Mobius Forum Archive

Harley Quinn hyenaholic
Noble Member
Joined: Jun 25, 2003
Topics: 23 / Replies: 1246
RE: Endangered

OoC: When the RP Guild opens again, it might be a good idea to put this in a new Endangered topic, because I think we're just piling posts on top of p...

19 years ago
RE: Michael Jackson case: decision reached

It didn't stop him from having the extra plastic surgery. I think everyone felt sorry for him.

19 years ago
RE: Let's all learn something about eachother.

I like tuna. I also like to spread butter on bread unnessicerily thick sometimes, and just eat that.

19 years ago
RE: PETA kills: employees charged w/ animal cruelty

Quote:But if you slap the "Organic" or "Free Range" label on it you can sell it for more and just like homeopathy, some people wil...

19 years ago
RE: Teleporting across the Internet

Hey, Jman, I only spread sex and corruption in the MoFo. I don't want to see pictures of naked chinese girls popping up unprompted on my computer scre...

19 years ago
RE: Is it Really Called Writing, Though?

If so-called reality TV is actually scripted, doesn't that mean that it's not actually reality? I always knew that these things followed a general sc...

19 years ago
RE: Michael Jackson case: decision reached

Actually, you do kinda know the real-life Harley. You just think I'm putting on an act, and on average, I don't. And anyway, if Michael didn't want p...

19 years ago
RE: Teleporting across the Internet

I know what Internet Teleportation is. It's when you click on a perfectly harmless address in that dropdown menu and it takes you to a disgusting por...

19 years ago
RE: PETA kills: employees charged w/ animal cruelty

The case should certainly be made public. Should charities have a tax-free status? I don't know what the US attitude is to that. I've never heard any...

19 years ago
RE: Ahoy! Back from Europe I am!

You enjoyed the UK? Well there's more to us than guys in bearskin hats. Come up to the Midlands and marvel at our lack of tea and crumpets and our lac...

19 years ago
RE: Michael Jackson case: decision reached

It's also supposed to stop the media from screaming, "Guilty! They're guilty!". Not that it does. Why can't it be 'neutral until proven inn...

19 years ago
RE: The Grim Reaper nears me...

Come to the UK for some gambling fun. You can drink alcohol, drive and have sex - though not all at the same time.

19 years ago
RE: PETA kills: employees charged w/ animal cruelty

You mean real free range, don't you, Cycle, not hole-in-the-wall free range. Besides, bigger hens lay bigger eggs.

19 years ago
RE: Threads are returning...

Well then, what happened to those pages that magically disappeared then?

19 years ago
RE: PETA kills: employees charged w/ animal cruelty

That's a bit cold, Wonderbat, but I'm sure there's other more stupid people who will now flame you for your opinions. Remember those little fluffy se...

19 years ago
RE: Threads are returning...

Bull. If they had backups, why are they saying this now? Quote:We are truly sorry for any content that is missing and while our words will not bring ...

19 years ago
RE: Ever wanted to shoot Crazy Frog? Now you can!

Or to a stage where a ring-tone can make it to number one in the music charts? That's somehow even worse. Shoot it out of the Kitty Cannon, along wit...

19 years ago
RE: Ever wanted to shoot Crazy Frog? Now you can!

This plays rather like something called "Kitty Cannon" on Newgrounds, which involves firing kittens out of a cannon. The difference is that...

19 years ago
19 years ago
RE: PETA kills: employees charged w/ animal cruelty

Did you know that a chicken farm only needs chickens to have a single access to outside the barn to be classed as Free Range? You can still cram abou...

19 years ago
RE: Threads are returning...

What the hell is he paid for? To make reliable backups in case of something like this happening! What are we paying for? Gold, which is supposed to h...

19 years ago
RE: Threads are returning...

It is now Monday, and there are still threads missing. There's always D, Lighthead. Get a brick and stove the person responsible for backup on Ezboar...

19 years ago
RE: Hacked (MFW, Endurance/Survival)

"Nobody ever complained before," said Harley, following Silver. They looked out the door. "Where'd the mutants come from?" she as...

19 years ago
RE: On embarassing yourself...

It's been hot in |England lately. Today, instead of drinking the mineral water I bought, I poured it over my head.

19 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 21
RE: Big Brother, anyone?

