The "Featured Topic" of the Mofo just screams like it needs to be changed. Ya know to something similar, but this time switch again when this all die...
**** Vec, you reminded me of the reason why those triva games would derail. If there were more than one answer and the questioner/answerer only though...
Maybe you have forgotten how crazy and quick the trivia games go around here.
Yes, current technology can. Current Sonic? Probally not.
It would have to be a giant city with seemless load times between each part. Yeah.
Techno Base, Sonic Advance 2.
Quote:Invader Zim is an obscure old cult classic sci-fi show? I thought it was a crappy 90s cartoon that ravening barely-sentient 14-year-old girls r...
GT the Magikoopa (4:20 am): So...what's keeping either of us up now? Commissar Wonderbat (4:21 am): C-C-C-COCAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE Commissar Wo...
Go for Spork. If any of your friends ask say its from some obscure old cult classic sci-fi show that they won't know of.
Because checkers have been done to death. Now triangles, that's a different matter.
He has an instashield. He can destroy the orbinauts in Launch Base zone without geting hurt. 'Nuf said. Every character is a more or less branched kn...
No Game and Watch love for you then?
What story would that be then? That's like taking the heart and soul out of Sonic Rivals and giving it a kinkereigouber of epic proportions. And tru...
Lol, bad timing on Cartoon Network then.
Still, even though Vec made the thread I can't help but wonder if I had seen this get posted before...
Quote:The aim of each level is to hunt down shipbuilding parts for Tails - yes, he's back - to turn into submarines/water bikes/hovercraft for special...
They could have both. After unlocking the stage, "time attack" would come up. That's where the rival wouldn't appear, who would only be in S...
Here's another thing that I have learned, its bad to be a henchman. If you don't do your job you'll be given the "You have failed me for the last tim...
Its true, I can't seem to put this website down, just like browsing wikipedia when you have a big school paper to write <_< I was unfortunate t...
Quote:I also tend to believe there is a connection between the events in Sonic Next (Solaris) and the Sol Emeralds in Sonic Rush (though this is just ...
Eh, what I'm wondering about is whatever happened to Sonic Riders 2: the sequel of the first to the place of confirmingness, then nothing more has sho...
Adspace? I hear they attach themselves to faces now.
And the aftermath.
Blame Becca. Also that was the 11300th reply, so it had to be something special. Stopped everybody in their tracks for like a week, amiright? And the ...
I remember hearing about a SatAM game that was being made and then canceled with what was left turned into what was going to be Sonic X-treme. Didn't ...
Come on SH, look at the title! It is clearly Vegeta! I guess this is payback for us laughing at him =P
Last time it was seen on tv was on Nicktoons with horrible edits. Now DVDs are out and they aren't going to show it again. If you are lucky you migh...
Just search "Honey Sonic" in Deviantart. She's apparently a fanart favorite, and some even have screenshots of playing as her in Sonic the Fighters.
The game's not even out yet, but she's already on Deviantart. Just type "Sonic Rush Adventure"
Quote:Wario and Shadow FTW. Shadow's not greedy and determined enough, you mean Nack and Wario. I can see those two as a team =D
There's more fans like that? Still? I would like to hear what he says about Nack the Weasel/Fang the Sniper o.o
You can just click the video. o.o;
If you want something relatively new that's about Halo, click here. If this wasn't somehow already posted it will probally be posted again due to it ...
SH makes a great lawyer <3 ...a new challenger approaches! HS the Dark?
But I came first! ;__;
... <_<# That's it. Do you people really confuse me for him? Not the other way around?
Its been done, then again I did do the same thing today. -_-
If this thread made you turn your head, at least for a minute or two, then it has done its job. As for the gigantic fire, from what I read (which was ...
Nope, try again.
SegaSonic Chris! Lets all go for that!
But then there won't be online discussions on who's the father And if they are truly following DBZ storylines... ShadXAmy...discuss!!
I haven't heard of this show, but it sounds like a bad ripoff of Bob the Builder and Dora the Explorer.
Wasn't it settled that it was Gem? As Emerl came from emerald? So it was a combination of gem and emerald?
I'm sure its Gemerl. If american Sonic X mistook the original for "E-mel," I'm sure its just the same translation error.