Mobius Forum Archive

Estimable Member
Joined: Feb 12, 2005
Topics: 2 / Replies: 238
RE: Star Wars: Decadence

OOC: Sorry that I haven't done much on this just having problems at home, and I'm finding it hard trying to make a char for this RP, I'll post somethi...

17 years ago
RE: New Paths: Another Take NEVER TOO LATE TO JOIN IN!!!

IC: Nightshade stared at the orange echidna and then at this Companion before, quickly saying. "Just wait here, I'll be right back...." Bef...

17 years ago
RE: New Paths: Another Take NEVER TOO LATE TO JOIN IN!!!

IC: Nightshade reach the place where everyone was, she saw the crowd muttering to each other not sure what to do now. She was about to speak and ask ...

17 years ago
RE: New Paths: Another Take NEVER TOO LATE TO JOIN IN!!!

OOC: Sorry for not posting but I am stil here, I've actually been waiting for Kaze's chars to get on, they're there now but you kind of posted before ...

17 years ago
RE: New Paths: Another Take NEVER TOO LATE TO JOIN IN!!!

Ic: "Crud!!!" Shadow shouted as the Stormrunner just missed a few laser firer. "It's getting hecktic out here, I think you should just ...

17 years ago
RE: New Paths: Another Take NEVER TOO LATE TO JOIN IN!!!

OOC: Name: Nightshade Age: 17 Species: Panther Hometown: unknown Allignment: Freedom Fighter Bio: Nightshade doesnt remember where she came from, an...

17 years ago
RE: Quiksilver's journal.

OOC: Ur, dude? You do realize this is a Role Playing forum, right? Unless this is meant to go somewhere and you're intending to edit your post later.

17 years ago
RE: New Paths: Another Take NEVER TOO LATE TO JOIN IN!!!

OOC: this sounds really good, hope it's okay if I jion. IC: Nightshade was sitting on the roof tops after seeing Sonic body get taken away in an amb...

17 years ago
RE: Star Wars: Decadence

OOC: This sounds intresting, I will jion, but I wont post anything at the moment...but hopefully later I will

17 years ago
RE: Pokemon Dungoen RP: MoFo Resuce Team

OOC: Don't no anything about the Festival, but I did have an idea, of some party crashes but that really depends on what happens. IC: Pikku was now ...

17 years ago
RE: Pokemon Dungoen RP: MoFo Resuce Team

IC: Alex gazed at the view he was getting of the stars. "Well the stars do look alot simarl back home, but I didn't pay much notic to that kind ...

17 years ago
RE: Pokemon Dungoen RP: MoFo Resuce Team

IC: "I will probably join you soon, but I think I'l like to stare at the stars for a bit, if no one minds" he yawned sleepy while leaving ...

17 years ago
RE: Pokemon Dungoen RP: MoFo Resuce Team

IC: The group follow the Umbreon not sure where he was leading them. They had only walked for a bit when they could see they were aproching a large...

17 years ago
RE: Pokemon Dungoen RP: MoFo Resuce Team

IC: "Same..." relpy Alex. "So..... who votes that we rest he for to night?, or go off and see if we can find anwsers for why me and Rad...

17 years ago
RE: Pokemon Dungoen RP: MoFo Resuce Team

IC: They had just made it acrosses the river when they heard houdooms cry's he looked back across the stream towards the yells. "What could she b...

17 years ago
RE: Pokemon Dungoen RP: MoFo Resuce Team

OOC: Sorry that I haven't been around, I've be on a week long school trip, I'll post later on today just not right now.

18 years ago
RE: Pokemon Dungoen RP: MoFo Resuce Team

IC: Alex was about to try an impression of being sick or pretending to die, to help with Radail story of them been icky sick things, when he heard som...

18 years ago
RE: Pokemon Dungoen RP: MoFo Resuce Team

Ic: "Umm.. where's that if I may ask?" The Bulbasaur gave him a puzzled look then turned back to the Vulpix and her shirt. Before Alex could...

18 years ago
RE: Pokemon Dungoen RP: MoFo Resuce Team

IC: "Hey, you over there!" Alex quickly turn around only to be fronted by a Bulbasaur. "Haven't seen you two around before, who are yo...

18 years ago
RE: Pokemon Dungoen RP: MoFo Resuce Team

IC: "Yes..." reply the Vulpix. This first came as, a shock to him, but he quickly got over it. " Let's talk about this later, for righ...

18 years ago
RE: Pokemon Dungoen RP: MoFo Resuce Team

IC: "Hey, I couldn't let you drown" He quickly looked around, making sure that their was no on eles in the water, but luckly their was no o...

18 years ago
RE: I'm bored. DM time!

