mill OT: Why it means Off Topic, my dear Purdy, and we usually try to post them though they're not mandatory.
Uh, first off, he has already wrote a book, which I read and enjoyed; second, who would read it-obviously someone who likes him.
kill OT: Hmm, what to say, what to say.
sell OT: Hello, Purdy, how you doin?
Mel OT: Oh, I'm a calm person most of the time but I'm not gellin' with Gel insoles right now as a matter of fact I'm bare foo...
Nibbler OT: Yep.
gel OT: And no I'm not gellin'!
oboe OT: Yeah, accidently did it when I try to refresh the page.
Kenan OT: ^_^
Holy crap! New Sonic figure? That's worth more to me than the game is. *PRE-ORDER IS YES*Yes, that Werehog figure is awesome though I t...
Asia OT: Like B said, they do it to aggravate. At least, Eggy stopped when asked unlike Rishums.
Congrats, CT, on your 1st kilopost, it was a long time coming!
That Werehog video was awesome, and so was that Wii video where Sonic is speeding is really awesome! The Gamespot video was also cool; btw, DB that li...
organ OT: De nada!
tzar OT: Meh, not more annoying than Eggy's use with the y words.
Now, is that a realistic prediction or a biased preditction?
wean OT: Er, yeah, congrats!
existence OT: Eh, I'm fine with the z's until they get annoying. At first, the Xs wasn't too bad, but once he did it over and over ...
bean OT: La dee dah~
Energon OT: Meh, oh, well. *shrugs*
between OT: I was in one or too plays, and I didn't want to be as I'm to shy to really be in plays.
Xian OT: Meh, z ain't too bad....for now.
It had to be said but the cake is a lie!
keen OT: Hido ho good neightbors!
bean OT: WoOT!
*covers eyes* Ah, Crimbo! Yeah, I'm here!
Elavon OT: Meh, I went to Wiki to find X words with Rishums.
Sheen OT: So, whatcha gonna be?
It kinda seems they don't realize what this is so I'll be the first to say it; happy, kilopost Kio!!! ^_^
Thank you, ol' boy. Anyway, I've seen that comic before but where did it come from?
yes OT: Yeah, I see that; Eggpire was doing it with the y's but he was no where near as bad as Rishums!
it wasn't until the Paper Mario titles (I think) that he was portrayed as the wounded soul he is, so envious of his brother's adventures.Act...
yam OT: Thank you!
king OT: Group hug?