Mobius Forum Archive

Estimable Member
Joined: Feb 12, 2005
Topics: 2 / Replies: 238
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

IC: "Not necessarily." Piped up Zaeda, floating over to the console, a small plug like mechanism emerged from under a metal cver and attache...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

IC: Meeka sat looking back and forth at the conversation, his tail twitching agitatedly. "Meeka no likie nasty man thing, this not good, not good...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

IC: Eternity opened fire at the charging adnihilo, trying to aim as best she could with her laser, suddenly Zaeda surprised her by giving off a loud a...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

OOC: Yikes, I'm still here, soz guys, had a busy time, internet has been hard to come by lately, soz. IC: Eternity shook with adrenaline and smiled s...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

OOC: Soz I haven't been here for a while. Back now though. IC: Meeka looked back and forth at Storm and Mobius in surprise. "Cat cat no cat cat ...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

IC: Meeka slipped to the ground and put his nose to the floor sniffing slightly then he sat up on his haunches and twitched his whiskers thoughtfully....

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

IC: Meeka still clung to Marshal's fur, "Yes yes Meeka say much much animalses be here, see see!" He chittered scanning the croud and his ey...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

IC: Eternity leant against the wall shook slightly, this was just so frustrating and frightening at the same time, possible escape only inches away on...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

IC: "Zaeda can yu tell what's out there by scanning? Accessing camera files, anything!" "Processing..." She looked around and caut...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

OOC: Yeah I remembered, why else would I set her hand on fire? If she hadn't been metal I wouldn't have done it. What do you think I am? Crazy lol ...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

IC: Meeka hopped around for a bit chittering before speaking up. "Meeka come, Meeka small, poor Meeka, but Meeka shall help help yes yes. No let ...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

IC: "Big woof Foxies be right right, yes yes! Must move quick quick, nasty wrong things nasty manthings, nasty not right foxie things, cat-cats a...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

IC: "...finished data check, affirmative, there is a a chemical which you may find useful." "Just get it!" "Complying." ...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

IC: "Meeka sorry he make it rain, at least now now smaller foxies out, yes yes. No cry smaller foxies, Meeka much smaller than you, poor Meeka, a...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

IC: "Easy enough for you to say!" She yelled looking with mild surprise at A and the bug shield but frankly with what was happening, Santa c...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

IC: "Meeka can do that, yes yes, Meeka do that, helpie poor smaller foxies, yes yes, Meeka shall do that. Yes." He hurriedly hopped off Bloo...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

IC: Eternity noted the cause of the melted eyes "At least we know the cause of that." She thought, cursing as the laser battery died, it was...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

IC: "Zaeda. Come over here." "What are you going to do?" He floated over to her side, his blue 'eye' on the animated corpses infro...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

OOC: Okay, I've thought it over with SF and heres the plan. Group 1 (helicopter roof entry) 1) Get onto the roof from there we find a way in, there a...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

IC: Crying out in surprise Eternity jrked her leg away, the hand lost its grip on the cold metal and she hurriedly moved to the otherside of the room....

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

IC; "Meeka no likie this, no right right, no no no..." Meeka shook his head from side to side in confusion then slowly back ed away. "P...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

OOC: Gosh I've missed a bit. IC: Eternity nodded her head at A, "Good work, just put them over there, I'll just finish up here and I'll be right...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

OOC: I'm sorry I haven't posted for a while, I've had a few complications in my general RP time. IC; Eternity was checking around the med lab, she'd ...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

OOC: Okay to all of that. IC: Serenity's ears twitched, she heard voices outside the door then the creak of it opening. "Serenity?" The hed...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

Eternity looked on in horror at the floating remains of some of the crew, she kept count of those spotted and after walking further with the others fr...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

OOC: I have no idea but I wish they'd come back "hint hint" I can't do anything right now but I'll post later as long as nothing happens...t...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

Eternity looked at the blood in shock and read through the message as best she could. Frowning she brought out a compact visual transmission device, t...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

Meeka's eyes flckered open then closed in pain. "Meeka no likie this, no likie at all at all..." he muttered struggling to move. The world s...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

Eternity held up her hand and then spoke, "Zaeda six-" but she was interrupted by said machine. "Captains I am fully equipped to surviv...

