Mobius Forum Archive

Honorable Member
Joined: Aug 1, 2004
Topics: 21 / Replies: 645
RE: Guns: Should they be Allowed?

Thanks for the clarification Trim, but you make my point for me, that ranges criminals use firearms will be pretty close. Nobody holds up a liquor st...

19 years ago
RE: Guns: Should they be Allowed?

Anyone who runs out of chocolate ice cream has the right to be angsty. Jimro

19 years ago
RE: Guns: Should they be Allowed?

Rico, If I make another joke will you buy a lottery ticket? Trim, It isn't that difficult, depending on the rifle and shooter, to hit a man, who is...

19 years ago
RE: Guns: Should they be Allowed?

Sorry Rico, didn't mean to offend, "Jokers" is milspeak for younger guys, kinda like "Cherry" or "FNG", except milder an...

19 years ago
RE: Jylands-Posten cartoons of Muhammed

Update, total 45 dead. Considering the 65 Mexican miners who aren't expected to live it seems even more tragi...

19 years ago
RE: Guns: Should they be Allowed?

Ah, so lethality isn't the problem it's the RANGE that's the problem. Most of my rifles could easily place a bullet in your head at 200 meters, and c...

19 years ago
RE: I don't know if you would believe that!

The only thing that comes to mind is quote from "Lilo and Stitch" Lilo "This is your badness level. It's unusually high for someone yo...

19 years ago
RE: Jylands-Posten cartoons of Muhammed Interesting flash presentation, contains a couple F-Bombs. Jimro

19 years ago
RE: Guns: Should they be Allowed?

I think that last time I saw someone "Pull wood apart" with a "gun" was a few years back, during bayonet training. As a side note...

19 years ago
RE: Guns: Should they be Allowed? Great read on gun violence and poverty. Jimro

19 years ago
RE: Jylands-Posten cartoons of Muhammed

Riots in 19 Countries, sixteen dead today alone as Muslims in Nigeria burned 11 churches and attacked christians.

19 years ago
RE: Guns: Should they be Allowed?

Cycle, If you leave your car in your driveway and some "crackhead" steals it and commits a crime, do you believe you should be punished bec...

19 years ago
RE: Guns: Should they be Allowed?

Rico, Yes, truly that was meant to be funny, but this time it is even funnier because at this point in time I really DON'T have a boken, altho I almo...

19 years ago
RE: Media Idiocy

Does a person in Ottowa need to have a say in Vancouver politics? Jimro

19 years ago
RE: The American Dream

I completely disagree, tell Colin Powell that the American dream is a lie and he'll laugh at you, or George Washington Carver, or Eminem, or Kid Rock,...

19 years ago
RE: Guns: Should they be Allowed?

There are lies, damn lies, and statistics. And depending on whose statistics you read private gun ownership is the plague of humanity or the greatest...

19 years ago
RE: Media Idiocy

A little background on US history. The framers of the Constitution believed in a "limited Federal government" that would be supreme within ...

19 years ago
RE: Media Idiocy

The major differences between Libby and Clinton is the accused. People are trying to get to the administration through Libby, instead of people tryin...

19 years ago
RE: Silly PETA, fish are for eating!

All non-commercial fishing is sport fishing. Altho some commercial fishing vessels use line rod and hooks too. When PETA can train Alaskan grizzlies...

19 years ago
RE: Dick Cheney accidentally shoots 78 year old man - UPDATE

The odds of dieing from a hunting accident are right up there with death by lightning strike or shark attack. When bird hunting, it is imperative tha...

19 years ago
RE: Jylands-Posten cartoons of Muhammed

Quote:Of course, I have absolutely no confidence that the Danish papers were "standing up for free speech" instead of just sticking a finger...

19 years ago
RE: Jylands-Posten cartoons of Muhammed

Just more proof that there will not be peace. Confirmed deaths in at least three countries due to the riots responding to cartoons...Two newspaper ed...

19 years ago
RE: Act your race!

The popular cultural stereotypes always break down upon closer examination. A black man in a suit? Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Malcom X, George Washi...

19 years ago
RE: What is respect?

Quote:Same with jobs, armed forces, indian tribes, and almost everyother section of society teach people they are not an individual. They are part of ...

