i was actually rhinking that they could do another solo story about him, like about what he's been up to since heart held hostage.
i'm curious, i'm currently playing through FF7 and i was wondering how you get omnislash. from what i understand, you need 32,000 battle points from ...
they were released for the GBA?! since when?
Doc finitevus is back too? (looked at the cover for 163.) maybe he's tied into this Destructix. that'd make more sense then him knowing any other vil...
I highly doubt it.
i don't have a valentine, but i did get spanked by a really hot friend of mine.
i've never even seen his white armor before, so this is news to me.
more than likely Anonymous boy. or Uncle chuck.
I had a feeling you'd say that after i posted. but you're right nonetheless.
Quote:Why do you all care so much about a cheesy Pokemon ripoff anyhow? I would answer, but the fact remains that this is one of those topics where y...
So... how exactly do they handle Zero's death?
Those Were Sonic Heroes designs, not fleetways.
But what's your vote on most Overused?
personally i'd say cream. She's basically useless in all aspects of the games. You know what? I really don't have a reason for hating her. I just re...
The guy (Kind of) made a good point with it. And since there's no reason to let the topic die, here's my opinion. while the episodes still remain fu...
Is jump superstars out in america now? playing as ichigo w/bankai would seriously kick ass.
I wouldn't have picked up on that, seeing as how i don't listen to guns and roses.
Ian, just curious but, do you have plans for villains BESIDES Robotnik? Not including shadow,M,or tentatively snively? Shadow technically doesn't co...
So, what's the release date for the US currently? i bet it'll end up being July. That way, i can Go get my license and get KH2 in the same day. but ...
there was a MMX manga, but that's probably as close to anime as you're going to get.
I think most kids these days are just too damn stupid for their own good. is it the parents fault? maybe. Videogames? if their parents let them get th...
Wonderbat beat me to it. all of the episodes are the same, but he did forget one thing. Every now and then Ash will actually come across someone he d...
News flash: Craig caught killing Cookirini with sailor ribbons! Pics included! Taken by: Ace photographer HS77!
so the metal sonics were designed as the replacement for sonic? (sort of.) that's interesting.
i'm guessing it's permanent. it's kind of good, because we don't need two sonics running around.
So i'm guessing i'm the hellchild huh? whatever. your opinion is worthless to me. Oh and wonderbat? You don't have to know Geo to know that he treats...
If the series ended with tonight's episode, i'd be fine with it. i think this season brought a whole new light to beast boy, showing that he isn't a ...
2. Cream she's not in the comic. 1. Knux- i loved penders' version of him, what with the in depth backstory, clearly detailed fights (kragok, and en...
i don't see how you couldn't like The final battle in #50, but it's your opinion so whatever. but i have to admit that i've started hating ken for the...
seeing as how poorly you treat others, i'm glad to see you go.
is it me or does left image look suspiciously like Zero 4? but really, Megaman Zex?
well, in the m25yl part (i'm sure you know which one) it said Robotnik was killed by knuckles going chaotic again. of course all of you should know b...
so they fought him near area Zero, that makes more sense.
no that's not what i'm asking, i'm asking WHERE was it were they fought sigma in X5. in eurasia or on earth where?
but where was he when sigma cut him in half?
Correct me if i'm wrong, (hasn't played X5) in X5 didn't Zero *die* on eurasia? i remembered seeing a video of how he took out sigma to save X but my ...
Well, than they're both at fault than aren't they? on a different topic, i haven't heard much about Dub lately, but if he quit on his own than i'd sa...
then why didn't you just post this whole topic on your 999th post? instead of making a topic that is exactly like a kilopost topic.
that's like... my favorite song. keep on rockin'.
positive? it sounds like bashing to me.
My personal belief on that fight was that Kong has probably fought T-rexes and just about everything else on the island at least once before. (look at...
Quote:Piss off, Rico. Bashing.
No it doesn't. BN6 is the last Battle net game. as for Z4, this is the last Zero game as well. The Team working on it said they didn't feel comfortab...
even though Zero has survived a space colony crash before, i want to say that both Weil and Zero are dead. it looks likely, but I there's one thing i...
i'll admit i was a little harsh on him for Sonic #150, but it's kind of sad to see him go, i am glad that he has some projects in store to keep him bu...
Resident evil 4. very fun, just killed saddler.