19 years ago
RE: STAR WARS : Shroud of the Dark Side (NEED PEOLE)

Lily had taken her hand away from her lightsaber when she was told to run, and now reached for the detonator, pulling it out she aimed, activated it o...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

IC: Meeka shrieked as he was sent flying crashing against a wall. Everything went blurry and started spinning when he hit the ground, the small rodent...

19 years ago
RE: STAR WARS : Shroud of the Dark Side (NEED PEOLE)

IC: Lily, got ready to draw her own, counting the blasters and Necrain and felt a twinge of fear when she realised how many shots could be fired at on...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

IC: "I wonder if you count as a member?" Eternity muttered, eyeing Zaeda six, "I do not know, but I'm sure it is possible for me to ext...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

Meeka had been clinging to Marshal for dear life when he attacked Marvin, finding it hard to stay on with him leaping everywhere, finally Meeka manage...

19 years ago
RE: STAR WARS : Shroud of the Dark Side (NEED PEOLE)

IC: Lily looked back at where her detonation charge pack lay, she pulled it back to her with ease and looked up at the ship, it would hardly scratch i...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

IC: Meeka quickly climbed aboard Marshal, not wanting to attract to much attention from Blood the giant slinkie. "Meeka shall help friend woof if...

19 years ago
RE: STAR WARS : Shroud of the Dark Side (NEED PEOLE)

OOC: That's alright Wraith, no need to edit, its okay IC; Lily dodged a thrust aimed at someone else and sighed again, this was going to be harder ...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

IC: Kodie raised an eyebrow and shrugged, "Whatever you say," but it was obvious he didn't really believe them. "Nice to meet you anywa...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

Meeka had followed Marshal in the hopes he was going somewhere safer, he'd decided with all this talk of cat cats that he was safer with a large woof,...

19 years ago
RE: STAR WARS : Shroud of the Dark Side (NEED PEOLE)

Lily sighed, it looked like the others were still going to fight, wether or not a ship practically crashed over their heads. The cat like girl surveye...

19 years ago
RE: STAR WARS : Shroud of the Dark Side (NEED PEOLE)

OOC: After an email from Wraith I got an idea so I'm putting Lily back in. 😛 Wish me luck on a second try. IC: Lily closed her eyes and wondered onc...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

"Rat rat friend! Cried Meeka happily pelting out from the cover of tree roots, forgetting his fears for the time being. "Now Meeka no alone,...

19 years ago
RE: STAR WARS : Shroud of the Dark Side (NEED PEOLE)

OOC: Sorry guys, there's just nothing really happening with my char so I'm leaving, I can't seem to post in time to get myself in on the action 😛 Goo...

19 years ago
RE: STAR WARS : Shroud of the Dark Side (NEED PEOLE)

OOC: Looks like Teh ebil bunny isn't doing anything so I'll just say that Alex didn't come out of meditation when she was tapped on the shoulder. IC:...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

Nightshade nodded again looking at the security forces as she did, they didn't look like much, just people with a uniform and a gun, they looked tired...

19 years ago
RE: Questers of Destra [Humour]

Lena slurped the last of her slushie and paused, thinking, then, "Well, it might make it easier for me to get around towns without people throwin...

19 years ago
RE: Oakenfield [escape/survival]

Tarka looked at the hill. "Great more things for me to fall over." he stood there waiting for them to get over the wall so they could start ...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

Nigthshade nodded to Maize, "I know, I think the security system isn't as good as they think." Noticing Angelo's gaze she suddenly said loud...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

Meeka looked up at the trees suspicously. "Who big voiced thing in trees, hiding and frightening poor Meeka, you big nasty thing to eat Meeka? Tr...

19 years ago
RE: STAR WARS : Shroud of the Dark Side (NEED PEOLE)

OOC: Sorry but I've been ill, still not right so hang on in there I WILL BE BACK!

19 years ago
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