Mobius Forum Archive

Noble Member
Joined: Dec 1, 2003
Topics: 49 / Replies: 1353
RE: Sonic #166 is in the hizzouse (SPOILERS)

i honestly wish that ian won't follow through on the Julie/knux/rouge triangle. maybe it's only me, but i was hoping it'd never be touched in the firs...

18 years ago

ouch, i gotta admit that i'm overweight too. but much like you, it doesn't get in the way of what i do. but of course, i'm not in the same situation b...

18 years ago
RE: Post your DS collection thread.

Quote:I don't know much about Jump Superstars except it is a Smash-like fighter using characters from Shonen Jump serials. from what i hear, it's pr...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic X #14, #15, and SONIC #169 Previews!

they are fighting an enemy that literally can't be fought against. that's a plot they haven't done before so how can you say it's cheap?

18 years ago
RE: Sonic X #14, #15, and SONIC #169 Previews!

how can they get old if they are never used?

18 years ago
RE: Which comic characters do you hate?

wow. that's really not helping the topic much, but whatever. the characters i hate are.............TOMMY. that's not much different than anyone else ...

18 years ago
RE: John Karr, not charged.

i still think it's one of the parents that did it. i'll comment more later.

18 years ago
RE: Rockman DS

well from what i understand, they're calling it Ryuusei no rockman in japan, what that translates into i have no idea. but from what i can tell, this...

18 years ago
RE: What are their motivations? (This one's for you, Ian)

Quote:Nah, I hate Shadow's guts because he's a whiny little angst-factory - and I speak as someone who likes Shinji Ikari. wow and the funny thing i...

18 years ago
RE: StH #165 Spoilers and Discussion

Quote:It was said in the book that the Lara-Su we saw during the reunification arc was not the Lara-Su from 25YL. The evil Knuckles future was an alte...

18 years ago
RE: What are their motivations? (This one's for you, Ian)

honestly, i think the best way to say what robotnik's motivation would be is that he's just insane. but also, because of the fact that he's already al...

18 years ago
RE: The Church, State, Pledge and **Your Body**

Quote:I pledge allegiance to queen frag, and her mighty state of hysteria and you're the one telling people NOT to spam?

18 years ago
RE: Sonic X #14, #15, and SONIC #169 Previews!

that's probably because the super sonic in the pictures looks like the evil super sonic (minus the swirly eyes) from fleetway.

18 years ago
RE: Sonic X #14, #15, and SONIC #169 Previews!

i don't mean to offend you, but i just don't like the cover. you're pencilling in the comic is good though. i'm just more of a spaz fan is all.

18 years ago
RE: And you thought Pat was bad!

pat was worse than this. definately. mostly because he made new topics/twisted existing topics to his anti-nintend/prosega lindbergh speech that he ...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic X #14, #15, and SONIC #169 Previews!

i heard about the cover to the new STH awhile back, but it looks absolutely horrible. no seriously, tracy's got to stick to the penciling only. the ...

18 years ago
RE: StH #165 Spoilers and Discussion

Quote:I can't wait for the issues after M:25YL. X3 you're not alone there. but i do feel that they need to tie up some loose ends, such as how Lara...

18 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

Quote:What will be the difference when you die, If you don't want God now, what will change when you die? like true red said, i'll find out if i was ...

18 years ago
RE: Help Me Save Alaska's Wolves

whether it was open or not, i signed the petition anyway. i like wolves. i think they are cool and whatever some negative people say about them sho...

18 years ago
RE: StH #165 Spoilers and Discussion

Off topic:well, i REALLY dislike the show it's just too lame now, but coincidently i bought sapphire the other day and am having a blast.

18 years ago
RE: Spite is a sin. It's also very very appropriate.

allright, i'm just going to assume that she's ready to die of quadruple bypass surgery then.

18 years ago
RE: StH #165 Spoilers and Discussion

yeah i was about to say "you're not seriously arguing about a joke?" if you guys were that would be really pathetic.

