Mobius Forum Archive

Famed Member
Joined: Aug 4, 2002
Last seen: Jun 2, 2011
Topics: 83 / Replies: 2832
RE: Is anyone flying over the holidays?

I'm with TR... whole uproar is hilarious =) Possibly might be flying to Ohio for Christmas, but we'll see.

14 years ago
RE: photoexchange!

Humanoid male

14 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

I've been playing Fallout New Vegas since it's release, but I've put it on hold for the time being. Started over on hardcore because... why not? I did...

14 years ago
14 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Just watched EVIL DEAD for the first time. Actually, as far as I can remember it is the first true horror film I've watched. Zombieland and Shaun of t...

14 years ago

Oh hey guys. So tomorrow the 25th anniversary DVD/Blu Rays come out... and it looks like TellTale has an offer to mark the occasion: /a> E...

14 years ago
RE: What are you listening to at the moment 😀

Talyor Swift's latest album, Speak Now... Definitely not digging it as much as i thought I would... I'm on around track 10 and there are only 2 o...

14 years ago
14 years ago
RE: Nick's back, and he's not alone!

What. WHAT. Holy CRAP what? What strange world did I wake up in where my two favorite DS franchises are being combined??? Add it to the list...

14 years ago
RE: What do you carry in your pockets?

I should have a satchel for all my stuff... Typically my wallet in my back right pocket (Cash, Cash cards, Drivers License, Insurance card, a hal...

14 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Just finished beating Reach's Legendary with my two buddies. HOLY CRAP THERE ARE SO MANY CHEAP KILLS/ COMPUTER SENSING WHERE YOU WILL BE IN 5 SECONDS....

14 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Watched 2 movies tonight. First was the new Superman/Batman... Freaking awesome. Daly, Conroy, and Ms Glau have such great voices. Definitely did not ...

14 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Just beat Layton 3. Twas awesome, although I find myself very willing to cheat on the puzzles to get through the game... Honestly I play it primarily ...

14 years ago
RE: Nintendo 3DS , the DS successor

Dear Nintendo, Goddamn you Sincerely, Boston's wallet So yes, getting this Day 1. I'll probably end up trading in my DSi...

14 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Made it to Chapter 4 of Layton today. It is pretty awesome so far.

14 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Played some of the Reach campaign tonight... So glad I decided to get the game . Did co-op with two buddies, and had a coworker join us later. The gam...

14 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Borrowed the Arkham Assylum GOTY from my work. Took down Zsasz and then stopped. I was kind of disappointed my save from the regular edition didn't cr...

14 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Just finished watching Date Night. When I first saw the trailer, I was kinda interested, but never got around to seeing it. Glad I didn't waste the mo...

14 years ago
RE: The Prosecution Never Rests

Aw... Yeah, I want more AA, not AAI. There is just something about the courtroom dramas...

14 years ago
RE: Always - AND I MEAN always - Bet on Duke...Because, ladies and gentlemen, Forever comes next year!

lol, they changed the dates already... Oct 12th for the DS and... Feb 15th for the PSP. And yes @ Abac @ Haruhi... I was kinda upset about that. ...

14 years ago
RE: Always - AND I MEAN always - Bet on Duke...Because, ladies and gentlemen, Forever comes next year!

Whatever happened to the "Duke Nukem Trilogy" games that were coming out for DS? I remember reading about them not too long ago but I haven't heard ab...

14 years ago
RE: Always - AND I MEAN always - Bet on Duke...Because, ladies and gentlemen, Forever comes next year!

Aw, now who are we going to make jokes about? I'll definitely check it out, since Gearbox is pretty awesome. <3 Borderlands.

14 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Working on finishing Crackdown 2. Glad I didn't buy it. The enemies, especially the Cell equipped with seeking rocket launchers, are way too cheap imo...

14 years ago
RE: Ben Hurst, Sonic SatAM writer, has died.

Yeah, pretty lame. SatAM was the reason I got into Sonic in the first place. Rest in Peace, Ben.

