Mobius Forum Archive

Honorable Member
Joined: Aug 1, 2004
Topics: 21 / Replies: 645
RE: The World We Know Is Ending (The Death of the West?)

From one of the highest "ranking" clerics in Australia... Sheik Taj Din al Hilaly holds a press...

18 years ago
RE: The World We Know Is Ending (The Death of the West?)

Quote:Uh, how about by continuing to live in countries that aren't Islamic theocracies? Please explain how we are in any way threatened. Why don't yo...

18 years ago
RE: The World We Know Is Ending (The Death of the West?)

Quote:To exemplar: It's not up to Jimro to decide what Pundit thinks is a good set of laws and a bad set of laws. If Pundit thinks US laws are becomi...

18 years ago
RE: The World We Know Is Ending (The Death of the West?)

"Xenophobic hatemongering" is a strong sentiment to a thought provoking argument. Would you rather live in Tehran or Toronto? If you said ...

18 years ago
RE: Teen Questioned over Bush threats in Myspace

Being able to fire a rifle means you have one of a necessary set of skills to kill the president, if the assassination is to be carried out by a rifle...

18 years ago
RE: what do you think of the mistreatment of mexicans?

I asked who was mistreating "Mexicans" and the answer seemed to be those that are exploiting illegal immigrants. Legal immigrants are no lo...

18 years ago
RE: Teen Questioned over Bush threats in Myspace

Rico, To counteract your vast experience with children shooting rifles, I've watched plenty of kids (and many younger than 11) shoot full sized weap...

18 years ago
RE: Teen Questioned over Bush threats in Myspace

Rico... I guess I am getting rusty. But since you say that an average 10 year old won't just shoot a gun that he's handed....

18 years ago
RE: Teen Questioned over Bush threats in Myspace

Quote:Leave it to a soldier to think a kid 60 pounds wet is a national threat. ~Rico (disgust for military +20) Rico, a child with an AK can kill ...

18 years ago
RE: Teen Questioned over Bush threats in Myspace

SpiritSenshi, My point is that we live in a world of 11 year conscripted soldiers in Africa, young suicide bombers in the middle east, high school sh...

18 years ago
RE: what do you think of the mistreatment of mexicans?

I believe he is commenting on cultural values and norms. Jews and Asians have a reputation for working hard to master skilled labor or white collar j...

18 years ago
RE: Other countries don't want Gitmo detainees released

Cycle, The quotation marks are used used to quote your words. Did I really just write that? Why? Did you infer something? Jimro

18 years ago
RE: Other countries don't want Gitmo detainees released

Cycle, Everyone in Gitmo is "confined to a cell" with allowed exercise periods. There is a requirement to provide food, there is a require...

18 years ago
RE: what do you think of the mistreatment of mexicans?

Veckums, Your proposal has a few flaws. Quote:Require businesses to pay them minimum wage AND benefits AND put an extra tax on hiring illegal immigr...

18 years ago
18 years ago
RE: Faith-Based Movie Productions

Cooki, sorry I didn't mean for my post to seem like I was coming down on you, I completely agree that Fox could do a better job picking movies to dist...

18 years ago
RE: Thomas Sowell: Socialism for the Rich

Take up Habeus Corpus with congress, also take up the war on terror with congress. Congress writes the laws and controls the purse strings. Right no...

18 years ago
RE: what do you think of the mistreatment of mexicans?

So what you guys are really protesting are those that exploit illegal immigrants. Me too, it is unethical and illegal. But until border security and...

18 years ago
RE: Faith-Based Movie Productions

Fox Faith does not PRODUCE movies, it DISTRIBUTES movies. That way it gets all the financial gain of distribution without the risk of production cost...

18 years ago
RE: Teen Questioned over Bush threats in Myspace

Yup, all those non voting teens at Columbine agree with you. Jimro

18 years ago
RE: Keith hits another one out of the park.

The main point for suspending Habeus Corpus in the US was to emulate the UK and be able to detain high value suspects without having to jump through a...

18 years ago
RE: Keith hits another one out of the park.

Pundit, Habeus Corpus is not an inalienable right. Inalienable means that it cannot be taken away from one person to be used by another, and in that...

18 years ago
RE: what do you think of the mistreatment of mexicans? health care to pregnent Mexican women, to the point where some hospitals in Texas are requiring residents to include several credit hours of...

18 years ago
RE: Keith hits another one out of the park.

Veckums, A "straw man" argument is setting up an opponent that isn't there so that you can appear tough on an issue. I am so glad to know ...

