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Honorable Member
Joined: Aug 1, 2004
Topics: 21 / Replies: 645
RE: America First

Quote:Whether people deserve a better life or not may have absolutely nothing to do with WHAT they have CHOSEN to do with their life. It is a proven f...

18 years ago
RE: America First

Rico: People are people. Cycle: Asians cause crime in Vancouver. Jimro: All immigrant populations are associated with crime. To get back to Rico'...

18 years ago
RE: It's that time of year again; The seal hunt.

Not gonna happen, too many Cuban American voters in Florida who are so adamantly anti-Castro that there is no chance of ending the embargo. While we ...

18 years ago
RE: America First

Cycle, You felt the need to specify that asians aren't genetically predisposed to lawful behavior? I dub thee "Captain Obvious!". Jimro

18 years ago
RE: America First

Rico, Immigrants and organized crime go hand in hand. Just like the Italians and Irish mobs are a part of our American history. The fact that Vanco...

18 years ago
RE: It's that time of year again; The seal hunt.

Matt, There is no way for the US to control the Iraqi oil fields and not enrage the entire Middle East, and most of the rest of the world as well. T...

18 years ago
RE: America First

Cycle, Would you like to compare Vancouvers crime states with, lets say, Detroit? Washington DC? Or how about Tacoma? Explain to me why I "ob...

18 years ago
RE: America First

Cycle, the issue is more complex than that and you know it. Heck, ask a poor undereducated African American whether he'd rather be here or in Africa,...

19 years ago
RE: America First

Troophead, What I do mean is that it's hard to make money if you don't already have money, regardless of talent, meaning in many cases rich people ge...

19 years ago
RE: It's that time of year again; The seal hunt.

Like a toked up Canadian snowboarder... Like Milli Vanilli's career... Pick your cliche, they all work. Jimro

19 years ago
RE: Bye Bye Silicon, Say Hello to the Nanotube Chip

Eventually we will hit the speed limit available to the current silicon semi-conductor technology, but that doesn't mean that computing power will no ...

19 years ago
RE: Bye Bye Silicon, Say Hello to the Nanotube Chip

Eventually we will hit the speed limit available to the current silicon semi-conductor technology, but that doesn't mean that computing power will no ...

19 years ago
RE: It's that time of year again; The seal hunt.

Liberals in the US often point to Canada as a role model for US legislation, everything from health care to marijuana use. They also the same thing w...

19 years ago
RE: It's that time of year again; The seal hunt. Like I said, I don't care one way or another about the seals (I see it ...

19 years ago
RE: America First

Troophead, If you erased all borders today, and allowed people free movement, do you think that there would be a mass exodus FROM the US? Or do you ...

19 years ago
RE: America First

Rico, I don't have much humor when the matters are really important. Unless your boss is a Christian he hasn't put himself into the "body of ...

19 years ago
RE: America First

Troophead, Are you daft? Social inequality? The only way to "liberate" us from "social inequality" is to FORCE everyone into an...

19 years ago
RE: America First

Liberate us Americans from what? Our democratically elected government? Our civil rights? What oppresses us? Jimro

19 years ago
RE: Children's author caught "playing with" her dog

I read "Bridge to Terabithia" on a long car trip back from my great grandfathers funeral. Plot synopsis in one sentence... Cosmopolitan ci...

19 years ago
RE: Homosexuality and its deviancy.

Cycle, Paul wrote "all scripture is useful for doctrine and correction" which means that Christians read the Old Testament and apply it to ...

19 years ago
RE: Jylands-Posten cartoons of Muhammed

MALAYSIA'S de facto law minister has threatened to jail or fine non-Muslims who insult Islam, amid concern over recent articles perceived as attacking...

19 years ago
RE: Homosexuality and its deviancy.

Quote:Oh, and Jimro, what was that about "Christianity=New Testament"? The punishment for homosexuality in the OT was death by stoning. Th...

19 years ago
RE: The American Dream

Cycle, The American Dream is more of a mission statement than an ideal. Jimro

19 years ago
RE: An argument.

You may be right, but I am correct. Jimro

19 years ago
RE: Jylands-Posten cartoons of Muhammed

No problem. The funny thing about Islamic terror is that there are no economic justifications. The "political" justifications always lead ...

19 years ago
RE: Drugs: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, or Something Else?

