Mobius Forum Archive

Harley Quinn hyenaholic
Noble Member
Joined: Jun 25, 2003
Topics: 23 / Replies: 1246
RE: Sonic heroes' characters

Yeah, Fleetway quit before he was introduced in the games. You know what the very worst thing about Tails' voice? It's that he sounds even younger th...

19 years ago
RE: 2005 General Elections

How did we get from politics to movies about sheep? Anyway, you have to have a candidat running in your area for your party before you can vote for t...

19 years ago
RE: 2005 General Elections

Sorry, darkwing. Didn't mean to offend anyone in particular. But it's just what I think. Vote for them for whatever reason you want, but please, pleas...

19 years ago
RE: 2005 General Elections

The Conservatives are gonna get WASTED in this election. Only idiots who believe their crap about tax cuts will vote for them. Lib Dems might even win...

19 years ago
RE: Spark: Ressurection

OoC: You got it, Violet. Undetermined Life Status. That's what goes for the people of Knothole. I didn't feel like listing them, and I wasn't keen on ...

19 years ago
RE: Spark: Ressurection

Breech frowned, "East would bring us up against Knothole; it's been swarming with Sparks for years now. We should try-" There was an large e...

19 years ago
RE: 2005 General Elections

How the hell do I know what a bunch of middle-to-upper class sexist bigots are thinking? Now that's a catchphrase that's asking for it. I found thes...

19 years ago
RE: Spark: Ressurection

Breech looked from Relm to Midnight and back again. "I... uh, my name's Breech Loader... I just..." She pointed up, "There. SWATbots ...

19 years ago
RE: Spark: Ressurection

Breech stopped crying after a while - it was doing nothing for her. She got to her feet, a soft moan of pain escaping. After some effort, she had carv...

19 years ago
RE: Spark: Ressurection

I should have said this earlier - I hope that not everybody is going to want to be a Wireless. I honestly should have guessed. Also, remember Rules 1...

19 years ago
RE: Spark: Ressurection

Five years ago, Robotnik started making a special kind of robot - he called them Infiltrators. They had a faux fur covering and a Modem that connected...

19 years ago
RE: Spark: Ressurection

Five years ago, Robotnik started making a special kind of robot - he called them Infiltrators. They had a faux fur covering and a Modem that connected...

19 years ago
RE: New Shadow the Hedgehog game...

Hey, if they're making a game for more mature players, why didn't they have a Rouge the Bat game? Something like Lara Croft's grave-robbing antics at ...

19 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

Hey, if they're making a game for more mature players, why didn't they have a Rouge the Bat game? Something like Lara Croft's grave-robbing antics at ...

19 years ago
RE: You've got soul, baby

The idea of being nothing more than a tube of flesh scares me somewhat. If you don't mind, I'll stick with souls, and maybe I'll think of something th...

19 years ago
RE: Great Quotes we know and would love to say...

"Hey kids! I'm Krusty the Clown and tonight I'm going to suck!" (pause. Prompt card is changed) "Your blood!" (The Simpsons, one of the Halloween Spe...

19 years ago
RE: More Fun With The MPAA: The Great Fanfiction Crackdown

If I ever made a website, I might make it a mispelling of Amazon or Ebay and rake it in from people who type too fast. That's if. I really need to ta...

19 years ago
RE: More Fun With The MPAA: The Great Fanfiction Crackdown

It is possible to say that some fanfiction writers damage the MPAA's name, by not rating properly, or at least, they could use that, but it's hardly d...

19 years ago
RE: More Fun With The MPAA: The Great Fanfiction Crackdown

Hey - this board is advertised as PG-13! The MoFo will be sued too!

19 years ago
RE: More Fun With The MPAA: The Great Fanfiction Crackdown

12 isn't used much now, J-man. And PH? I meant PG. And for those who don't know, E means Exempt, and goes on things like exercise videos. Oh, and th...

19 years ago
RE: More Fun With The MPAA: The Great Fanfiction Crackdown

Okay, we'll use the BBFC (or whatever) and their ratings system - E, U, PH, 12A, 15, 18. And in a few years, when they notice, we'll perhaps use the J...

19 years ago
RE: Bristol Comic Expo 2005 - Second Wave of Pictures UP!

I wish I could go too, then you'd all see my insanity firsthand... but I can't because I'd probably get lost.

19 years ago
RE: photoexchange!

Quote: Knowing Harley...she probsbly didn't have anything to say. She just wanted us to think she did Yes I did, I just didn't want to get shouted at...

