Mobius Forum Archive

Noble Member
Joined: Dec 1, 2003
Topics: 49 / Replies: 1353
RE: Man caught cheating on his wife....

all's i saw was the words Man sex and dog, then i immediately hit the back button.

18 years ago
RE: 20 Reasons you've played too much Megaman...

you keep changing the subject. while yes you are technically right that megaman developed a will over time (see end of number 7) you keep taking one l...

18 years ago
RE: The (Over)Use of Relationships?

agreed. first off, #150 sucked. it could've been used to end numerous plotlines, but it decided to cause numerous more. the whole relationship thing ...

18 years ago
RE: Something doesnt seem correct...

okay, that's what i don't get though, I know that Shadow said that "from now on, i'll be allying myself with Dr. Robotnik" yeah he SAID that...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic games are over. Can the comics survive?

Quote:If the comic did continue, it would eventually be unable to attract a sufficient number of new readers and it would lose money. Then Archie woul...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #171 and SX #16 Previews

i'd have that look too if i was grabbed there. but all in all, i don't think it'll be great, not bad, but not great either. question though, did ia...

18 years ago
RE: MAN OH MAN, With Sonic # 175 just around the corner:

probably something super amazing. i'm glad somebody important might finally die, i mean sir connery?! come on!

18 years ago
RE: Guitar Hero 2 Anticipation thread

Quote:Avenged Sevenfold - Beast and the Harlot omg yes!!!!!!!! i love that song, even though i'm not that good at guitar hero, i'll practice until i...

18 years ago
RE: 20 Reasons you've played too much Megaman...

Quote:I'm sorry to interrupt but can we all please return to listing reasons (the silly type) someone has played too much Megaman? i would have no p...

18 years ago
RE: 20 Reasons you've played too much Megaman...

Quote:"Advanced" doesn't always equal better. Main Entry: 1advance Pronunciation: &d-'van(t)s Function: verb Inflected Form(s): advanc...

18 years ago
RE: 20 Reasons you've played too much Megaman...

Quote:I'm talking the games. yeah and i already gave you reasons. Reploids are more powerful because not only can they think like humans, they are of...

18 years ago
RE: 20 Reasons you've played too much Megaman...

see now you're wrong there too. since ANY reploid that is built is stronger than the original megaman. let alone X who is considerably stronger than...

18 years ago
RE: The Official Nintendo Wii Discussion Thread.

question: when is the release date schedueled for? last i heard it was supposed to be october.

18 years ago
RE: Join the Bring Back Mega Man Classic Movement!!!!!!!

i'm sure alot of people would, but again it more than likely just wasn't selling well enough to make yet another sequel. (sp?)

18 years ago
RE: 20 Reasons you've played too much Megaman...

Quote:You knew, unlike hypershadow77, that I was referring to the CHARACTERS, NOT THE SERIES!!! okay, i don't really know who you're talking to the...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic # 167 (SPOILERS)

it's very accurate though.

18 years ago
RE: Sonic # 167 (SPOILERS)

Quote:YAY for pointless inflammatory one-liners i didn't really mean it like that, i'm just kind of thinking that this backstory should never really ...

18 years ago
18 years ago
RE: Sonic # 167 (SPOILERS)

exactly. it was just a waste of paper, if they wanted to do a conclusion to M:25yl right they should've just used the whole book to do it. there was a...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic # 167 (SPOILERS)

it was a more of an off-panel that wasn't very interesting. it had sonic waking up in his room (in a house that doesn't look like his one from Home) ...

18 years ago
RE: 20 Reasons you've played too much Megaman...

Quote:1367: You've compiled an extensive list of valid reasons why Mega Man Classic could whup X's butt. such as? last i heard, X sold better than cl...

18 years ago
RE: Rockman DS

why? let's just look to the future instead of looking back, i'm pretty interested in this, ZX works out just fine, i'm sure this'll be good too.

18 years ago
RE: Join the Bring Back Mega Man Classic Movement!!!!!!!

i don't think so. it pretty much ran it's course. unless they connected zero with it, then i don't think there is much interest.