Overdosing on Aspirin robs your liver of sulfur (a sulfate is tacked on to the aspirin for excretion through the kidneys) and basically the only way t...

19 years ago
RE: Jylands-Posten cartoons of Muhammed

This is pretty good reading. Because They Hate By Brigitte Gabriel [Editor's Note: Below are selected excerpts from Brigitte Gabriel's speech d...

19 years ago
RE: Drugs: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, or Something Else?

Here are links to a few of the abstracts of primary literature on marijuana and memory loss. www.ncbi.nlm.nih...

19 years ago
RE: Homosexuality and its deviancy.

Quote:...wait a second. How'd we get from homosexuality to beastiality? o.o we are easily distracted by shiny objects and photoshop doctored images ...

19 years ago
RE: Homosexuality and its deviancy.

How else are you gonna tenderize it? Jimro

19 years ago
RE: Jylands-Posten cartoons of Muhammed

Nothing but a good natured ribbing from us "Yanks". I think "Limey" for a Brit, referring to Her Majesty's Naval forces, as oppos...

19 years ago
RE: Homosexuality and its deviancy.

Quote:I talked to God. He told me he had no problems with gay's. But those idiots running around berating and killing people in his name pissed him of...

19 years ago
RE: Drugs: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, or Something Else?

Cannabis is a useful plant, but I would like to see a couple decades of Canadian legalization before recommending the same for the US. The permanent ...

19 years ago
RE: Jylands-Posten cartoons of Muhammed

Scotland has never been conquered militarily. Rebellions have been quelled, but things haven't escalated to all out civil war, yet. Oh yeah, and tel...

19 years ago
RE: Homosexuality and its deviancy.

Punch, You still need a better argument. Unnatural doesn't mean "not natural" it means, "not normal" 1 : not being in accordanc...

19 years ago
RE: Drugs: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, or Something Else?

China won the "war on drugs" by forcibly rehabilitating drug users and killing drug distributors simultaneously with a public awareness camp...

19 years ago
RE: Homosexuality and its deviancy.

Illuminator, I appreciate that you are here. However you must realize that you are an ambassador for your faith. So far you managed to tick off mo...

19 years ago
RE: Homosexuality and its deviancy.

Heck, I warned ya. This is their house. Ultra and I are the most vocal conservatives here, and you cannot argue morality with a Liberal. I think tw...

19 years ago
RE: Homosexuality and its deviancy.

illum, You want to keep trying to do things your way, be my guest. Jimro

19 years ago
RE: Homosexuality and its deviancy.

illuminator, Just for your information the folks who tread the paths of the Marble Garden will eat you alive simply because they can. So, you are sp...

19 years ago
RE: Jylands-Posten cartoons of Muhammed

Nah, curry chicken. However I did take a couple to the range, and one of them wanted to shoot a "reactive" target so I let him shoot a gall...

19 years ago
RE: Homosexuality and its deviancy.

Quote:Homosexuality occurs in nature and is therefore natural. Because it is natural, it cannot be logically viewed as a perversion. QED. In that cas...

19 years ago
RE: Jylands-Posten cartoons of Muhammed

I'm not half as informed as your average Irish citizen, that's for dang sure. So by no means am I an "expert". My interest in North Irel...

19 years ago
RE: Homosexuality and its deviancy.

Rico's my favorite deviant

19 years ago
RE: It's that time of year again; The seal hunt.

Matt, I don't care about the seal hunt one way or the other that's other peoples stuff. An assumption (what you think) isn't different from an opini...

19 years ago
RE: Homosexuality and its deviancy.

OK, how do I put this... While I share your view that homosexuality is unnatural, I don't want these nice folks here to view me as a paranoid conspir...

19 years ago
RE: Jylands-Posten cartoons of Muhammed

Trim, Rico told me to be nice, so I am going to try. Quote:Over in Northern Ireland, plenty of people were, and probably still are, happy to kill th...

19 years ago
RE: Jylands-Posten cartoons of Muhammed

More reading Jimro

19 years ago
RE: Health Care: Which System is Better?

Quote:The goal is to have a single-tier system. There are those in government who feel it is not exactly a priority to work towards this goal, however...

19 years ago
RE: Health Care: Which System is Better?

A UK doctors blog. Well worth the reading. Jimro

19 years ago
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