Mobius Forum Archive

Ian Potto
Estimable Member
Joined: Aug 30, 2005
Topics: 7 / Replies: 200
Replies: 2
Views: 83
RE: Sonic #184/Sonic X #29 previews!

It's more likely than you think.

17 years ago
RE: I am not saying what could happen to Fiona and chaos energy

No, you were soliciting ideas. They aren't even thinly veiled. For the benefit of the character and the rest of the readership I haven't read the fi...

17 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 127
RE: Tails

I missed the link pre-edit. If someone would be so kind as to enlighten me to the source via email, or to send it to, I'd appreci...

17 years ago
RE: Fiona Fox

Yeah - editor? I may plot the course of the comic, but everything still has to be okay'd by Mike Pellerito and Sega. And there are definitely plans ...

17 years ago
RE: Ian said this, Ian said that....

Personally, I like this thread. And not just because it's something of a promotional for me One of the downsides to being as interactive as I try ...

17 years ago
RE: Ian, a question concerning the recently announced Sonic RPG

The regular BKC Q&A had to be put on hiatus, but thanks for re-directing folks. As of this very second, to the best of my knowledge, Archie isn't...

18 years ago
RE: Ian, just wanted a heads up on Other M...

I really, really, really don't like discussing Other-M for fear of it getting tangled in red tape. I don't know if it's a problem that I once worked ...

18 years ago
RE: I wanna spoil #176!

You telling me everyone just LEFT THE REST OF THE PLANET? TO FEND FOR ITSELF?!?!? What? Nicole says it's the redesigned Nanite City. She's says sh...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #175 SPOILERS: The Unthinkable Happens

I closed off my "Ask Ian" thread here because I didn't want to take over this board. That'd be greedy. So I'm going to try to back out aft...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #175 SPOILERS: The Unthinkable Happens

They are. By being introduced to the license, they become part of the SONIC brand.

18 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #175 SPOILERS: The Unthinkable Happens

And you gotta listen to your critics as well as your fans...I know other readers who aren't exactly 100% pleased with the way things are going. I ce...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #175 SPOILERS: The Unthinkable Happens

Like I said, Archie has Sonic X to do all the excessive game shilling for now...look, I'm not against using some game elements, just as long as they a...

18 years ago
RE: What were the dinosaur forms of the Ancient Walkers?

I always thought they were . . . Bird-tiki - Some kind of theropod, like a Rex or an Allosaurus. Nevermind the height or realistic builds, it's upri...

18 years ago
RE: Remember the horizontal/vertical Sonic vs. Tails story?

Given my deep respect for the fandom, my integrity as a writer, and my affection for odd theatrical out-bursts, I'd think the answer is obvious. The ...

18 years ago
RE: Remember the horizontal/vertical Sonic vs. Tails story?

Oh, I lurk all the time. I am a phantom of the Sonic forums. And issues are typically written 5-6 months in advance.

18 years ago
RE: Year One Collection - Signed Comic Lot!

Send me a PM/email ( with the shipping address and I can give you a rough (very rough) guestimate.

18 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 70
RE: Mario in the comics?

What I said was the chances of it happening are slim-to-none, and as of the time I answered it wasn't happening in the Archie comic. If it happens, a...

18 years ago
RE: Previews for STH#175-176, SX#20 and Sonic Archives #3

Ian has said no such thing. Ian has refused to elaborate on who has a target painted on their forehead because that would spoil the surprise. Ian can ...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #172 Love Them Spoilers!

And the prize goes to Crazy Cham Lea for putting it all together! ...and saving me from having to make the same explanation

18 years ago
RE: Previews for STH#175-176, SX#20 and Sonic Archives #3

Quote:I am a bit worried about everyone but the original game*squad getting taken. Especially after reading in another topic, answering a question in ...

18 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 62
RE: Sonic #174 and SX #19

Quote:But if you ever do step out of line, don't expect any special treatment. I wouldn't have it any other way

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #174 and SX #19

I'm probably asking for trouble by wading into this debate, but what's life without its little adventures? Quote:Speaking of Knux and Juile-Su, I hav...

