Mobius Forum Archive

Honorable Member
Joined: Aug 1, 2004
Topics: 21 / Replies: 645
RE: Are we sure women are being treated inferiorly?

I'll do my best not to cut anyone to pieces, Troophead does bring up some more obvious societal expectations, namely the spousal responsibilities of m...

18 years ago
RE: The War On Christians

Our national motto reflects a radical change in thought from other forms of government. Revolutionary at the time, and most other democracies have si...

18 years ago
RE: Sport hunting and conservation.

Quote:I do not support sport hunting. I mean, how would you like it if a bear just came up to your family and killed one of you for fun? I do however ...

18 years ago
RE: Guns: Should they be Allowed?

Quote:The issue of quality then comes into play when people make the firearms themselves. I haven't heard of a "zip gun" being used in anyt...

18 years ago
RE: Walking on Water = Walking on Ice?

*catches food product, unwraps food product, throws food product back* Catch! Jimro

18 years ago
RE: Walking on Water = Walking on Ice?

Quote:But only people not religious would be willing to see that. If they were willing to see that they'd be questioning their own religion. Jimro

18 years ago
RE: Casualties of War? They pale in comparison to this...

I would like to point out that dictionaries are important so that both parties in a discussion know exactly what the other party means. Many words ha...

18 years ago
RE: Walking on Water = Walking on Ice?

Once again we find that Peter was frightened by the waves and began to sink. Sinking on land? I have heard some weird theories about how the Bible i...

18 years ago
RE: America First

You talk about a problem and yet you offer no solution. The old boy network has been established like any other social network. Just because someone...

18 years ago
RE: A $300 computer...

I used to recommend Dell to my computer illeterate clients, only because of their excellent customer service. Well the customer service got outsource...

18 years ago
RE: The President of Amerikkka is a Criminal

Huh...I guess nobody checked with the folks at selling Beatles downloads... So this thread has been; "BUSTED" Jimro, the THREADBUS...

18 years ago
RE: A $300 computer...

You can always buy a fiat for ferrari prices, but not a ferrari for fiat prices. Jimro

18 years ago
RE: The Sorcerer's Apprentice

You have no idea what you are talking about. General Tommy Franks divided the Iraq timeline into 4 phases. President Bush signed off on Gen. Franks ...

18 years ago
RE: Sport hunting and conservation.

Was out walking the dog and spotted two deer today, it seemed to be two does or a doe and a buck. Bucks lose their horns in late winter and look like...

18 years ago
RE: The War On Christians

Hitler used religious overtones to support his antisemitism. Jesus had some interesting things to say about Jews, if you care to read the New Testame...

18 years ago
RE: The War On Christians

I must disagree with you Rico, human kindness doesn't impress me much. I was not impressed with the human kindness the Japanese military showed to ...

18 years ago
RE: A virus MAY just be your next computer battery...

Cobalt isn't exactly an "exotic" material for organisms, cobalt is the coenzyme for vitamin B12. Humans have no need for cobalt as a minera...

18 years ago
RE: A virus MAY just be your next computer battery...

Cobalt isn't exactly an "exotic" material for organisms, cobalt is the coenzyme for vitamin B12. Humans have no need for cobalt as a minera...

18 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 14
Replies: 3
Views: 13
RE: The War On Christians

Quote:The event also featured Michael Horowitz, who told the attendees, "You guys have become the Jews of the 21st century." Presumably he w...

18 years ago
RE: Are we sure women are being treated inferiorly?

We appear to have more in common than we thought. Such is always the case. Liberals want EO enforced because they care about equality, conservatives...

18 years ago
RE: Are we sure women are being treated inferiorly?

I believe that there is a segment of feminists who would be insulted if a man picked up the whole check. I also think that they are vastly outnumbere...

18 years ago
RE: Are we sure women are being treated inferiorly?

I think I follow your logic Cycle, to summarize: Because women have had a "subserviant" place in society for recorded history it only makes ...

18 years ago
RE: Are we sure women are being treated inferiorly?

Acually I'm still wondering what your well known example of how America is both fearful and bigotted. Since I couldn't figure out your example (I'm n...

18 years ago
RE: Guns: Should they be Allowed?