Ic: Mute was just reaturning to the forest before anyone saw him. He heard someone call out "Hey, guys, did you see that?" He quickly turn ...

18 years ago
RE: Pokemon Dungoen RP: MoFo Resuce Team

Ic: He had finally goten down from the tree after many falls and hitting his head on tree dranches. "Finally I'm down" He was about to walk ...

18 years ago
RE: I'm bored. DM time!

Mute had only taken a few desperate leaps from the ship when it detonated, he was thrown forwards with a powerful shockwave, and had crashed head lon...

18 years ago
RE: Pokemon Dungoen RP: MoFo Resuce Team

IC: Up in a high tree not so far away from, where the Pikachu was with the orang jacket. Another Pikachu was watching, he had sky blue eyes and the t...

18 years ago
RE: Pokemon Dungoen RP: MoFo Resuce Team

OOC: I was just woundering do you have to use a char from Mofo or could you just make one up? I mite join

18 years ago
RE: I'm bored. DM time!

IC: "Hey, don't cry everything will be okay now?" sigh I'm not good with these kind of things Mute looked around making shure there wasn't a...

18 years ago
RE: I'm bored. DM time!

IC: Mute had been lounging against the tree, torn between trying to help and staying hidden. Finally he built up his courage and dropped silently to ...

18 years ago
RE: I'm bored. DM time!

OOC: Well do I count as a player? IC: Mute watch the scene from his hiding place in the trees several meters away from the crash site and the flames....

18 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

IC: She smiled slightly at Ruby's joke, anything to keep the feeling of impending doom at bay. "Zaeda, scan for any life signs," "Compl...

18 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

IC: Eternity watched the child with a feeling of both dread and confusion, this child would have been picked up in a scan if it had been previously al...

18 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

IC: Eternity watched the marine move away and she readied herself for another attack, Zaeda hovering around and muttering something about something in...

18 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

The last of them had gone down now, ti was just down to her. Quickly she got into the hole, balancing herself so that she could still hold the fire ex...

18 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

IC: Eternity looked around at the remaining people and sighed to herself, they were running out of time and people, how long until even Bezarin was ov...

18 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

OOC: Well, this story was good and SF told me about Wraith's email, so, I thought I'd just push it back up so then we can continue posting, K? This po...

18 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

OOC: Sorry I've not posted lately. IC: "May I be of assistance?" The droid hovered over to the door and fired the laser he had been equipped...

18 years ago
RE: TF: Generations


18 years ago
RE: TF: Generations

OOC: Just in case someone made a mistake, Eternity is a tiger. Sorry if you did know but the Dr didn't. IC: Eternity wished she could understand what ...

18 years ago
RE: TF: Generations


19 years ago
RE: TF: Generations

IC: "It's okay, I'll try and stagger out of here, I'll have to go another way, I barely have enough energy to walk let alone put up a stealth fie...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship &lt;New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller&gt; [Sci-Fi]

IC: Eternity's ears twicthed nervously as she continued with the others, she couldn't help but look at Slayde's arm with concern, forcing herself to t...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship &lt;New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller&gt; [Sci-Fi]

IC: Eternity rushed over to Slayde, Zaeda bobbing close to examine the wounds, wincing sympathetically, she motioned for Zaeda to come in close the dr...

19 years ago
RE: TF: Generations

IC: Eternity had managed to reach the dried up place where they were to fight but then her energy failed her, she fell to the ground on her side and m...

19 years ago
RE: TF: Generations

IC: Eternity felt herself crash into something hard and for a few moments lay stunned in the rubble, aware that she had hit a decepticon at any rate. ...

19 years ago
RE: TF: Generations

IC: Eternity dropped her stealth mode with relief, she wondered if the Decepticons were surprsied for a few moments then found she didn't really care....

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship &lt;New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller&gt; [Sci-Fi]

IC: Eternity moved into the room loking at the blade sweepers with interest she picked one up and looked at Zaeda curiously, "I think this could ...

19 years ago
RE: TF: Generations

OOC; Sorry if I didn't make it clear but Eternity is a black tiger with white stripes. IC: Eternity noted the distress she was causing and suddenly s...

19 years ago
RE: TF: Generations

Eternity glared at Tarantulas' back, "Why is it I still feel inclined to shoot you?" She muttered icily, reining in her distrust and contro...

19 years ago
RE: TF: Generations

IC: Eternity's sensors jolted at all the new cybertronians in the area, she had spotted the wolf now and then Prowl, she was taken a back when a spide...

19 years ago
RE: TF: Generations

OOC: I've always wanted to be in a transformers RP! 😛 IC: Eternity crouched low in an alleyway, her black tiger fur criss crossed with white stripes...

19 years ago
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