18 years ago
Replies: 19
Views: 218
RE: Sonic Solicitations for December

oh i'm sure ian will make a super quick plot point to make sure they have a ship. Rotor: hey guys! i built you a ship! Sonic: wait a minute, you di...

18 years ago
RE: Robert Downey Jr is Iron Man

maybe lol i can't wait, it sounds like it'll be a good movie.

18 years ago
RE: Help Me Save Alaska's Wolves

i'm stating a fact. plain and simple, i'm not bashing him or anything, i'm just glad somebody else noticed it.

18 years ago
RE: Rockman Zex announced for the DS

well that's no fun. hell, biometal ZX is enough to wipe the floor with most bosses. EDIT: okay, so i got Ox. it's freaking insane, did you know ...

18 years ago
RE: Help Me Save Alaska's Wolves

Quote:I kinda wonder if you ever have seen this rule, Wonderbat. You seem to be under the impression that it's okay to say things that are obviously a...

18 years ago
RE: Rockman Zex announced for the DS

oh, i was pretty sure i heard about an anime in the possible future on megaman network, but whatever. still a cool trailer though. so you basi...

18 years ago
RE: Rockman Zex announced for the DS

they'd change the times that it played on, and then they flat out stopped airing it for awhile there. only to start again without advertising much.

18 years ago
RE: Rockman Zex announced for the DS

i can't wait, i hope it ends up on toonami over here, i don't think i could stand another NT warrior (where WB kept cancelling it then restarting it.)

18 years ago
RE: Rockman Nova A MegaMan Fangame Project.

Quote:This game implements mouse aiming allowing for Rockman to shoot in 360 degrees. legends anyone?

18 years ago
RE: Sonic Solicitations for December

Quote:Am I crazy or are we missing the cover to Archives #1? you're not crazy, and not the first to ask but whatever. i'm liking a Triple threat sto...

18 years ago
RE: Rockman Zex announced for the DS

i don't know which area, but yes you can. you can fight 4 enemies from each game. i'm almost positive you don't get anything for it, but it's extra ...

18 years ago
RE: Im a fan of Tobor

i like him, he was one of the few characters that were used very well, man, now i feel like reading his story again..

18 years ago
RE: Are we allowed to? (comic scan request topic)

well, yeah i guess. but he's only the lead artist because all the other artists wouldn't do it.

18 years ago
RE: Help Me Save Alaska's Wolves

agreed, but i also think that this topic got sidetracked by alot.

18 years ago
RE: Are we allowed to? (comic scan request topic)

but that doesn't change the fact that he's new.

18 years ago
RE: Rockman Zex announced for the DS

i got my copy!!! i haven't played it yet, but i'm as giddy as a young schoolgirl!! (NOTE:i'm a guy) but i'll have my first impressions in a while thou...

18 years ago
RE: Rockman Zex announced for the DS

so you don't get to play model Z at all then? i'm guessing that's because that geiru guy has it right?

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #166 is in the hizzouse (SPOILERS)

Quote:just because he tried to fix things that's were it changes though, he HAD to fix the timeline, it was either that or Bye Bye universe.

18 years ago
RE: Rockman Zex announced for the DS

so the Z and X models play differently then the ZX model then? sounds cool, i can't wait.

18 years ago
RE: a spiderman question...

i know what you mean, i kind of like scarlet spider after reading that. but yeah it dragged on way too long.

18 years ago
RE: a spiderman question...

good god, that's really long, but i got the jist of it.... overall it sounds like a good story except for a few of them.

18 years ago
RE: Rockman Zex announced for the DS

chances are, i won't be buying a copy till this weekend, but whatever.... just a heads up to those that want to buy it.

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #166 is in the hizzouse (SPOILERS)

you're all ignoring (massive typo) me though..... *sniff* oh well.

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #166 is in the hizzouse (SPOILERS)

sow why is rouge in this story at all? from what i understand she has no significant importance in the least.

18 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 79
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