Mobius Forum Archive

Harley Quinn hyenaholic
Noble Member
Joined: Jun 25, 2003
Topics: 23 / Replies: 1246
RE: A Really Dumb Thing...

Another wonderfully dumb thing I once did was the time I was throwing pieces of toy railway track around a friends bedroom and he was throwing it back...

18 years ago
Replies: 34
Views: 215
RE: First Snakes....

I don't think a scorpion would show up, what with not being made of metal and all. Unless it was made by Eggman.

18 years ago
RE: I'm back... and I'm ready to peel your skin off!

Baby, if words offended me... Well, I'm pretty sure they don't. *reads article* Well that's pretty dull for something that's supposed to offend me. ...

18 years ago
RE: The 'War' On Christmas

Well, the topic has changed somewhat since I started about Christmas, so I thought I'd go with thye flow, eh?

18 years ago
RE: The 'War' On Christmas

"Keeping us here eats away at families. Marriages suffer. The Democrats could care less about families...that's what this says." - Jack King...

18 years ago
RE: I'm back... and I'm ready to peel your skin off!

Wesu, for a horrible moment I thought your sig said that "Katsumi is sex." Quite a nasty shock, there.

18 years ago
RE: I'm back... and I'm ready to peel your skin off!

And Tails singing like a girl. Someting fishy is going on when he's the only character whose theme is sung by the opposite gender. "WHEN ALL ALO...

18 years ago
RE: I got me a new computer!

My computer's sound works now! Now I can listen to Linkin Park until I go hang myself!

18 years ago
RE: I'm back... and I'm ready to peel your skin off!

Amd now my sound works! It's wonderful! Now I can do all the things this computer was built for, like play games and music! Oh, and talk to you guys...

18 years ago
RE: The 'War' On Christmas

What's so damn special about Thanksgiving anyway? It's just the day on which the Pilgrims started to cheat the Indians out of their land and resources...

18 years ago
RE: I got me a new computer!

You found one in there? I congratulate you; I wasn't even trying this time. Hmmm... maybe I could use all the cds for the games that now refuse to wo...

18 years ago
RE: I got me a new computer!

My mouse and keyboard are now wireless, so I can't chuck them. But I can break the old ones over my knee, oh, yes! *scatters little keys all over the...

18 years ago
RE: ...But where is the Wario hat?????????

Who wants Sonic shoes? I want Shadow Shoes! Now THAT'S funky!

18 years ago
Replies: 41
Views: 325
RE: I got me a new computer!

Everybody was kung-fu-typing... (Hya! Ho-ha!) Their clicks were fast as lightning... (Hya! Ho-ha!) In fact it was a little enlightening... (Hya! Ho-ha...

18 years ago
RE: I got me a new computer!

Okay, it's not exactly Pentium 5. TECHNICALLY it's a 3500+ speed processor. Which means it's STILL better than your creaky old 3200+ speed processors....

18 years ago
Replies: 38
Views: 310
RE: Can You Feel the Sunshine? - Tails Doll strikes...

I've got "Can You Feel The Sunshine" as an MP3. I've also got the game Sonic R for my PC, second hand (The strange old man/middle-aged woman...

18 years ago
RE: Weapon of choice

Weapon of Choice - SEX! This is what happens when you don't read the first post, kiddies.

18 years ago
RE: I'm back... and I'm ready to peel your skin off!

Actually, I've been using Ezboard long before the MoFo. I came here for the RP on a shiny new Lion King board - so new that I managed to become an Adm...

18 years ago
RE: I'm back... and I'm ready to peel your skin off!

Ih, I remember now. My first ever post was wasted by that bug! How unfair is that? Plus I used it to remember how long I've been here.

18 years ago
RE: I'm back... and I'm ready to peel your skin off!

What was this EzHack people palk of? It sounds like I buggered off just in time, eh.

18 years ago
RE: I'm back... and I'm ready to peel your skin off!

Wow, I'm actually missed! This is so great! *sniffles happily* The reason I buggered off of course was because the MoFo started to move to some othe...

18 years ago
RE: I'm back... and I'm ready to peel your skin off!

Hey, just because I think Shadow's hot doesn't mean I'm female! When did I ever say I was female? And don't worry, your legs are safe from me, Turtle...

