I don't see why people think that was a hard boss. Now the first battle in Sonic 2 GG...*shudders* Jinpachi from Tekken 5. My parents could hear my ...
Anyone know where I could get the songs on the website for download? I tried using a flash saver but it didn't work. As for the Angel Island remix, a...
What?! Why not have Pac-man in there? Can't you even imagine having the power pellets as items? Having the old arcade as a stage? You have to think of...
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Tails' Skypatrol. I'll bet the developers were bored programming the game.
I been playing Budokai 3 for a few days. Despite it's gameplay not being as complex or imaginative as Tenkaichi 2, it's still more fun. I've also been...
Brinstar Depths was cool... until you got to a point where you were screwed if Kraid move the platform either way. "Hidden Palace before Green H...
I kind of wish they would announce a remix to an old Sonic song or a new stage. Oh well, at least we getting new updates everyday.
Hey, my friend wears sandals in the cold all the time, for a few years now, and says he doesn't feel anything. Is that evolution? Like the other post...
Hey I didn't take it THAT seriously and I didn't get offended. I just thought I post it here; jeez, you didn't have to rant.
I think we all know what's going to happen. SEGA's going to overhype it, claim to go back to the Genesis roots, have some terrible story with 500+ new...
I'm still, kind of pissed that the media and black leadership hasn't blown this story as much as the Imus debacle or Kramer's rant. Here we have an ac...
Sadv1 and Sadv2 both had Angel Island Zones. That shows Angel Island exists, right?
I don't know. Would Segata really appeal to the Western Market? Enough to save the Dreamcast?
Yeah, the games' physics have taken a HUGE nose dive since SA2. The tightly controlled homing attack of Sonic Adventure 2 became so slippery and weak ...
I don't care if it was a Republican or a Democrat, what that representative did was screwed up. I'm independent by the way.
Wow, Iron Man is the biggest dick of all comic book history.
Except for Spidey 2 and LotR games, all movie tie-in games suck. Anyway, I like the suit. It's cool. But can anyone else list all the dickish things I...
Anyway, I think the post-SA game universe has plenty of annoying characters. Everyone, to me, after 1998, is either too dark or too kiddie for the ser...
Yeah, Tails' character has always been protrayed as a orphan freak kid who Sonic semi-adopted and raised like a little brother. If his parents are ope...
I had a long post about annoying characers from SU and the comic, however, my wireless modem(more trouble than it's worth) disconnected before it post...
It's a cool idea, but I think people would complain about it slowing down gameplay. It's wierd, though. You can't have extended combat or else you slo...
Now, the only difference between Robotnik and Eggman is that "Eggman" is his nickname and Robotnik id his real one.
What I did like about the OVA was that the characters were represented really well, or least cooler than they normally are. Sonic was a sarcastic bada...
How is this different fom the other (many) S2 realeases?
Well Sonic's recent actions weren't exactly beneficial to their friendship. -Dating Fiona, Tails's crush -Opposing Tail's father in Civil War -Still ...
I always found that wierd about the comic. Sonic, who is supposed to be the main hero of the comic and mobius,who has saved the kingdom and millions o...
Sally, at least, had a point. She was a princess and a tatician who was very important for the resistance. It wasn't like she just stood there and dro...
Yeah, we probably not going to see Zonic for awhile. Which reminds me, isn't Sonic supposed to be the hero of all zones or someting? Wasn't he suppose...
Um, was that sarcasm?
I thought Sonic's only powers was translator chip and his superspeed. I don't remember anythng about power ring healing.
I don't why they put those "everyman" kid characters when they do these type of adaptions. They always borderline Sue-ish and distract atten...
Maybe they could cross over to other Sonic continuities and What if stories than zones with some random theme. I rather comic Sonic meets game Sonic t...
I think it has spmething to do with voice actor unions or something.
I just don't want to have to do them for something cool. Those emblems too me awhile to get. They should be optional.
What attack would they use?
Actually, I know I'm probably in the minority here, but I kind of like the realism in recent games. Even though I would prefer more surreal Sonic CD e...
I think the Sonic/Diablon fiight is noncanon. Actually I wish the whole Shadow game was noncanon, espically since it's unclear which path to the true...
you read my first post right? Satandard Sonic gameplay with huge city enviorment, no guns and junk, right? When I'm meant GTA, I'm meant free roam, th...
Yay! I've ruined a thread originally to help Sonic and now we're praising medioce Sonic games! Yay! By the way... Sonic Labyrinth>>>>>...
As long as Vector or Cream doesn't apeear, whatever.
I still don't think so. People just want to bop on robot heads and keep running. A combat system, even though fun, would be interesting but it still f...
Maybe Drummond could shed some light about it. If this practice has been as long as Sega has had dubbed games, he could of been subject about this. Ho...
What does Shuffle have to do with anything?
Oh, okay. I think my CD comment killed the topic.