Mobius Forum Archive

Harley Quinn hyenaholic
Noble Member
Joined: Jun 25, 2003
Topics: 23 / Replies: 1246
RE: your worst game ideas

A WAR GAME! You're Robotnik and you have to take over the world like Risk, only you've got that blue hedgehog commiting his acts of terrorism willy-n...

19 years ago
RE: What would you like the next animal character to be like?

We've got reptiles - Vector and Espio for two. I'd like to see a few more birds myself.

19 years ago
RE: Need info for a fan fic!

And Antoine's personality change has been revealed to be the result of a body-swap with his Evil Antoine clone. Actually, that part was accurate, be...

19 years ago
RE: Christian school expels daughter of lesbian couple

So what this private school is saying, casically, is that they have the right to expell anyone they like if they're doing something immoral. Expulsio...

19 years ago
RE: Go Go, Gadget Coffin!..... 🙁

They came out with a movie. It wasn't a cartoon.

19 years ago
RE: Can you rule a country? CAN YOU?

Well, military service is compulsory here. Nothing wrong with young people a couple of years in the military wouldn't solve. I'll just call up the res...

19 years ago
RE: Need info for a fan fic!

*sniggers* Okay, JHplayer... here's the lowdown... Recently, Sally has broken up with Sonic because she's actually a spoilt slut who wanted him to s...

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

Hmmm. That must be why my custom title's never changed before.

19 years ago
RE: Whoever Posts Last Wins 3: Now with an actual winner

Hell no, THS. Shadow's hot. Not like you at all. Angst turns me on.

19 years ago
RE: Owner Feeds Kitten to Pit Bull

Maybe they mean 'virgin to bad news'?

19 years ago
RE: Can you rule a country? CAN YOU?

The thing is, technically they're all dictatorships because our people can't vote us out. Allied States of Loanet "We Cram Democracy Down Your ...

19 years ago
RE: Owner Feeds Kitten to Pit Bull

I hope people realise that this isn't a completely sane man and send him away for as long as possible, then stop him from owning animals. Ever.

19 years ago
RE: Can you rule a country? CAN YOU?

It looks fun. I think I can rule a country. I'll join later today. Okay, I've joined. Look out for the Allied States of Loanet! You May Eat Our Legs...

19 years ago
19 years ago
RE: Christian school expels daughter of lesbian couple

This is pathetic. I'm glad the girl's parents didn't fight the ruling, because I wouldn' want kids of mine to go to a school like that. It's just si...

19 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

I thought Omega destroyed all the Shadow clone robots in Heroes. See, already we have unanswered questions put forward by this game. Shadow against ...

19 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

It's probably water. Looks like Sonic's in a swimming pool or something.

19 years ago
RE: What are you listening to at the moment 😀

"In The End" - Linkin Park Kicks much serious ass, especially if you watch the SA2 music video thing somebody made.

19 years ago
RE: What would you like the next animal character to be like?

Cool as it is, it's wrong, actually. Nack has three fingers. There's apparently some kooky Japanese Crime Syndicate reason for this. Strange but true

19 years ago
RE: Whoever Posts Last Wins 3: Now with an actual winner

I'm bored. I feel like killing someone. I'll kill the next poster.

19 years ago

Sooner or later I'm going to get to my decapost, and hopefully by then I'll have thought up something to do for it.

19 years ago
RE: It happens but once a year...

Hmmm... presents... Okay. Here's links to my newest fic - no, wait, people are still gatting at me about that. If I'd snuck them onto ...

19 years ago
RE: What would you like the next animal character to be like?

He shouldn't be holding a pistol (since Shadow probably has all of them) he should be toting a recalibrated sniper rifle or something. As for new cha...

19 years ago
RE: Another Category Five Hurricane: Rita

God bless America? You think he's gonna simply turn up and dissipate this storm and nobody's gonna have any problems? God works with the miracles AFT...

19 years ago
RE: Another Category Five Hurricane: Rita

Still not a smart idea to feel safe yet, though. If you haven't gotten out and you've got cellars, hide in them.

19 years ago
RE: Another Category Five Hurricane: Rita

Well, if this doesn't prove that our climate's going crazy, I'll be damned if I know what does. I feel really sorry for them in Texas now.

19 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

*looks at it* That's ten different endings, I heard that somewhere. Looks to me, with the crossovers, that if you take route hero after the second l...

19 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 61
RE: 92 Sonic Comics For Sale, older issues, Starting Bid 1 Cent

You'd have more luck, and probably get more money, if you sold them in smaller lots, or maybe even individually.

19 years ago
RE: Pentagon plans new strike-first nuclear policy

Quote:More nuclear weapons is unequivocally a bad thing. If everybody thought that, the world would be a happier, less fearful place. As it is, a coun...

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

I've got something better than kittens. Observe. SHADOW IS OFFICIALLY CAPABLE OF SMILING!!! WATCH OUT PEOPLE!!! IT'S ANOTHER END OF THE WORLD!!! ...

19 years ago
RE: What would you like the next animal character to be like?

What about a cat? A thin cat - no wait, that's being done right now... Okay, how about a rat?

19 years ago
19 years ago
RE: Whoever Posts Last Wins 3: Now with an actual winner

Nack! He comes second on my list of hotass characters! (Shadow, Nack, Knuckles) So I'm delusional. Sue me.

19 years ago
RE: Pentagon plans new strike-first nuclear policy

Quote:Do you even watch the news? The "new government" is a bunch of people, no constitution to speak of, and no established police force. Y...

19 years ago
RE: Pentagon plans new strike-first nuclear policy

If the USA wants to bomb countries that are a threat to peaceful countries everywhere, it should aim them at itself. After all, it invaded Iraq, and i...

19 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

Quote:Shadows past NOT being resolved by the end, or maybe nothing being resolved, I dont care if we dont know the whole story as long as we get somet...

19 years ago
RE: A sudden fanaticism.

The problem with most pokemon fanfiction is that Pikachu always ends up having sex with Ash. That's not unlikely, but it's still not something to thin...

19 years ago
RE: GameFAQs Character Battle

Come on, Sonic! Smash that loser MegaMan!

19 years ago
RE: Peta: Are they really doing what they say they're doing?

If PETA doesn't like humans, and doesn't like animals (at least, not enough to give them a second chance) what does it like? Well, since most of its ...

19 years ago
RE: Napoleon Dynamite slaps Bill Gates, overthrows chairman.

If it's all very well, I'd like to remind some people here of a passage from the bible. Jesus and co were standing outside the temple. They watched m...

19 years ago
RE: Your name's meaning

Harley Quinn hyenaholic ./data/118.txtnot found Data not found. Somehow that sums me up just right.

19 years ago
RE: GameFAQs Character Battle

Yeah, he and MegaMan are pretty evenly matched with fans. And they're both blue. But I'll be voting Sonic, nonetheless.

19 years ago
RE: Robotnik's ideas

I'll tell you what a good idea would be, for Robotnik. If he lined all his fortresses with barbed wire and cut glass. That would slow the heroes down....

19 years ago
RE: Stupidest Death *ever*

I think my stupidest death was in Rail Canyon. Grinding as Sonic, I was really cranking my speed up. I whizzed round a loop, turned a corner - and jum...

19 years ago
RE: Katrina's Toll: Possibly THOUSANDS Dead

Maybe they are. You never know with governments. What annoys me is that Bush is pulling out the politics card, "Wow for me! I handle a disaster ...

19 years ago
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