19 years ago
RE: No poll options left...

There's no way to make a poll. Anywhere! It's just not fair...

19 years ago
RE: New Shadow the Hedgehog game...

I'd rather see another Chaotix game than this Shadow thing, which will doubtless have a plot more convulsed than that of Sonic Heroes. And hope that M...

19 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

I'd rather see another Chaotix game than this Shadow thing, which will doubtless have a plot more convulsed than that of Sonic Heroes. And hope that M...

19 years ago
RE: Revelation

You know, if there was more smiting, the world would be a better place. Things went a lot smoother when there was smiting.

19 years ago
RE: Revelation

Yes, Jesus focuses a lot less on smiting than the Old Testament does. He's more for forgiveness and stuff.

19 years ago
RE: Great Quotes we know and would love to say...

"We thought you were dead!" "Yeah, I get that a lot." Cyborg Girl and Ripley, Alien Ressurection

19 years ago
RE: Chao Gardens-should they return?

In Sonic Advance 3 you can only get into the Special Stages by rescuing all the Chao. It's not devoted to them, but it's a vital part of getting the '...

20 years ago
RE: STC revival - would you like to see it happen?

A Sonic X comic might include Chris 'Crybaby' Thorndyke. And I don't think I could stand that. I think I'd want to cut off my feet first.

20 years ago
RE: New Shadow the Hedgehog game...

Look what I found in my boredom. And no, I still think it's a hoax.

20 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

Look what I found in my boredom. And no, I still think it's a hoax.

20 years ago
RE: New Shadow the Hedgehog game...

*shrugs* You're probably right Craig, I mean why would a hot guy like shadow go for a vain whore like Rouge? *anonymous people start to beat Harley*...

20 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

*shrugs* You're probably right Craig, I mean why would a hot guy like shadow go for a vain whore like Rouge? *anonymous people start to beat Harley*...

20 years ago
RE: New Shadow the Hedgehog game...

Shadow appeared to be weak and appeared to be dating Rouge in Battle, so it looks like she's gone off Knuckles and he's gone off Sonic. I must get ro...

20 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

Shadow appeared to be weak and appeared to be dating Rouge in Battle, so it looks like she's gone off Knuckles and he's gone off Sonic. I must get ro...

20 years ago
RE: 8 Year Old Arrested For Temper Tantrum

I remember the time I climed up onto a ledge about sixty feet up and sat there reading all breaktime while teachers implored me to come down. I was e...

20 years ago
RE: Top 100 Cartoons

Either way, I still prefer The Simpsons. *heads off to the SPA Forum to find out what everyone else thinks* Vote to destroy Scrappy Doo!

20 years ago
RE: Top 100 Cartoons

Nixon is weird. If Futurama had come first, The Simpsons wouldn't have stood a chance. It had so much more potential. It's got a mad scientist, alien...

20 years ago
RE: Top 100 Cartoons

Well, if you look at it that the lower ind is the more numerous end, you can see why. I still think Futurama is both funnier and more mature at the s...

20 years ago
RE: Top 100 Cartoons

Well it's good sometimes. Some of the episodes are pretty funny and good. And the best episodes of all are generaly the ones where Chris isn't stealin...

20 years ago
RE: Top 100 Cartoons

And why isn't Sonic X in there? Oh, I know - because the amount of cuts they made from the Japanese version made it crap! Oh, and because of Chris. T...

20 years ago
RE: Top 100 Cartoons

The Simpsons is funny, and it deserved to be somewhere in the top 50, but it didn't deserve to win.

20 years ago
RE: Philosophies on emotions

Psychiatrists say that when you're in love, you're temporarirly insane.

20 years ago
RE: STC revival - would you like to see it happen?

I'd think that the most likely would be a brand new comic. A Sonic X comic would have Chris 'Crybaby' Thorndyke in it, and would not be nearly as good...

20 years ago
RE: Great Quotes we know and would love to say...

"I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way." Jessica Rabbit, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

20 years ago
RE: Great Quotes we know and would love to say...

"Let me just plug this thing right in here..." Tails, Sonic Battle. You poor, unfortunate people who don't have the Japanese version, you d...

20 years ago
RE: Great Quotes we know and would love to say...

I heard that, Shinobi. Even if it is true. "You know Bette Midler?" "Sure! We owned a racehorse together once. Krudler!" Bart an...

20 years ago
RE: Cursing, who gives a @#$%?

There are of course people who intersperse the word 'f***' liberally into their sentences. Example: "The other day I went into a f***ing Game sh...

20 years ago
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