19 years ago
RE: Sport hunting and conservation.

Rico, When you say "humans screwed up the ecosystem" I don't know if you are referring to pollution, habitat change, or whatnot, would you ...

19 years ago
RE: Sport hunting and conservation.

Trim, Yes, things have been hunted to extinction, but NEVER by "Sport Hunters". Right now there are more deer, elk, and bison in the conti...

19 years ago
RE: Alaska wolf thread...what happened?

Thanks Craig, Thread started, I look forward to your input. Jimro

19 years ago
Replies: 11
Views: 33
RE: Alaska wolf thread...what happened?

Craig, I will let the subject lie if that is the general consensus of mods. Altho it does irk me that I cannot explain to VCP how I can be a hunter ...

19 years ago
RE: What is respect?

Dare we even think that charter schools and private school vouchers might be a good thing? Get the kids (who have parents that care enough to select ...

19 years ago
RE: Alaska wolf thread...what happened?

"why such the vehement debate in a topic pleading for help?" Simply because of the subject matter. An old tale comes to mind... An empero...

19 years ago
Replies: 16
Views: 41
RE: Help Me Save Alaska's Wolves

Hunting for sport is a valuable tool for wildlife management. All animals have a "habitat" that can support X number of animals. Healthy a...

19 years ago
RE: Help Me Save Alaska's Wolves

A "banana clip" refers specifically in the gun world to clips for AKM variants, for those of you not familiar with Soviet small arms the AK-...

19 years ago
RE: Help Me Save Alaska's Wolves

Rico, There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers. I just don't see why folks would pay 200 bucks for the priviledge of carrying a banana cli...

19 years ago
RE: Help Me Save Alaska's Wolves

Rico, What would they do with a banana clip? Jimro

19 years ago
RE: Help Me Save Alaska's Wolves

I've always felt that Alaska could make more money by selling hunting licenses to out of staters to take any excess wolves... Normally when the prey ...

19 years ago
RE: WMDs: Found at Last?

This is "HUMINT" or HUMan INTelligence, and relying primarily on HUMINT without confirmation by ELINT was the primary cause of the "mas...

19 years ago
RE: Media Idiocy

Cycle, I've found that only a divided government can really compromise to actually deliver smart legislation. When the US last balanced the budget w...

19 years ago
RE: Casualties of War? They pale in comparison to this...

Cycle, Not everyone regrets waiting until marriage. Many folks regret having premarital sex, I know I do. Jimro

19 years ago
RE: Casualties of War? They pale in comparison to this...

Ultra, I was actually refering to more emphasis on BASIC Education, reading, writing, math and science. Kids who understand these concepts are being...

19 years ago
RE: "Holocaust Never Happened" - Iran

Cycle, I believe that there is a much more tangible link between US troops in Iraq and Afganistan causing anti-US sentiments in Iran than Bush's re-e...

19 years ago
RE: "Holocaust Never Happened" - Iran

Are you hypothesizing that Iran became MORE fundamentalist as a result of US electing Pres Bush? That is an interesting cause/effect relationship, bu...

19 years ago
RE: "Holocaust Never Happened" - Iran

I wouldn't worry about the FBI, electronic surveillance belongs in the realm of the CIA and NSA. Jimro

19 years ago
RE: GW Spying On Us?

Cycle, I thought it was a well made speech until it went to "Global Warming".... It was like a train wreck, this long logical string of h...

19 years ago
RE: anti-Americanism

Cycle, I hear what you are saying, but the issue is not that cut and dried on the so called "seperation of church and state" On our money,...

19 years ago
RE: "Holocaust Never Happened" - Iran

The current Iranian president is making no friends in the west...yawn. However his landslide election has forced many observers to re-evaluate their ...

19 years ago
RE: Casualties of War? They pale in comparison to this...

Cycle, I agree that we have inadequate social services to deal with all the unwanted children. However that argument can also be used to support fai...

19 years ago
RE: Text of Bin Laden's latest tape

From &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp (Washington D.C.)- The war in Iraq is not going as advertised. ...

19 years ago
RE: Casualties of War? They pale in comparison to this...

I am against using abortion as birth control. There are so many contraception methods that abortion really could be a much rarer event. In cases of ...

19 years ago
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