18 years ago
RE: SONIC ARCHIVES Graphic Novels coming

i'll probably be buying these, especially when 46- 50 come around. i'm interested in reading those again seeing as how i lost mine.

18 years ago
RE: Spite is a sin. It's also very very appropriate.

/quote/ Oh, about that HS77, we bought some Cookie Dough Ice Cream the other day. I went to the freezer two days later, <i>and it's still there&...

18 years ago
RE: Spite is a sin. It's also very very appropriate.

man, that's pretty harsh. i bet one day soon you're going to wake up, go to the kitchen to eat some breakfast and realize just how pleasant your life ...

18 years ago
RE: StH #165 Spoilers and Discussion

yes they are now pokemon teams.

18 years ago
RE: StH#168 &amp; SX#13 - Previews

Quote:Off-Topic: Hate or don't give a fig about DBZ? Please skip ahead- the fangirl in me won't let this go =P Cell was not created "because of F...

18 years ago
RE: StH#168 &amp; SX#13 - Previews

Quote:You miss the point. Only one threat can be the greatest ever. They can't all be. you're right, but i don't remember them ever thinking that ...

18 years ago
RE: StH#168 &amp; SX#13 - Previews

agreed. i didn't mind the "ask ian" topic at first, but when it started to get to the point we started to learn a little too much it got ann...

18 years ago
RE: StH #165 Spoilers and Discussion

unfortunately, ian said that kragok is dead.

18 years ago
RE: StH #165 Spoilers and Discussion

Quote:Well after reading it today, my question is what is going with Fiona, there seems to be more to her than meets the eye. well.. yeah. i think ...

18 years ago
RE: StH #165 Spoilers and Discussion

it didn't actually say that he was dead then correct? they just assumed.

18 years ago
RE: StH #165 Spoilers and Discussion

Quote:Such as? If you can infer that something happened, that should be good enough - no need to force it down your throat with a flat explanation. Ro...

18 years ago
RE: StH #165 Spoilers and Discussion

i really wish ian would just stop saying stuff outside the comic while simultaneosly making it cannon within the comic. Quote:And lastly, what was me...

18 years ago
RE: StH #165 Spoilers and Discussion

well i hope that ian isn't writing him off as just dead like he has been with a couple of character.

18 years ago
RE: Good News from DiC

TUS how the hell are you back? they banned you.

19 years ago
RE: Characters who need makeovers

Quote:Sure, he's MOSTLY naked to quote shadow hog....fixed. i liked the sketches that someone did in the comic of sonic wearing a jacket, i'm pret...

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

Quote:I see nothing more hopeless okay, so i'm a little late with this but whatever. i'm an atheist and i'm happy as hell. i don't have a religion ...

19 years ago
RE: Bye, Bye E3

i heard about this earlier today. i feel kind of bad, i've always wanted to go to E3.

19 years ago
RE: Wii's release date CONFIRMED! ...Sorta

i'll actually be able to buy it. that'll be kickass. so yeah october sounds good.

19 years ago
RE: StH#168 &amp; SX#13 - Previews

Quote:Well, in DBZ, each threat is hailed as the greatest ever. yeah, it is. because normally the whole world/universe is at stake, so i can imagine ...

19 years ago
RE: This is my last post.

so what joke off the simpsons did you name yourself after?

19 years ago
RE: This is my last post.

i just now tried googling my screenname to see what would happen and i got an entire page of fan boys bashing me because i gave "the yuyu" o...

19 years ago
RE: Characters who need makeovers

Quote:Ken seems to be including it in his idea for the movie. i'm sorry but even if he was a writer on STH they still won't let him do that.

19 years ago
RE: Characters who need makeovers

Quote:plus rotor lecture later on about how the FF never used guns made her design even more silly. anyone else remember Rotor having A SUPER GIGANTI...

19 years ago
RE: Smorking.

Quote:After work, once every week, I go out on my balcony with a chair and a bottle of beer and I smoke a clove. i personally like to think of the so...

19 years ago
19 years ago
RE: Anoynomous theories.

dirk, you're giving the people who "want" him back hope. for the sake of plotholes stop!

19 years ago
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