Mobius Forum Archive

Estimable Member
Joined: Feb 12, 2005
Topics: 2 / Replies: 238
RE: Oakenfield [escape/survival]

Tarka turned and looked back at the two still over on the otherside of the wall. "Come on, we can't be caught in the open, hurry."

19 years ago
RE: Questers of Destra [Humour]

Lena looked at the drinks selection, completely ignoring the comments goign around her, she found w2hat she was after and pulled it out from behind a ...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

Meeka started edgin away, looking for a safe hiding spot, muttering under hsi breathe several unintelligable things, finally he reached the roots of a...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

Nightshade grabbed sub machine gun off the rack and slung it across her back, she gathered up a few ammo clips and attached them to a belt she pockete...

19 years ago
RE: Questers of Destra [Humour]

Lena looked up at the sky to talk to the narrator. "Just one question if you help the story, why didn't you find a companion with a magical sword...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

Meeka's easr twitched, his eyes widened. He gave a squeak of fright and leapt off the dog, running up a small tree he scrambled quickly up onto a smal...

19 years ago
RE: Questers of Destra [Humour]

"Just because I'm part dog does not been I'll do everything you say. Say please." "Fine please now hurry!" "Thankyou." L...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

The badger watched them as those who had chosen to come entered the armoury, "You'll have to wait three hours on your transport before you get t...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

Meeka sat up on his haunches and perred around in the rain, his nose twitched as he caught the scent of many animals, even though the scents were muff...

19 years ago
RE: Questers of Destra [Humour]

Lena looked at the dragon and then back at the group. "Well, what do we do now, you said something about a destractus spell or whatever, where ca...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

Meeka was relieved when Blood departed and looked at the head he was clinging to. "You big woof no hurt Meeka rat rat?" He asked. "You ...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

Meeka titled his head and looked at the skunk quizzically, "Skunky no eat or stinkify?" The rat stepped back uncertainly and fell into a pla...

19 years ago
RE: Questers of Destra [Humour]

"Oh come off it, my Grandma can shoot better than that and she doesn't even have any hands!" Surprising everyone an odd creature came out of...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

IC: The badger came up to the back of the hall and approached the group, "Well we know this as well, we have some other plans, this is just to sl...

19 years ago
RE: Oakenfield [escape/survival]

Tarka looked at the low wall and at the plains. "Ur...I guess we either run fast or crawl, or a little of each. Or we walk. Man, I wish there was...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

"Cat cat!!" Screeched Meeka, immediately leaping into a pot plant, he shrieked again when a skunk popped out of a dustbin. "Stripies an...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

The raccon suddenly grabbed a walkie talkie attached o a belt round his wasit and put it to his ear, he listened for a few moments before muttering so...

19 years ago
RE: Animorphs: Other Reality

IC: Lizzy panted as she slowed to a stop outside the zoo, she missed the speed and endurance of the cat morph she'd aquired, but it couldn't be helped...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

IC: Meeka scrambled through the rubbish, searching for somehting good to eat, his tulip ears turning back and forth searching for cat-like sounds. &qu...

19 years ago
RE: STAR WARS : Shroud of the Dark Side (NEED PEOLE)

IC: Lily had come back now after her exploration and went up to Alex, nervous for a bit, then just throwing caution to the winds she tapped her on the...

19 years ago
RE: Diamonds in the Shadows.

IC: Shadow shrugged, "Fine with me. Lets's go." TBC

20 years ago
RE: Oakenfield [escape/survival]

IC: Tarka pulled his chain as hard as possible as soon as he heard the click, there was a small amount of chaos as the chains came free and the Otter ...

20 years ago
RE: STAR WARS : Shroud of the Dark Side (NEED PEOLE)

OOC: Yes I'm here, soz for the post delay, had a few bits and pieces to attend to. IC: Lily, had been thinking about the offer of rejoining the Jedi ...

20 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

OOC: Okay, this seems to be going really slowly so I'm going to have to give this a bit of a push. All those who were in PS9 will know what I'm about ...

20 years ago
RE: Oakenfield [escape/survival]

Tarka recieving no reply sighed and thumped back down against the wall, he noticed a fox in the corner looking up with silver eyes. "Hi." he...

20 years ago
RE: STAR WARS : Shroud of the Dark Side (NEED PEOLE)

IC: Scrambling back up onto the platform she arued back with the sith lord, though she felt defenseless without her lightsaber even out she carried on...

20 years ago
RE: STAR WARS : Shroud of the Dark Side (NEED PEOLE)

IC: Lily opened her eyes again and listened in slight shock to the things going on. "Don't listen to everything they say!" she cried over th...

