Yeah, I was the one that brought up the music thing last though I found the link from someone at GameFAQs.
flea OT: YA RLY!
she OT: LULZ
Yeah, I believe there are Swatbots. John Taylor linked to an article last page and in one of the pics in the article something looks like a Swatbot; I...
I'm surprised no one link this yet, but Sonic Stadium had a new preview of Chronicles up yesterday.
Grim Reaper OT: Ditto to TTG's ^_^
sword OT: Yeah, convos could go on for posts. *looks at post* Like this one!
No, in an eariler interview they said it won't be on-rails, but at times I fear that may have been a misquote or something because the way some o...
lark OT: LOL, yeah, but yeah, I'm sure I was because I posted in the last letter game.
shadow OT: Ususally I see the new post icon, but for some reason I didn't.
enlightened OT: I can't believe I didn't see the new post here!
But I thought the area around Tennessee was considered the buckle of the Bible Belt? Anyway, I get it why Vector said what he said though it doesn...
I don't get it what so bad about OK or is this some inside joke I don't get?
No, I'm quite sure, but don't hold me to it, that Ian said that Sega didn't want Omega in the comics either.
Well we did get to see the FFFFs in action a few issues ago
I would like to see Sega lift their embargo on Cream and Cheese, Emerl/Gemerl, and Omega and see them in StH, and like Ethan said Blaze's, and Ma...
Then what is SegaSonic Amy's excuse?
Yikes (you're getting as bad as Nuchtos with the words that end with y, TTG!)