Penn and Teller don't always use the most delicate of language, so watch at your own risk.$&pl=true Jimro

18 years ago
RE: Are we sure women are being treated inferiorly?

Not only are you a mind read but you can predict the future as well. I am actually interested in where you are going with this. I can't think of a w...

18 years ago
RE: Are we sure women are being treated inferiorly?

I don't think fear and bigotry rule our nation right now, especially since fear and bigotry are personal traits, not national traits. There will alwa...

18 years ago
RE: Are we sure women are being treated inferiorly?

Repeat after me: Life Isn't Fair. Or you can go the "Malcom in the Middle" theme song route and say: Life is Unfair. The fact is that wome...

18 years ago
RE: Walking on Water = Walking on Ice?

Quote:Unfortunately, there are no direct (or indirect) paleoclimatic records from the Lake Kinneret region. What we can do is use paleo-records of sea...

18 years ago
RE: Walking on Water = Walking on Ice?

I remembered another good reason why the climate model that explains ice on the Sea of Galilee is completely bogus. The "Green Alps" theory...

18 years ago
RE: Walking on Water = Walking on Ice?

Back on topic, do the historical accounts record snow? It would make sense that some non-christian source would record the weather in passing. Unfor...

18 years ago
RE: Walking on Water = Walking on Ice?

So this is more about "teaching me a lesson" than discussing the topic. I guess asking for civil behavior IS too much to ask of you. Of co...

18 years ago
RE: Walking on Water = Walking on Ice?

Let's not play the name game. Rico, you have things in your life that you feel are really important, and you get your knickers in a knot when people ...

18 years ago
RE: Walking on Water = Walking on Ice?

Or make a jab at the faith of others. Jimro

18 years ago
RE: Walking on Water = Walking on Ice?

Big storm, the tiny ship was tossed... Doesn't sound like a simple case of frozen lake to me, nor does the recounting of Jesus lifting Peter out of t...

18 years ago
RE: Illegal Immigration. I'd like to know their side.

Elp, I hate to bring this up, but the pages you listed showed just how difficult it is to count Americans in Mexico, and that the "half a million...

18 years ago
RE: Illegal Immigration. I'd like to know their side.

Why Rico, I'm so glad that you are a mind reader! Could you tell me how mind read so I can be as cool as you? Jimro

18 years ago
RE: Illegal Immigration. I'd like to know their side.

Quote:Many Europeans/Hispanics/Asians have gotten into Canada and crossed the Canadian border just as many cross the Mexican border. The easiest ones ...

18 years ago
RE: Illegal Immigration. I'd like to know their side.

True Red, I agree that we have Canadian border issues, but 8 to 12 million illegal immigrants did not come from Canada. That is potentially a full t...

18 years ago
RE: The War on Terror (Everyone, PLAY NICE.)

You know we've had full "UN support" since 2004. This isn't an "illegal war". Nobody likes war, and the real question that is be...

18 years ago
RE: Illegal Immigration. I'd like to know their side.

That's a good point Elp, I didn't think that education would be a reason for permanent immigration. Shows you how much I know 😛 Hitler invaded his ...

18 years ago
RE: Illegal Immigration. I'd like to know their side.

1. MONEY 2. FREEDOM Guess America isn't such a bad place to be really. I think that a guest worker program would solve a lot of problems associated ...

18 years ago
RE: America First

break it down for me Barney style.... Jimro

18 years ago
RE: Jylands-Posten cartoons of Muhammed

that has reprints of the cartoons, citing "security concerns" "For us, the safety and security of our customers and employees is a top...

18 years ago
RE: America First

what the heck are you talking about Rico? Jimro

18 years ago
RE: America First

So nearly one in 4 families move out of "poor" and you see it as "3 out of 4" stay in "poor" and then take it as the gos...

18 years ago
RE: America First

Quote:Vancouver is home to some of the highest costs of living in North America, and among the highest tuition fees in Canada, and yet the Campbell go...

18 years ago
RE: America First

Cycle, I think you might actually need to read your source. Over the ten-year period 1995-2005, a total of 23 percent of sampled households moved out...

18 years ago
RE: It's that time of year again; The seal hunt.

The middle east has never been a rock of stability. The formation of Israel had more to do with the UK and the UN than the US. Even Canadian history...

18 years ago
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