From the looks of it, Anti-Jules basked in the attention of his many fans instead of the attention of the then Anti-Sonic; instead of Jules Prime who ...
Well, it has always been said that the Maruders were the ones who kidnapped Knuckles not the Zoah. As to the question of why could she not beat Sonic,...
moot OT: What anime is that picture from?
tug OT: Course Eggpire's not human; he's the personifacation of Eggman's demented dream of an Eggman empire!
For the most part, I don't think legionfan was either.
Is it really that big of a deal that we know what the classes are this close to the game? It ain't like the revealed any big part of the plot or ...
Probably, but still it's odd to think about a Sonic game having blood, animated or otherwise, not that it actually bothers me but simply stating ...
Has anyone noticed the rating of this game- E-10: Animated Blood and Fantasy violence. o.o
wipers OT: *chuckles*
stints OT: *does the same*
election OT: Excuse me, TTG, but I nor my avatar flips anybody off!!
I just loved how WereSonic pounds that one baddie into the dust and how he howled during one of the scenes as well!
river OT: LOL!
mints OT: Kay, Kay! BTW, your linky doesn't work, TTG.
nonsensical OT: Are you stating that as an opinion or as a recommendation into getting into the series?
It's definitely Silver, as he wears gloves with that insignia on it and his PK powers glow that shade of green when in use.
socket OT: Ah, that would explain it, I've never played a Zelda game.
Just checking sonicblaster, but the way you're talking you're sounding like you think the anime is stiill airing new eps; you are aware that...
lulu OT: Que?
What the heck does schc mean I can't find it on Wikipedia? And, I think he meant SDHC, as in SD High Capacity, those SD cards with 8 and 1...
KuKu OT: Believe it?
Kamek OT: Isn't it Ike from Smash Bros. (I know he's actually from another series but I can't remember what it is); also, 45 cents!...
tot OT: I looked it up on Wikipedia so I won't say anything, and lol at pentapus!
subtraction OT: I also love Ramen soup! ^_^
What the heck does schc mean I can't find it on Wikipedia?
multiplication OT: In a way I like tomato soup and in a way I don't.
I thouht it was a peach or maybe an apricot.
divide OT: What the heck is wrong with you chicken noodle is awesome!!!!! Also, cave could also be considered a synonym of house since people have...
I call bull as well; I checked Wiki,,, and,, and found nothing about Miley execpt for some old news on msn...
house OT: Is the picture the OT or is the OT text covered up by the picture?
hare OT: *happily slurps the chicken noodle soup up*
That's Moebius, Dreamer, not Anti-Mobius, get it right!!!
lair OT: I better be chicken noodle!
I-ah looovvveee how Eggy put those two slots in Metal Scourge's stomach to mimic Scourge's scars!!!! I wonder if they double as a toaster?
case OT: Yeah, what she said!
ace OT: That's okay! *whacks TTG with racket* Foolish Klavier! The rackets are not for tennis, there our weapons in a similar manner of Becca...
Thanks, SX and Kayla!!
lace OT: High five?