This thread is dying ;_; And I win.
I blame it on George Bush =O It's his fault topics of seriousness turn to almost SPA material.
*googles* Him?
Yay, back to normal! (or NOT normal in this case...)
Hiya Gramps ^.~; And well done on staying. It just draws you back @_@.
That one is not random also o.o;;;
Entertain me, young Cooki.
If I have had time to post this, I must have had time to play some more Far Cry. Even though it's intensely hard. *runs off to play it again*
*takes a break from Fable and Far Cry* Moo. *goes off to play Far Cry again*
o.o @ bump And Jeff, I don't think we have much of an idea about you to draw you... But that won't Chaos XShadow drawing you o.o Oh, and for the rec...
Kasier Chiefs - Every Day I love you less and less Kasabian - LSF Legend bands...
German chocolate tastes the best after you've lodged it between your arse cheeks.
Hmmmm... I guess I could make a social life while I wait for MGS4. But after it comes out, I suddenly desert all my friends. Good idea?
I never said it was. o.o
Metal Gear = The reason I have no social life
Take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty.
Dubsie isn't famous. He's a legend.
Quote:Don't be an ass. Do I need to start giving warnings for that crap? Sorry Rico, I put the wrong emoticon on the end of that sentence (should have...
Legendary advert... At least the dialog is better than an episode of Corror o.o And it's on as I speak...
OR ME. Only if you want to though o.o
The way you're gonna hold the controller is also gonna resemble the N64 controller (Analogue stick in your left hand on it's own and buttons on your r...
Hell, yeah, I've always wanted to have an even stupider version of me on the mofo. And they're fun to have around. Q) What was/is your school life li...
Go home THS o.o
Suddenly the idea of mufty day at school got a whole lot scarier.
Counter Strike. *slaps all Runescape players in the room* Nerds. o.o
Don't touch Cooki, you don't wanna know where she came out of... ^.~;; Trust me, a scarier place than where the carebears have beeen. =P
If that's as bad as it gets... Don't we ALL stereotype and be a racist (not to the extreme) sometimes? So, I think this is just crap, even if they wer...
Don't get me started on THIRD place's prize o.o;
o.o;;; If you want.
Even more original.
Weezer - Buddy Holly
Nice original sentence at saying that something was original in a sarcastic way
Errr... Cooki can you edit the pic so it has no link at the bottom? >>; I went to the site and I was so scared...
*wins... In 3D*
The Sky is up. Then space. Then some floating piles of trash.
Quote:And.....8,000th POST! CELEBRATE!! 😀 *beaten with a stick by SH*
*hits ZoneZ with a truck* *then reverses over Ultra* Why did I hit ZoneZ again? o.o;;
I won Yogi The Easter Bear on Video many a year ago. It is one of the greatest videos of all time. Q) ON a scale of ten, how good would you say Sonic...
OHNOES!!!!!1111!!!! H4X0R!
Well, it IS next-gen, HS2k3... >>; So most of the screenshots ARE in-game. Or else they're cheaping out BIG time
I would like permission to roflmao, please.
I decided to set that pic as my desktop ^.~
Only on Tuesdays.
*bites Abi's leg* You're not going nowhere.
I like Jordan's breasts too Abi.
But I'm already wearing a bunny costume.
Spank you. o.o