Mobius Forum Archive

Guardian of Destiny
Trusted Member
Joined: Mar 3, 2005
Topics: 1 / Replies: 56
RE: The Rev has a name, and it's a "Wii" bit lame

ARG. x_X For shame, Nintendo. For shame. Signed the petition. Crossed the 'i's. Dotted the 't's. I TRUSTED YOU NINTENDO =O And x_x @ lame 'Wii' jok...

19 years ago
RE: Nightmare City: Survival in the fake city.

OOC: First note, to those that don't know, this is Spiner, just in an alternate account. Finally seen the second clip to the Nightmare City series. I...

19 years ago
RE: This may have been asked....(Post-E3 Edit)

More than likely, I'd be getting all three Next-Gen consoles, as it hasn't stopped me before with the previous generation. As far as I'm aware, all th...

19 years ago
RE: Halo meets Dead or Alive 4? (CHARACTER REVEALED!)

Quote:Tina Armstrong. Alright before you laugh. Think about it. Tina wants to be a film star, Halo movie in production. Female Spartan? Halo Arena is ...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic Rush

Quote:i guess he's working with the alter Eggy seeing as how Eggy hardly makes any serious inventions. i guess two IQ 300 brain consisting heads are ...

19 years ago
RE: What are you listening to at the moment 😀

The theme for the Shadow the Hedgehog game. That, and Simple Plan's Me Against the World.

19 years ago
RE: Soul Calibur 3

Ah, thanks for clearing that up for me. On a side note, MAN, that clip looked so nice. n.n

19 years ago
RE: Soul Calibur 3

I can't wait 'til the character creation for SC3. n_n I wonder how that'll work, and how the set of fighting moves will be allocated?

19 years ago
RE: Virtual Sonic (started, read 1st post)

Then I guess I'll be Vanilla. ... Wait, maybe not. I'll be Big, then, since all the 'cool' characters are taken up. :p Actually, Big might be some f...

19 years ago
RE: A sudden fanaticism.

As long as its not one of those fanfics where Pokemons and humans are genetically modified with each other. I can't stand those. Or Mewtwo in love wi...

19 years ago
RE: Art Request: "Jonathan Kasra."

Give me a few days, and I should have a piece of art or two about Jonathon.

19 years ago
RE: Earthquake Under Mobotropolis

"What the Hell was that?" He let out a sigh, and held a hand over his stomach. That didn't feel particuarly nice, but at least it had gone a...

19 years ago
RE: The World Animal Combat Federation [Group Mission Survival]

Product number 17's attention had been caught by the voice, and he had turned himself away from the monitor. He knew he didn't have to watch, since th...

19 years ago
RE: The World Animal Combat Federation [Group Mission Survival]

A creature, standing roughly 6 and a half feet tall stood and watched a monitor, as the fight ensued between the vixen and the panther. Spiked quills ...

19 years ago
RE: Tergonaut's Website and Art Requests

Terg, there was also the one I done of Megan Lapine. If you don't have it anymore, I'll gladly resend it to you. Also, for my absence from the RPer's...

20 years ago
RE: A world of the future. (Mechs, Gundams, ACs, and the like.)

OOC: Um, SX, just so you know, Wraith does have his profile posted. Scroll further up on this page. =P IC: Bardok Advent was in a higher viewpoint of...

20 years ago
RE: Caption of the Whenever #69 (5/28/05)

Rar. I remember that game. XD ...And why does it look like he's holding a gunblade?

20 years ago
RE: A world of the future. (Mechs, Gundams, ACs, and the like.)

*Slight drool.* ...n_n *Doesn't even bother wiping it away.* Name: Bardok Advent Species: Human Planet: Mars Type of Mech: Armoured Core Name of mech...

20 years ago
RE: A world of the future. (Mechs, Gundams, ACs, and the like.)

*Slight drool.* ...n_n *Doesn't even bother wiping it away.* Name: Bardok Advent Species: Human Planet: Mars Type of Mech: Armoured Core Name of mech...

20 years ago
RE: Yet another Geek test...

13.21499% - Geek Tendencies Well, I guess that isn't so bad, especially since I try to have a social life with others which aren't geeks. o.o

20 years ago
RE: Crossover Heroes

"I'll be the second piece of bait so let's just get this over with!" Spiner heard T say with a shrug. It took him a split-second to think a...

20 years ago
RE: Crossover Heroes

"I'll be the second piece of bait so let's just get this over with!" Spiner heard T say with a shrug. It took him a split-second to think a...

20 years ago
RE: Crossover Heroes

"I don't know," Spiner wiped away sweat from his forehead, as he whipped out his blade again. Physically striking was more his thing. "...

