Mobius Forum Archive

Full Metal Rayzor
Famed Member
Joined: Oct 27, 2006
Topics: 28 / Replies: 2781
RE: Word Uno (with a pokeyman theme I guess)

sink OT: LF, incase you haven't noticed, we all put OT remarks in our posts. While it's not a rule, try to put one in you next post just...

17 years ago
RE: Word Uno (with a pokeyman theme I guess)

brain OT: Blargh, I can't think of any OT thing to say!

17 years ago
RE: The totally pointless, and extremely simple, but yet you still play it one word game!!!!

nay OT: She's yelling at you CT for having a word that end in y.

17 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Actually, snappy, there's a topic that has almost everyones Friend codes and 360 Gamertags posted.

17 years ago
RE: Word Uno (with a pokeyman theme I guess)

duck OT: Ditto @ Kayla and if you ever see OnT that means On Topic.

17 years ago
RE: photoexchange!

You know I think this is the first time I ever saw a picture of you, Jin.

17 years ago
RE: Hiya, how's it goin?

Welcome from the self-proclaimed mad scientist of MoFo! Beware of crazy people... In other words beware of all the MoFo ; alt...

17 years ago
RE: Getting a new computer. Have a question.

Ethernet crossover cable? Is that just a regular ethernet cable, cause I have one from my DSL modem, another from my wireless router, and one I got wh...

17 years ago
RE: You know how you always believe something is true but are still shock when it's confirmed?

Well, seeing as how it was Scott McClellan who said this, I doubt it's validity. Besides, McClellan said it was the commentators who supposedly g...

17 years ago
RE: Delinquent thread

I say that is quite funny.

17 years ago
RE: Word Uno (with a pokeyman theme I guess)

couch OT: OT: This ain't a fad It's a way of life QFT

17 years ago
Replies: 10
Views: 219
RE: Hiya, how's it goin?

And I will warn you...look out for Crimson Darkwolfe...he will steal your soul. >_> don't listen to him, snappy; stea...

17 years ago
17 years ago
RE: Word Uno (with a pokeyman theme I guess)

Pachess OT: Not if I have anything to say about it! 'Sides, SX and LF just came in here and didn't know about the OT thing so I see no r...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #193 & Sonic X #38 Previews

Rayzor, thank you for your apology, but I understand your anger. I should have brought those links to the table to begin with. If I mention things lik...

17 years ago
RE: Word Uno (with a pokeyman theme I guess)

hearth OT: I don't much either unless it's on the news that I'm watching.

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #193 & Sonic X #38 Previews

Thank you, Bsonic, for those clarifications! I, too, am sorry if I sounded snappy, but too often in the MoFo, and indeed in other Sonic boards (GameFA...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic and the Black Knight :That Nintendo Power teaser = this?

It's true. It doesn't say it's not on rails, but considering on how the game is turning out, I doubt seriously that it will be on rails...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #193 & Sonic X #38 Previews

Actually, Sam, I would love to hear your theory on Fiona as well; I wish there was some middle road we could reach on relationships in this forum but ...

17 years ago
RE: Obligatory posts about Sonic 😀

Why do you thing he did it, Kay? "Shara is hawt!"

17 years ago
RE: The totally pointless, and extremely simple, but yet you still play it one word game!!!!

Ino OT: Oh, yes, "One more thing!" "Shield not important, talisman important!"

17 years ago
RE: Word Uno (with a pokeyman theme I guess)

land OT: @ TTG's comment. Anyway, I've heard that Bales was arrested for assault on his mom and sister; of course, he's denyin...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Unleashed Revealed

Thank you! As far as it being too creative for Sonic Team, I happen to think it's not that; it just that the one thing that Sega's consisten...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #193 & Sonic X #38 Previews

Actually, her fate is unknown. It's been stated that as of now it is a mystery if Snively used the Egg Fleet to blast her out of the sky or not. ...

17 years ago
RE: Word Uno (with a pokeyman theme I guess)

anxiety OT: That's what I thought; btw, watched the Dark Knight tonight and it was awesome! Ledger makes a wonderful Joker too bad we'll...

17 years ago
RE: The totally pointless, and extremely simple, but yet you still play it one word game!!!!

Akamaru OT: Eggpire, when you said uncle, were you talking about Uncle Iroh from the Avatar or Uncle from Jackie Chan Adventures or neither?

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Unleashed Revealed

I made a topic a year or so ago to see if people thought they might be other Elemental Chaos, and it looks like it might. As far as Sonic being a Wind...

17 years ago
RE: Word Uno (with a pokeyman theme I guess)

agony OT: Is Zema a type of alchol?

17 years ago
RE: He Must REALLY Like SatAM.

opps forgot about those (although i'd have to disagree with Matalocalypse & Ben 10) & south park started in the 90's ...

17 years ago
RE: Obligatory posts about Sonic 😀

*bows* Thank you V2, I credit my time in the GameFAQs' Sonic board for my extensive knowledge of this stuff! One more: I'll will never call ...

17 years ago
RE: Word Uno (with a pokeyman theme I guess)

rain OT: And that's okay, you're both forgiven. *grouphug* But don't let it happen again! Oh, yeah, whoooo at the 500 + posts!

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #193 & Sonic X #38 Previews

No, there's only one Miles as that's what Anti-Tails goes by now; Tails Prime still goes by Tails.

17 years ago
RE: Sat 1/21/06 10:55 PM

*sigh* Ah, yes good times, good times, especially in the Casino Nigt Zone! *sheds a single tear*

17 years ago
RE: Word Uno (with a pokeyman theme I guess)

snicker OT: Couldn't those thing have been OTs in y'all's posts?

17 years ago
RE: Obligatory posts about Sonic 😀

In the spirit of the topic, if I'm correct: Will there be choa in this game, Chao were the best thing about SA2, when will *insert game* be porte...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic and the Black Knight :That Nintendo Power teaser = this?

the Chao-clate Factory >_< Okay, that's taking it too far!! Please see yourself out of the topic now, Cyber! ;p

17 years ago
RE: He Must REALLY Like SatAM.

They even gave us an anthro sea sponge. OMG, you mean SpongeBob was in Underground? Awesome!

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #193 & Sonic X #38 Previews

Anti Knux, aww man I forgot about him. Dang was he evil? I dun remember. Wonder if he got an Enerjak complex, that would be funny, lol. Naw, Anti-K...

17 years ago
RE: Word Uno (with a pokeyman theme I guess)

coins OT: Meh, I'm too lazy to count! Anyone want to check?

17 years ago
RE: Find what's amiss.

The previous efforts of the guys behind Ratatoing. I also found on the Ratatoing Wiki that the same people also made a movie called "The Littl...

17 years ago
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