They don't even have just averagely attractive people in there. Yeah, you need interesting people who do spontaneous things like taking off all their ...

19 years ago
RE: Hacked (MFW, Endurance/Survival)

OoC: I always thought the MFW was: Internet: World Ezboard: Country MoFo: City Guild: District Thread: Block Page: Building Post: Person But okay, I...

19 years ago
RE: Region 0 DVDs

I've got a region free DVD player, and I had to look up on the internet on how to set it that way.

19 years ago
RE: Michael Jackson case: decision reached

I bet everyone felt sorry for him. Like Anne Robinson said, in the fundamental, Right wing, practically theocracian America, how can he not be found ...

19 years ago
RE: Threads are returning...

Oh, come on. You've got a sack on your head. That could be anybody. I remember this girl who used a photograph of a little-known brazillian model as h...

19 years ago
Replies: 72
Views: 77
RE: Michael Jackson case: decision reached

I say that since we didn't see the trial itself, or any of the evidence or anything, we can't really judge MJ guilty or innocent.

19 years ago
RE: Michael Jackson case: decision reached

What I meant was that if someone is charged of paedopile activities and cleared, you can't go round to their house and start spraying "PAEDOPHILE...

19 years ago
RE: Hacked (MFW, Endurance/Survival)

Harley looked at Silver, who was trying to regain solidity, and considered this, "Okay... so first we have to find them? Then we can gut them! I ...

19 years ago
RE: Michael Jackson case: decision reached

Anyway, Mike will probably get what he deserves. This case has practically bankrupted him. I heard that he had to sell Neverland. If he doesn't stop h...

19 years ago
RE: Big Brother, anyone?

*kicks Abi* And back to Big Brother!!! Why do they only choose attractive single people in their mid twenties for Big Brother? You can't tell me you...

19 years ago
RE: Hacked (MFW, Endurance/Survival)

Name: Harley Quinn hyenaholic Age: 20 Gender: Negociable Species: Domestic Cat Weapons: Lots of guns, and the Electrobar 3000. Thanks to the hack,...

19 years ago
RE: Announcements should stay on topic

They were flashing thumbnails of scantily clad chinese teenage girls in suggestive poses. No actual breasts, but lots of cleavage on show. Not very ni...

19 years ago
RE: How the dinosaurs REALLY died

So I don't know anything about the technical details of Carbon Dating. So sue me. But 60,000 years is a long time... I think carbon dating can pretty...

19 years ago

Oh yes, and well done on getting a new job, Ceej.

19 years ago
RE: Big Brother, anyone?

Who wants Sonic when you can write smutfics about Shadow? Heh... anyway, it is kinda weird. Maybe Sonic is also now cool to enjoy when you're 20 now....

19 years ago

If there was still a Quote of the whenever, I'd put that in to quote.

19 years ago
RE: Official Nack the Weasel/Fang the Sniper discussion thread

I can see Nack in a trenchcoat and sunglasses. *throat closes up* He'd be like Herman, from Herman's Military Antiques, only with both arms. They've...

19 years ago
RE: How the dinosaurs REALLY died

Trying to meld the theory of evolution into BiblE Stories. Hasn't this guy ever heard of Carbon Dating that proves Dinosaurs died out 65 million year...

19 years ago
RE: Official Nack the Weasel/Fang the Sniper discussion thread

Or a game where they decide what they're going to call him. That's good too. He'd be interesting in Shadow the Hedgehog. As a gun salesman.

19 years ago
RE: Announcements should stay on topic

It is difficult to decide what's what in today's society. When seven year old children know the f-word, not much is censored, and I say the less censo...

19 years ago
RE: Announcements should stay on topic

*sighs* Well, at least that horrible avatar isn't there any more.

19 years ago
RE: How the dinosaurs REALLY died

Hmmmph, I've checked it out, and Endangered, the only RP remaining that I'm in, has 220 pages of "This post can't be recovered" or whatever ...

19 years ago
RE: How the dinosaurs REALLY died

What did I do this time? Craig, why are you so mean to me? Is it something to do with missig the RP Zone? Anyway, where was I? Oh, yeah, this guy i...

19 years ago
RE: Announcements should stay on topic

Well, it sounded plausible to me to only be shouted at by the important person who caught me... And if Jaffa can keep that hideous avatar - it's a go...

19 years ago
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