20 years ago
RE: Crossover Heroes

"I don't know," Spiner wiped away sweat from his forehead, as he whipped out his blade again. Physically striking was more his thing. "...

20 years ago
RE: Crossover Heroes

"Sounds like a plan," Spiner had said, standing back-to-back with T.J. A smirk spread across the hedgehog's lips, as he sheathed his blade, ...

20 years ago
RE: Crossover Heroes

"Sounds like a plan," Spiner had said, standing back-to-back with T.J. A smirk spread across the hedgehog's lips, as he sheathed his blade, ...

20 years ago
RE: Sonic Rush info/site, new character "Blaze The Cat&quot

If memory serves well, I believe there was a competition held for a new Sonic character to appear in the games. Just out of speculation, this might be...

20 years ago
RE: Crossover Heroes

OOC: *Bitten.* Ow.. >_x How can I taste like a ChefBoyardee if I don't know what one is? IC: Eyes. Hundreds of tiny eyes. Spiner's gaze shifted ar...

20 years ago
RE: Crossover Heroes

OOC: *Bitten.* Ow.. >_x How can I taste like a ChefBoyardee if I don't know what one is? IC: Eyes. Hundreds of tiny eyes. Spiner's gaze shifted ar...

20 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 234
RE: STORYTIME *with espy on rugby and narcotics*

Ouch... I have my own painful rugby stories to share, but yours is by far more painful. One involved a neck injury, and the other a leg. Get well soon...

20 years ago
RE: Crossover Heroes

Aw, crap, were the first two words which came to Spiner's mind upon seeing the corpse, due to the realisation of what the hunter was capable of, follo...

20 years ago
RE: Crossover Heroes

Aw, crap, were the first two words which came to Spiner's mind upon seeing the corpse, due to the realisation of what the hunter was capable of, follo...

20 years ago
RE: Free Comic Book Day is tomorrow

o_o ...I'm sorry, did I just see that right? Free Comic Book Day? First time I've heard anything about this. Is this event, like, an official thing w...

20 years ago
RE: Church, Politics, And Why They Should Never Ever Mix

As a preacher, he has no right to shun people away from the church, because of political belief. Reverends shouldn't have the power to be able to do t...

20 years ago
RE: Yet another retro theme.

Out of all the themes I've seen over the years, I like this one the most. There's something peaceful and soothing about it. And special. It makes me f...

20 years ago
RE: Crossover Heroes

Earlier, after the mission briefing, Spiner had went to the armoury to outfit his weapons with the modified chip. As he waited for the modifications, ...

20 years ago
RE: Crossover Heroes

Earlier, after the mission briefing, Spiner had went to the armoury to outfit his weapons with the modified chip. As he waited for the modifications, ...

20 years ago
RE: Crossover Heroes

Spiner sat upon the bed, his arm resting over his chest. Even though he said to himself that hed rest, he couldnt, and he wasnt forcing himself awake,...

20 years ago
RE: Crossover Heroes

Spiner sat upon the bed, his arm resting over his chest. Even though he said to himself that hed rest, he couldnt, and he wasnt forcing himself awake,...

20 years ago
RE: Crossover Heroes

OOC: This takes place sometime during the night, after most of the events of which happened after the fight with the Watchmen, and the other arguement...

20 years ago
RE: Crossover Heroes

OOC: This takes place sometime during the night, after most of the events of which happened after the fight with the Watchmen, and the other arguement...

20 years ago
RE: Watch Out for the Exploding Toads!

...o.o Exploding toads? Oh, you know that is so cool. n.n

20 years ago
RE: Crossover Heroes

Spiner had returned back to his room, with only the door slightly damaged from the attack by the Watchman. Worry was featured upon his face. How many ...

20 years ago
RE: Crossover Heroes

Spiner had returned back to his room, with only the door slightly damaged from the attack by the Watchman. Worry was featured upon his face. How many ...

20 years ago
RE: Crossover Heroes

Spiner had made his decision to help, despite knowing well that he might miss out on a lot of questions being answered if he went, and he and the the ...

20 years ago
RE: Crossover Heroes

Spiner had made his decision to help, despite knowing well that he might miss out on a lot of questions being answered if he went, and he and the the ...

20 years ago
RE: (Rumor) The new villain in X-Men 3 is...

I heard about this the other day. Different source, mind you, but I have no ideal in Hell where he got it from. C'mon, sure Juggernaut has been named...

20 years ago
RE: My art

Well, working at Archie is a dream which is quite possible these days. Quite a few free-lance artists have been hired off-and-on over the past few yea...

20 years ago
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