Last seen: Jun 2, 2011
"Yay for handwritten topics! Double points for anyone who can actually read my chicken scratch"
lol Calc III... Do you remember the days when Math was fun? I remember Calc I was funny... or maybe it was just my teacher... damn it = Linear Algebra...
Quote:And on the subject of Zelda similarities, I keep toying with the idea of looking into Okami some time, since everyone seems to rave about it. I ...
I'm a huge fan of Christmas music my self, but I haaate having it play 24/7 starting two weeks before Thanksgiving. I'd consider myself a more classic...
= @ Castor Troy I hope Dwight ninja stars them.
I started Lego StarWars : The Complete Saga for the DS yesterday... Not bad. The graphics are amazing. I played #2 on the PC, and this DS version seem...
No, the theme park is still there... It just lost it's Snoopy license... Which I find freaking stupid, seeing as St Paul is the creator's birthplace.....
Quote:I'll also check out that mall that's said to be one of the biggest in the country I saw GT quoting this and almost jumped for joy, as the Mall ...
Charmander >>>>>> Squritle I like a more challenging playthrough right from the get go.
Piggy :cry Kiwi :cry SUCKS TO YOUR ASSMAR!
Weba Niko!
"Then let's ask the dog... Hey dog, does 'woof' mean yes?" Dog "WOOF" "OMG HE JUST SAID WOOF MEANS YES" "Yeaaaah...
Just bought another copy of Galaxy ... I'll either sell it to a buddy for $40 or return it to a Best Buy or Target...
what the @$%# did I just watch?
But... but... What about me? It isn't fair. wait, what am I saying? I'M FREEEEEEEEE
Today's Update... Spectator Mode Watch other random people play... Seems pretty neat.
eh @ PW:JFA 2-4... It had a satisfying ending, but that was it. I definitely have to agree with 3-5 >>>>>>>>>> 2-4 3-5 ...
Beth married Dog last summer... I don't see what the 'News' is...
Super Mario Galaxy GET! + a $25 ToysRUs giftcard I might try again tomorrow and use said giftcard on another copy... and then sell one to my old r...
That Banjo Kazooie one was stupid... Really stupid. Pointless. GT's looked okay though
Holy crap Oo... although the camera was the wrong way = My hs does a version of Crazy Train... It's odd. It starts playing and you are like "I k...
Quote:Heck, maybe the FCC could censor real life. Family Guy did it
Quote:"Ha Ha Ha! Merry Christmas!" No. It's Happy Holidays, or else other people will be offended... Political Correctness can go to hell....
as do I... It's funny cause it is true... One of the reasons I left the comic for good.
And it looks like the games will have the same problems their disc cousins have... lmao
The dolphin died :cry
You are questioning Dubs presence? How DARE you!
And Today's Update is....n't up yet = EDIT: I get it... It was late/slow today updating... because the update is about Handicaps aaah the irony... ...
You freaked Acrio out... Congrats?
OP, you sig is waaaaaay too big. Resize or remove, please =)
Quote:warm and gooey in the inside! I'm pretty sure they would be pretty cold >>
I don't get it I'm not shoeless, You're shoeless
*docks five points off of Rico's test for missing an error, and gives those points back to Troy*
This is a pretty poorly drawn circle
As do I @ GT
My thoughts exactly @ Erika... I guessed the entire plot about 15 minutes in =
I would laugh if they got sued for copyright infringement.
hmmm... North American updates before Japan? As of right now, it is just Ike's final smash... boring
Red Steel the movie? Without guns or a katana?
proof or it didn't happen
Shadow Hog did it 1-2 years ago
Very Very ooooold
Saw an limited screening of "No Country For Old Men" last night.... omg it was amazing The movie is just insane. Chigurh is probably the sc...
Saw an limited screening of "No Country For Old Men" last night.... omg it was amazing The movie is just insane. Chigurh is probably the sc...
Playing a variety of games. Advance Wars DS on the bus trip up to Duluth and back.
Ah Power Rangers... After a couple of weeks of watching the show, my parents watched it and said it was too violent :cry