feat OT: Actually, Eggy, you did post an OT comment you just didn't put the OT: marker before it; also, Rishi, your smilies also count as an ...
bake OT: No OT comments get out of the thread then, son!!
Lake OT: Rishi you forgot your OT comment.
snake OT: Fascinating.
Capsacin OT: Both.^_^
gang OT: Like what?
Well, according to the wikipedia article I linked, this game is not on rails.
Right now I'm playing Sonic Chronicles! Loving it so far story and gameplaywise; at first I was really having troubles getting the timing on some...
Heh, that video was pretty cool especially Sonic's buzzsaw attack which is how I figured it would turn out. Also, Wiki's article has some in...
Raton OT: What cute that I'm named after my dad or that I sound like Mr. Fudd?
Latin OT: Ray is Ray and not short for Raymond or anything else. But again, I'm named after my dad and I don't know why my aunt choosed ...
silk OT: Huh, I look at the site for the meaning of Ray and they didn't have one, but I've found out from a name tag in a Bible bookstor...
enemy OT: Bump
ilk OT: Well, you learn something everyday don't you.
smirk OT: Untelling, some names have no traceable history, I would suppose anyway.
spork OT: Cool!
Well, my sister babysitted kids from church the other night, and the oldest one was playing with my DS when I went to work. A few days later, I notice...
toil OT: Well, I'm named after my dad and my aunt named my dad and I have no idea why she named him Samuel Ray so meh!
foil OT: Your real name is Rachel? Cool!^_^ Anyway, a Hebrew name is sa good as any and it sorta gives it a biblical spin. My first name is Samuel...
Optimus Prime
Well, unless, it comes out with new games the DS can't play they I'll probably stick with the DSL, though I've lost it for the moment.
I just have to ask: is this an actual upgrade or is this supposed be the successor, y'know a DS2?
toll OT: Well, I know that Kayla is the name of one of her fan characters though I have no idea if it's her real name or not.
gnome OT: Well, why don't you start?
coincidence OT: I see "this" now, I was looking on my PSP an d could tell it was a video.
upchuck OT: What is this?
Porter C. Powell
feed OT: Who hates you mi amigo?
Yeah, but the 360, Wii, and the older PS3s all have backwards compatibility with the Mega Collections for the last gen systems; so whether people have...