18 years ago
RE: I'm back... and I'm ready to peel your skin off!

Is that all you've got to say to me, Wonderbat? After all this time and when I'm being sexually harrassed in RP while I'm writing this? Still, you ha...

18 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 115
RE: What is patriotism?

Patriotism in the UK = Supporting England in the World Cup. Geez but football (and sport in general) sucks. And so does patriotism. SUPPORT YOUR CO...

19 years ago
RE: Dreams: Do they mean anything? Can you feel them?

If dreams meant anything, I'd have died in a swimming pool by now. Although I did have a nightmare in which I cheated on Eon, man I hated that.

19 years ago
RE: Fixed religion post; sorry for bumping the thread

You have to admit that the 7 days thing, while stupid, is not that bad an order for evolution for something written about 1000 years ago. They made a...

19 years ago
19 years ago
RE: Fixed religion post; sorry for bumping the thread

*Waves frantically* Well, there's atheists and agnostics, so shouldn't there be a special name for the 'just in case' people? I dunno... Christianit...

19 years ago
RE: About Nack

I'm BA-AAAACK! Yes, if I recall correctly, it was Porker Lewis who took the liberty of calling the cops while Nack was trying to squash Sonic. Figur...

19 years ago
RE: Evalc's RP: Disc Three

(Sorry about this... I keep thinking it's closed. E-mail me when you reply?) "I bet it's a trap..." Breech flexed her claws carefully. &qu...

19 years ago
RE: Evalc's RP: Disc Three

Well, I'M here. But I think most people assumed this RP was dead. You'd have to chase the major posters up again.

19 years ago
RE: Sonic the hedgehog video game ideas.

Sonic Tennis The Chaos Emeralds have been lost. We have to get them back by playing tennis! What deeper story do you need? As per usual, everybody j...

19 years ago
RE: Who do you think is the worst Sonic character?

You're so cruel, Rico. One day I'll be fantastically famous and... (delusional fantasies ahoy!) *twenty minutes later* ...and that was the reason I...

19 years ago
RE: Who do you think is the worst Sonic character?

I quite like Big, in case anybody's wondering. He's more interesting than Cream. Cream's too young. And if you know what I'm talking about, then shame...

19 years ago
RE: Computer Hardware Thread

The main problem with PCs is that about 90% of the time, they lok like a lump of industrial debris.

19 years ago
RE: Whoever Posts Last Wins 3: Now with an actual winner

I HATE YOU ALL! Just like Rico said, so blame him.

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

Yeah, but the Burger King hasn't been on The Simpsons yet.

19 years ago
RE: Who do you think is the worst Sonic character?

Damn right, Rico. Do you know how RUDE it is to suggest that I might take offence at a suggestion so accurate? I HATE YOU!!! SO SHUT UP!!! Cream i...

19 years ago
RE: Who do you think is the worst Sonic character?

Cream is WEAK. Without Cheese she wouldn't be able to do Jack. Although it begs the question, if she's weak, why is Sonic Advance 2 a walkthrough whe...

19 years ago
RE: Who do you think is the worst Sonic character?

Hey, Knuckles is second on my "Oh dear GOD he's HOT" list. Okay, so his theme music SUCKS. And I'm not too keen on his levels in SA2. But t...

19 years ago
RE: Sprite Comic (links fixed for Real)

This is MSPaint, right? You paste Metal in. Now you're looking far left. There should be two buttons at the bottom of the columns of tools. The one at...

19 years ago
RE: Who do you think is the worst Sonic character?

You guys know how I feel about Shadow. But Cream, she's way too cute. She was only created to fill in a Fly formation in Team Rose. And she's a rabb...

19 years ago
RE: A couple online quizzes...

All right! *vomits with happiness* [img noborder]http:// You scored as Shadow The Hedgehog. You're Shadow, and you're damn sexy! You're a dark, torm...

19 years ago
RE: Great Quotes we know and would love to say...

Doctor: "You broke my arm!" Sarah Connor: "There are 215 bones in your body. That's one. Now don't move." Terminator 2

19 years ago

Oh, various gods... I WANTED SHADOW!

19 years ago
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