Mobius Forum Archive

Harley Quinn hyenaholic
Noble Member
Joined: Jun 25, 2003
Topics: 23 / Replies: 1246
RE: The FoxBox... is DEAD.

Sonic: I'm 4Kids! Tails: You pervert! You're not my best friend any more!

20 years ago
RE: Scariest. Theme. Ever.

LNR? A relief? Ew, Craig! You need help! Either that, or this theme really is bad.

20 years ago
RE: Scariest. Theme. Ever.

Ignore double post

20 years ago
RE: Scariest. Theme. Ever.

I liked the theme with girls. Another good theme would be one using the Giant Sprites from new Advance games.

20 years ago
RE: Metal Sonic or Shadow: who was cooler as a rival?

Thing about Shadow is that he's nothing without his Emerald. On the other paw, he's one helluva lot hotter than Metal Sonic or any of his counterpart...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

A friend of mine asked me what we could do about Capitalism the other day. There's one simple answer. Vote Communist.

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Jimro, you do realise there are such things as Right-Wing Dictators as well, don't you?

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Whatever happened to the American Constitution? If I knew what the Ammendments were, I might be able to say. As it is, the USA is now the most capita...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

The working class people who are voting for Bush are doing so because he is a 'people person'. They can see him talking to them, whereas Kerry is just...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Well, after what Bush has just done to Iraq, he deserves to have to pay to fix it a bit.

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

i) Is that number including child credits? Well Jimro, I'm afraid children don't actually contribute all that much to the economy, whatever you say. ...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Quote:"No one should be singled out for unfair treatment or unkind words because of their ethnic background or religious faith." George W. Bush said ...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Jimro, The 9/11 attack did not kill the airline industry. People didn't stop going on holiday. And the planes didn't stop flying. And all airlines wo...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Freedom of Speech: "The ability to say what you want, as long as we want you to say it." Rules are there for a reason. They're there becaus...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Oh, and... Heh. Yeah, that's how it's done. 20 years? Damn, I'll only be 39 by then! I won't even have time to start somoking and die from lung ca...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Heh, that's what Bush has done. If America's in the middle of a war, it can't pay so much attention to its other problems. Like drugs, crime, hospital...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Actually, I think that Bush would conveniently forget Jews, annoying yet another huge ethnic group. There are good peace leaders, and good war leader...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Jimro, Actually, I sleep safe in my bed because I don't think about such things. If I did, I think I'd worry more about the USA's 12,000+ weapons tha...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Under Bush, the economy is going down the sink hole, he's doing nothing about the oil crisis, andthe gap between rich and poor grows ever wider. And ...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

We're still not certain that Osama was involved in 9/11. That's a popular assumption without definite proof. But hey, he's a big hand in Al Quaeda (or...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

All good points, except for saying that Saddam shouldn't have been deposed. If the USA listened to the UN on occasion, instead of whenever it felt li...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Same. Well at least you show some compassion for the dead, Weirdo. Don't take that as an insult, I'm just replying to you before Jimro can accuse me...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Jimro Your cold, callous answer to that post makes me feel physically sick. I suppose therefore that it doesn't matter that that man's wife and chil...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Quote:However, as much as I try not to read tone into someones words, I find yours deliberately insulting no matter how I read it. Of course it's deli...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

I thought we were over that comment now, Jimro. How about commenting on Eon's post the way you normally do? By claiming he's wrong and acting as if h...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

They'll still need warehouses to stock things in. Many, many warehouses. And there's the cost of postage to consider, whenever someone buys enough to ...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

It seems to me that by Jimro's point of view, if you ever buy something at up to 60% less from Amazon, you're being mean to the big companies. If Ama...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Er, I don't want to get at you Cycle, but there's no definite proof of that.

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Yes, and The Simpsons.

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Using the word 'Muslim' instead of 'terrorist' is incredibly, undeniably racist. The very use of it will have enraged law-abiding Muslims and terroris...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Nice one, Cycle. But that's just an opinion, not backed up with any facts. So it doesn't count.

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Quote:Check your facts before you say something stupid. The text you're referring to isn't even a fact, it's an opinion. I never called it a fact. An...

20 years ago
RE: Endangered

"I'm impressed," said a soft voice directly behind him. Craig spun around as the feline stepped out of the greenery, "You sensed me bef...

20 years ago
RE: Endangered

"I'm impressed," said a soft voice directly behind him. Craig spun around as the feline stepped out of the greenery, "You sensed me bef...

20 years ago
RE: Endangered

Deeper in the forest, a cat perked her ears up. "Cries in the night..." she muttered, sitting up. Dressed in ragged combats that were too b...

20 years ago
RE: Endangered

Deeper in the forest, a cat perked her ears up. "Cries in the night..." she muttered, sitting up. Dressed in ragged combats that were too b...

20 years ago
RE: Endangered

OoC: Hmmm... I'd like to try joining this? As Breech, natch.

20 years ago
RE: Endangered

OoC: Hmmm... I'd like to try joining this? As Breech, natch.

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

It's as if all these people from different countries who hated each other before have drawn together to fight a common enemy. It's happened before whe...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

I don't know anything about Watergate. But Iraq is one serious mistake. Bush can't say that he was wrong about going to war (well, he can't) but he s...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Eon, I'm afraid that politicians can't admit that they're wrong. Don't ask me why. But if they do, they have to step down from office or something. I...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

You know, during the occupation of Frace in the second world war, there was also a militia that went around declaring freedom. The funny side of it is...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

It's painful to admit, but just because America and Britain were the good guys in the first and second world wars, doesn't mean that we're the good gu...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

The British National Party (white) will never get into power since it's effectively British Nazis, the Green Party is mad about the enviroment and not...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Tornadot, America doesn't have a left wing. Anybody who tries to campaign for left wing gets arrested on charge of stirring up communism. America mus...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

It's already been made into one, Craig, unless you've had your head stuck in the sand for the last eight or so pages.

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

O-kay, since nobody seems to care about my point anymore, why not say how the war was justified and whether those justifications were accurate? I'm i...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Bush suggested it. It wouldn't have happened if he hadn't suggested it. There's a weralth of other measures he could have taken, but he chose to decla...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

This discussion of the stupidity of those in power in America doesn't concern me in the least, because I don't live there. Somehow it's very easy to ...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Tch. You two should know better than that. 73.9% of statistics are made up on the spot. Includigthat one. Did you guys know that a couple of days ag...

20 years ago
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