20 years ago
RE: Oakenfield [escape/survival]

IC: Name: Tarka Species: Otter Age:12 Physical: He doesn't know how tall he is, but he is relatively tall, neither does he know his weight. Tarka has ...

20 years ago
RE: Invasions of the Hazzerans.[Character][General]

IC: Zinc followed behind the others looking around cautiously at everyone and everything, and jumping whenever there was a rumble or the earth shook a...

20 years ago
RE: Diamonds in the Shadows.

IC: Shadow heard the call. "Hello anyone still here?" "Yeah, I'm here. Who's there?" Shadow stepped up towards the other fox, look...

20 years ago
RE: STAR WARS : Shroud of the Dark Side (NEED PEOLE)

IC: Lily clung onto the ship aware of the drop below her, wishing she'd just stayed in the old aparment and not left her bed she closed her eyes and h...

20 years ago
RE: STAR WARS : Shroud of the Dark Side (NEED PEOLE)

IC: Lily was now gettig very panicked, all these jedi and now it looked a fight was about to happen. Pulling away from the jedi holding herarm she use...

20 years ago
RE: STAR WARS : Shroud of the Dark Side (NEED PEOLE)

IC: As she paused she sensed the presense of several jedi enter, two of them obviously Sith, but the other was light. Now very nervous she tried to mo...

20 years ago
RE: STAR WARS : Shroud of the Dark Side (NEED PEOLE)

OOC: Looks cool IC: Side: Neutral/Jedi rogue Species: Vaelek, like a humanoid cat, human shape only with cat ears, a tail, thin fur all over their bo...

20 years ago
RE: Gate 43

IC: Lily grabbed Zack's arm and wung him around, acing a different direction. "It's that way. I've got my own portal." Looking back into the...

20 years ago
RE: Gate 43

IC: Lily swung round and groaned at the sight of the triumphant looking troll she saw another troll heading for the portal as well, she judged the dis...

20 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

IC: Nightshade shrugged, "Fine with me," she ignored the message on the tree, she knew the risks well enough. TBC

20 years ago
RE: Diamonds in the Shadows.

IC: Shadow looked at theground for a few moments and then looked up to see the soem kind of machine practically ontop of Station square, his eyes narr...

20 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

IC: Nightshade saw the expression on Xan's face and rolled her eyes, "Xan, would youlike to volunteer?" She asked, not without a trace of sa...

20 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

OOC: No problem. IC: Nightshade thought it over for a few moments then agreed on something. "Okay, you seem to be fairly trustworthy, we could l...

20 years ago
RE: Diamonds in the Shadows.

OOC: Looks cool, I'm in. IC: Name: Shadow fox (to kill some confusion) Species: Fox Age: 16 Appearance: Black fur and white tummy, a red scarf around...

20 years ago
RE: Invasions of the Hazzerans.[Character][General]

IC: Zinc shook his head, "No needie of distractions, well...yes yes maybe, perhapso if Zinc in trouble or dissappearieness wears off. Hmmmm...whe...

20 years ago
RE: Gate 43

OOC: That's okay, my original post was eaten and then later regurgitated, so I know how you feel. IC: Lily heard her reply with relief, she finally ...

20 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

IC: "Besides, wouldn't they think that we'd stay in the forest? As faaaaaaaaar away from the city and Overlanders as possible? Either way, at the...

20 years ago
RE: Animorphs: Other Reality

OOC: Hey! Now I AM back. I'd typed that post ages ago and it vanished. Hmmm...ah well, atleast its back now IC: <Wow. I never expected you to pi...

20 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

OOC: I don't know, hopefully it'l be restored. I guess we could do a recap...okay. IC: So far the furry fugitive escape vessel has crashed in a fores...

20 years ago
RE: Invasions of the Hazzerans.[Character][General]

OOC: Yay! I can post! IC: "Alienses ships big big floatie thins, go up and you bang head on shipses. Have to be big to make earthie quakes yes y...

20 years ago
RE: Animorphs: Other Reality

OOC: Yay! My account exists again!!! And I don't think you missed anything. IC: Lizzy looked out the window, she'd heard something move, and there w...

20 years ago
RE: Gate 43

OOC:Yay I can post IC: Lily waited for the girl to reply, getting nervous becuase she was taking too long, she heard something behind the ruined desks...

20 years ago
RE: Invasions of the Hazzerans.[Character][General]

IC: "What about the shipses, aliens all have shipses! If we could get on the shipses we could find sneaky things alienses are planning. Shame Zin...

20 years ago
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