ago
RE: NEW MOBIUS: enslaved and hopeless

James was familiar to many different fighting styles, and Hexam Kapaye was not one of them. "You must have quite the will, then.", he said,...

19 years ago
RE: NEW MOBIUS: enslaved and hopeless

James watched from the shadows as the the one guard walked away, leaving Zero One alone. It was so bizzare, the overlanders not leaving a single perso...

19 years ago
RE: NEW MOBIUS: enslaved and hopeless

James' ears rotated behind him, picking up the conversation from the guards behind him. One of them sounded downright nervous as they discussed a lege...

19 years ago
RE: NEW MOBIUS: enslaved and hopeless

Draw back, swing. Crack. Draw back, swing. Crack. Repeat about a billion times. This simple rhythym had become his life, smacking a pickaxe into a sto...

19 years ago
RE: A sudden fanaticism.

Well he does something to my subconcious. I don't know what, but it's something. I don't really like pokemon, but I find Mewtwo intriguing. Probably f...

19 years ago
RE: Hemayan atak silwan

Max considered this new bit of trivia, nodding slowly towards Nicky. So the kid was mentally traumatised, probably by someone that he had run away fro...

19 years ago
RE: Your 5 most favorite video game characters

1) Sonic the Hedgehog 2) Link 3) Fox McCloud 4) Kratos 5) Max Payne

20 years ago
RE: Hemayan atak silwan

Max couldn't help but smirk slightly at Astral. "That may be true, but..." The fox was interrupted suddenly by John's rear-grabbing antics...

20 years ago
RE: Elite Furs: Into the Jungles

James surpressed a sigh. Now wasn't the time to worry about his commanding officer's attitude. They had a job to do. He turned to Mosspaw. "We'v...

20 years ago
RE: Hemayan atak silwan

After a half-second of surprise, Max gave the kit in the hallway a look that could only be described as one of supreme boredom, as if he was above wha...

20 years ago
RE: Elite Furs: Into the Jungles

James mentally cursed. Sniping at a group of seven was a bad idea, and he knew it. Now there were four in the jungle alert to their presence doing god...

20 years ago
RE: Schwarze Tragdie

James looked up at the wolf as if he had lost his mind. "What rock have you been hiding under for the last decade?" After a moment of obse...

20 years ago
RE: Schwarze Tragdie

James gave a painful grin. "Who are you calling a geezer, Ryuji? Its good to see you're alive, too. We guardsmen can't go out that easily."...

20 years ago
RE: Evalc's RP: Disc Three

James dropped his sword and shook his head, trying to clear it of the images. What the hell had that trance done to him? Was he losing his mind? Yes,...

20 years ago
RE: Evalc's RP: Disc Three

James nodded towards Lord Evalc and drew his sword. Moving into the hold of the ship, he swung his sword through a training routine, something he had ...

20 years ago
RE: Hemayan atak silwan

Finally, someone who knew what was going on. Max bowed slightly towards the young vixen and smiled at her...maybe a bit wider than he should. He just ...

20 years ago
RE: Evalc's RP: Disc Three

James nodded and did just that, sitting down with his legs crossed, eyes closed, and breathing slowed. He forced his battle rage under control, smothe...

20 years ago
RE: Hemayan atak silwan

Max fought back a growl of irritation. He let the heat of anger leave him in a sigh. Why did everyone have to be so stupid? "Strange, as in 'out...

20 years ago
RE: Schwarze Tragdie

"I'm not going to die today.", James growled, a bit of his usual fire returning to his eyes. He sighed and smiled slightly to Astral. "...

20 years ago
RE: Elite Furs: Into the Jungles

James checked his own weapons to make sure they were functioning correctly. As he expected, they were fine. His landing had been surprisingly easy, as...

20 years ago
RE: Schwarze Tragdie

"Miles...", James managed to whisper, a smile crossing his beaten face. If he died, he would at least do so with the understanding that his ...

20 years ago
RE: Hemayan atak silwan

"Maybe they just don't like getting pushed around.", Max said thoughtfully as he looked around at the village, sniffing the air gently for c...

20 years ago
RE: Schwarze Tragdie

James Prower awoke to a universe of pain. Everything ached and hurt. When he moved. When he breathed. When he thought. It felt like he couldn't draw e...

20 years ago
RE: Elite Furs: Into the Jungles

James cursed under his breath as he dove out of the helicopter. There was no hesitation; he had been trained well. He pulled the cord on his 'chute a ...

20 years ago
RE: Lonely Journey

"Oh, hello there, Hershey. I'll have to explain later...", James said, looking down at Breech and their daughter, "But don't worry. The...

20 years ago
RE: Evalc's RP: Disc Three

This was a little more challanging. Incinerating one target wasn't very hard. With a little practice, it would become second-nature to him. But five r...

20 years ago
RE: Elite Furs: Into the Jungles

"Politics.", James said as he turned to the team's sniper. "I think this mission has more to do with public relations than tactical ap...

20 years ago
RE: Evalc's RP: Disc Three

After tapping into his latent powers, James had learned that his abilities extended beyond just fire. Telekinesis, extra-sensory perception, and incre...

20 years ago
RE: Elite Furs: Into the Jungles

James finally broke his silence. "It doesn't matter how this conflict started or who started it. By now, neither side will back down. Its simple...

20 years ago
RE: Tails: Sex unknown

Poor Tails. First made fun of because his twin butt-appendages, and now his very gender is questioned. One of these days, the kid's going to flip out...

20 years ago
RE: Hemayan atak silwan

"Come on, Johnny. You too, Mr. Doom and Gloom. Let's get this over with.", he said, turning away and walking off. He wondered what the high...

20 years ago
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