18 years ago
RE: StH #171 Spoilers and Discussion

I'm very happy folks are really digging this month's installment! I was afraid I'd get some flak for the main plot being an abridged version of Shado...

18 years ago
RE: Question: what do you think Ian should tackle next (storywis

What kills me is I can't confirm, deny, or even hint at how much of this has already been touched upon or is being planned already. ...or am I just s...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic solicitations for March 2007

Quote:Ken told us that this follow up would be his last story, but it did not run. Instead, a heavily rewritten version by Ian Flynn ran as the main s...

18 years ago
RE: Sega Characters in the comics

Quote:Not if Ian has anything to say about it. I recall quite distinctly his feelings toward Cream when she first debuted in Sonic Advance 2. Though I...

18 years ago
RE: State of the Universe

Quote:Thanks, all of you for bringing me up to speed. It all seems kind of iffy to me though. Let me get this straight; how long has KP been in charge...

18 years ago
RE: State of the Universe

Matt did a excellent job summing things up. I'll toss in a current state of affairs on Angel Island: - Gen. Kage von Stryker, son of the previous Ge...

18 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 83
RE: Tails Is Gonna Kill Sonic..

It hasn't been dumped, it's simply not the focus at the moment.

18 years ago
RE: Who's going to COMIC CON?

Fantastic! Well done, Tigsie ^^

18 years ago
RE: Who's going to COMIC CON?

Due to my work schedule/fianances (and everything Matt/Reily85 said) I can't really get out to the Cons. Heroes Con was different - I live right ther...

18 years ago
RE: Ask Ian about Sonic the Hedgehog-Thanks for your time, Ian!!

No worries, Skyler. Things just timed out that way

18 years ago
Replies: 50
Views: 333
RE: Ask Ian about Sonic the Hedgehog-Thanks for your time, Ian!!

H'okay folks - this took a lot of thought and consideration. I don't do this lightly, but it's ultimately something I have to do. I'm spending anywh...

18 years ago
RE: Ask Ian about Sonic the Hedgehog-Thanks for your time, Ian!!

Mr. Elimin8 1. Why not have the original Robotnik come back Because it's too time consuming/not worth it to explain to the new reader (for each issue...

18 years ago
RE: Ask Ian about Sonic the Hedgehog-Thanks for your time, Ian!!

At the end of the "Home" arc, A.D.A.M. seems rather enlivened by the word-play. Whose to say the banter didn't spark something within the A...

18 years ago
RE: Ask Ian about Sonic the Hedgehog-Thanks for your time, Ian!!

That would make things tie up into a nice, neat little bow, wouldn't it? Can't officially confirm or deny that, primarily since Nic ranks about the s...

18 years ago
RE: Ask Ian about Sonic the Hedgehog-Thanks for your time, Ian!!

Super Rayzor So, what happened to the rings? Will we be seeing their use soon, or will you explain why Sonic hasn't been using them lately? The ring...

18 years ago
RE: Ask Ian about Sonic the Hedgehog-Thanks for your time, Ian!!

I hadn't considered that within the realms of Ixian magic. Necromancy would really dance on the line of both death-cheats and acceptibility in the co...

18 years ago
RE: Ask Ian about Sonic the Hedgehog-Thanks for your time, Ian!!

I felt there was enough blatant carnage as it was, and Nack was more of the stealthy killer. Thus, the highly unimportant (but still dangling plotpoi...

18 years ago
RE: Ask Ian about Sonic the Hedgehog-Thanks for your time, Ian!!

Ah-ha! That's why she didn't sound familure. Thanks EE.

18 years ago
RE: Ask Ian about Sonic the Hedgehog-Thanks for your time, Ian!!

Jerboa 1) The roboticized "original FF's" from that god-awful 142-143 arc. Is it safe to assume that they're gone for good? Or do they have ...

18 years ago
RE: Who's going to COMIC CON?

Sadly the only Con I can hit this year was Heroes Con, which has come and gone. Y'all have fun in my stead 😉

18 years ago
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