14 years ago
RE: Official Metroid: Other M thread!

I am debating getting it. Best Buy has a $15 off coupon in their magazine... or I have more than enough GS credit to get it. But I still have No More ...

14 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

I've been playing Crackdown 2. Completely agree with NotU about the stupid aiming. Half the time you end up shooting a car instead of the guy hiding b...

14 years ago
RE: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, available August 10th exclusively on PSN.

Just played the demo. It was okay, although items could be slightly easier to pick up. With the lack of online co-op, I'll probably wait for the game ...

14 years ago
RE: Caching issues...

Yeah, it seems to be back with a vengeance. At least for me it seems a lot worse than before.

14 years ago
RE: Happy Birthday Psxphile

Sure, Psxphile gets birthday wishes, but I don't =|

14 years ago
RE: Plumbers must of existed in ancient times...

Dead koopa troopa vs dinosaur friend?

14 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Huh, I've seem to be behind in my movie reporting... Last week I watched Men In Black 1 & 2 with my sibblings. IIRC MIB was the first PG-13 m...

14 years ago
RE: Heroes Canceled

You mean another Hero!Sylar? @ Craig... Pretty sure he flip-flopped about 20 times during the show's last 3 seasons. I for one am glad they took it ou...

14 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Giving up on Dragon Quest IX... It is meant to be played as a multiplayer game, just like Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates. I'm going t...

14 years ago
RE: Hey all.

Hello and welcome to the forum 😯

14 years ago
RE: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, available August 10th exclusively on PSN.

So in other words, I should be thankful the team has a couple of more weeks to work on the XBLA version? Hopefully they fix some of these problems D:

14 years ago
RE: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, available August 10th exclusively on PSN.

I was really about this game, even with the timed exclusive part... until I re-read that it lacks online co-op =|

14 years ago
RE: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood US Collector's Edition Announced

It has a short Single player story. Its focus is multiplayer.

14 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

I completely agree with Beardo. My only complaint with the normal is it sometimes aims at the damn rock the bad guy is hiding behind, not his stupid f...

14 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Just finished the main story in Red Dead Redemption. =| @ the ending. Great game though. Haven't liked their GTA games, but this one was fun. The save...

14 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Just finished Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. Wow, people weren't kidding about the damned 15 minute credits. Didn't care about who did the voi...

14 years ago
RE: Well Dubs, Alabama's on Youtube again.

Auto-tune wins . Although not as good as the Ghetto Leprechaun.

14 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Finished Miles Edgeworth yesterday. Definitely enjoy the courtroom battles better. Still working through Red Dead Redemption, only a few story mi...

14 years ago
RE: Celebi and Victini Events (see post # 33 for details); Shiny Legendary Beasts for other Regions still going on (and General Pokemon Thread?)

This is one of the reasons I've got royally off the Pokemon games, and that's the sheer ridiculousness of how you have to catch all the Pokemon. Why d...

14 years ago
RE: The next victim of Hollywood's raping spree of childhood memories: Yogi Bear

Wow... I heard Justin Timberlake as Boo-Boo and went D: D: D:... But his voice is DEAD ON. Aykroyd leaves some to be desired with Yogi's voice, but it...

14 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Still working my way through Case 5 of AA:I. Can't wait to see how this all gets tied up. I'm also working my way through DQIX. Seems like it would be...

14 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

I saw Inception again on Wednesday . Still awesome. Definitely will be getting it when it comes out on DVD. Oh, and I just finished watching Beau...

14 years ago
RE: Least favorite issue?

Not really, but I honestly can't be bothered to. IMO I've grown too old for the comic. It doesn't carry the magic that it once did.

14 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Inception. HOLY MIND BLOWN. The special effects were phenomenal. The story was captivating. The actors were amazing (Ellen Page <3 <3 <3 ). I...

14 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

I had a legit copy of the first game! There's no way I'll pay the $50 to import it from Europe though.

14 years ago
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