18 years ago
RE: Keith hits another one out of the park.

Troy, Quote:I suppose you've noticed by now that I've abandoned civility in my arguements. It's because I do not respect you, just as I do not respec...

18 years ago
RE: Thomas Sowell: Socialism for the Rich

Boy you don't know how to not put your foot in your mouth... Fake made up war indeed. *checks the death toll* REAL *checks congressional and UN appr...

18 years ago
RE: Keith hits another one out of the park.

Troy... Educate yourself just a little bit, please. Read Tommy Franks autobiography "American Soldier" for a small dose of reality on the ...

18 years ago
RE: Thomas Sowell: Socialism for the Rich

Lincoln did it in the Civil War, it happened to the Japanese Americans in WWII, so this is not exactly "tearing up Habeus Corpus" without hi...

18 years ago
RE: Thomas Sowell: Socialism for the Rich

Republicans like breasts, of the human variety, and perky! LOL, yes this did get a bit off topic, however I haven't found any Republicans saying anyt...

18 years ago
RE: Keith hits another one out of the park.

Cooki, "Military affairs are the utmost importance to the survival of the state" Sun Tzu. Read and then reread "The Art of War"...

18 years ago
RE: Keith hits another one out of the park.

"Terrorism is something we can live with" Oliver Stone Patty Murray (Democrat) publically praised Osama Bin Laden and suggested that the US...

18 years ago
RE: The Military plans to test weapons on civilians

Yes, gamma rays are deadly in sufficient dose. However the article mentioned "microwave" which interacts most strongly with water, and woul...

18 years ago
RE: Devil Worship: Why?

Sacrificing animals to earn favor with a diety has a long history even in Christian theology. After all Jesus died to be the ultimate Sin Sacrifice, ...

18 years ago
RE: Thomas Sowell: Socialism for the Rich

First off, squatting on someone elses land means they can kick you off. Possession may be nine tenths of the law according to Talmud, but doesn't mea...

18 years ago
RE: Devil Worship: Why?

Abusing or killing small animals is a sign of a mental health problem. As far as human sacrifices are concerned, I've read a few accounts as well, bu...

18 years ago
RE: Devil Worship: Why?

Any religious question tells us two things. 1. The familiarity of the questioner on the subject. 2. Some idea of the moral/religious upbringing of ...

18 years ago
RE: The Fundamentals of Black Sabbath (Rock VS Metal)

Black Sabbath HAS done it all, trying out different sounds over the years. However their lasting impact on popular culture will be as a Metal band. ...

19 years ago
RE: The Military plans to test weapons on civilians

we ended up discussing the role of civilian gun rights under a militia system on some gun control thread... As a complete side note, it is a good thi...

19 years ago
RE: The Military plans to test weapons on civilians

The US Military often purchases weapons or items that have been "proved" in the civilian world by competitive shooters, police agencies, or ...

19 years ago
RE: Scientology

Red, I get what you are saying, that the "Gospel of James" was put into the Koran (as Surah 3). However, if that is the case then the Kora...

19 years ago
RE: Scientology

Red, What books does the Koran contain that the Mainstream bible rejects? It is my understanding that the Koran was "revealed" to Muhammed...

19 years ago
RE: Scientology

wow, there is a whole lot to respond to... The Koran (as well as the Hadith) was written after the establishment of the "modern bible" by t...

19 years ago
RE: Fixed religion post; sorry for bumping the thread

Actually Matt, in his usual meandering way, has shown why so many people have trouble with faith and religion. Us believers are not perfect, but ther...

19 years ago
RE: Random thought

Thanks, I'm out west so I don't really pay much attention to the state issues of the Northeast except as they play into gun control and hunting issues...

19 years ago
RE: Random thought

Source please, I'm familiar with vouchers, tax credits, and charter schools, but diverting public moneys directly to private schools is a new one on m...

19 years ago
RE: Random thought

I would guess that Marauder is possibly referring to attempts to have fed/state/local tax money help fund religious schools I'm assuming you are actu...

19 years ago
RE: Random thought

While it is true that Abraham Lincoln was in office when slavery was abolished, his main goal was the preservation of the USA, not the abolition of sl...

19 years ago
RE: The War On Christians

Rico, By no means am I recommending an official religion for the United States. The Constitution is quite clear that the Federal Government is not t...

19 years ago
RE: The War On Christians

ESPIO, I should have made myself clearer, that certain phrases of American Government smack of religious overtones (In God We Trust, one nation under...

19 years ago
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