Mobius Forum Archive

Johnny Chopsocky
Prominent Member
Joined: Apr 30, 2002
Topics: 29 / Replies: 845
RE: Which movie did you see last?

God help me, Rocky Balboa wasn't bad at all. In fact, I say it qualifies as 'good'. I was so ready to dislike it, but it won me over.

18 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

God help me, Rocky Balboa wasn't bad at all. In fact, I say it qualifies as 'good'. I was so ready to dislike it, but it won me over.

18 years ago
RE: Funniest moments in a video game

God Hand as a whole, but mostly the end credits song. I win.

18 years ago

Allow me to be one of the few voices of dissent in the thread by going "Woohoo!"

18 years ago
RE: Scorsese finally got his Oscar.

I dunno, Departed just seems like a better movie than IA. IA had too many problems going for it: pedestrian direction (especially whenever action was...

18 years ago
RE: Scorsese finally got his Oscar.

Quote:This was not one of his better pictures. Your statement sounds damning until you consider that for Martin Scorsese, "better pictures"...

18 years ago
RE: Scorsese finally got his Oscar.

Finally, the right guys win both Best Director AND Best Picture. I bet you green money that Robert DeNiro and Joe Pesci were in the orchestra pit wit...

18 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Quote:Overrated as hell, tho. Brad Bird's work. It's impossible to overrate Brad Bird's work. Every ounce of praise ever conceived of could be throw...

18 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Quote:Overrated as hell, tho. Brad Bird's work. It's impossible to overrate Brad Bird's work. Every ounce of praise ever conceived of could be throw...

18 years ago
RE: Official PS3 Thread

Another day, another affirmation that PAL sucks.

18 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Just saw The Departed again. Just as good the second time, maybe even better than the first time.

18 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Just saw The Departed again. Just as good the second time, maybe even better than the first time.

18 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Quote:(scares me that it took over a year to edit, but Scorose is an insane director who films like 25 times more than needed, even with Rainmaker. A...

18 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Quote:(scares me that it took over a year to edit, but Scorose is an insane director who films like 25 times more than needed, even with Rainmaker. A...

18 years ago
RE: Different drinking habits...

I don't drink at bars, since I'm terrified of the prospect of having to drive home even MILDLY inebriated when closing time hits. I drink where I can...

18 years ago
RE: How bout dat game?

Something for all the Bears fans to put in their avatars/sigs:

18 years ago
RE: How bout dat game?

What about the Bear's Defense going "OH NOES THEY ARE RUNNING THE FOOTBALL GAG DIE". Don't lay the blame of the general lackluster play of ...

18 years ago
RE: How bout dat game?

Once again... No Factor Conference Good job, Colts. You outplayed the Bears in every single facet of the game.

18 years ago
RE: How bout dat game?

Man, the Bear's D is being exposed right now. Who else thought this year's halftime show was the best one in perhaps the last decade?

18 years ago
RE: Controversial statement

I believe... ... that 'The Shield' is the best drama on all of TV (although my exposure to Galactica is limited. ... that the entire CSI franchise su...

18 years ago
RE: Elite Beat Agents a gas gas gas.

18 years ago
RE: iraq war almost same as soviet afghan war

Hey, you're the one that brought up reconstruction phases. According to the powers that be, the actual war's been over for almost 3 years now. We've...

18 years ago
RE: iraq war almost same as soviet afghan war

Quote:The same is happening in Iraq today, and it's sickening. Hey, sometimes you just gotta call a spade a spade. Dissent is the heart of the Ameri...

18 years ago
RE: Official PS3 Thread

Quote:No one says it better than a bunch of Sega fanboys with a massive chip on their shoulder and a lot of misdirected rage (teh swears warning) Fix...

18 years ago
RE: So.....any Avatar fans here?

Quote:Clerks the Animated Series, for example, was outsourced to Asia. The fact that I now know I'm not the only one on the board who knows what that...

18 years ago
RE: Best game of 2006

I <3 the crap out of Gears Of War. If you can find a good group online, all the multiplayer woes go away. Rainbow Six: Vegas is rather fun as wel...

18 years ago
RE: Official PS3 Thread

I fail to see how Sony failing should be anyone's dream. Videogame monopolies = BAD. I know most of the Sony hate stems from people who held irratio...

18 years ago
RE: Nucking Futs: a musical tribute to 2006

Quote:The parents faces at the end. Priceless. It's even better because you can't figure out if they're reacting to the song or the year the song's a...

18 years ago
RE: Official PS3 Thread

$500. Of all the memes to hit the internet because of the PS3, $600 is by far the dumbest. This isn't like the 360 where the cheaper version is utte...

18 years ago
RE: Official PS3 Thread

The problem with PS2-PS3 conversion is that the vast majority of PS2 games had NO HD compatibility. Like not even 480p support, just interlaced. So ...

18 years ago
RE: R.I.P Peter Boyle

He was the monster.

18 years ago
RE: R.I.P Peter Boyle

PUTTINONNARIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITZ RIP, Peter Boyle. You made me laugh pretty much everytime you went on screen, which is more than I can say fo...

18 years ago
RE: You are a ****ing moron!

A loud, annoying, high-pitched, shrieking, animal-summoning, cut-rate Lewis Black delivery voice like 2's should not crusade against stupidity. It sh...

18 years ago
RE: You are a ****ing moron!

Quote:2 > This Crap Wow, that must be the worst thing ever then, considering how low on the comedy totem pole 2 rests.

18 years ago
RE: Official PS3 Thread

Show me an early-adopter who bought a PS3 only for GTHD and I'll show you someone who deserves all the disappointment they can receive.

18 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Quote:There was no PoP trilogy. There was Sands of Time, and then there were cash-ins. Hold the hell on, Two Thrones was awesome. Prolly better than...

18 years ago
RE: PS3 Camper Forsakes Sony for Top-Line PC Gaming Rig

I'd love to see them enforce this contract. Seriously, it probably doesn't have the word 'binding' anywhere within miles of it.

18 years ago
RE: Official PS3 Thread

Resistance: Fall Of Man seems to be faring far better. But then again, it's Insomniac. They haven't made a bad game since... well, EVER.

18 years ago
RE: Guitar Hero 2 Anticipation thread

It's not. It's just 3 minutes long. Fun, though. The stars aligned for me last night and I plowed my way through the last tier on Hard. One try ap...

18 years ago
RE: America Votes 2006

Quote:In other news, Rumsfeld just resigned. Is it too soon to do the "Na na na hey hey hey goodbye song"? Way to flip-flop, Scrubby.

18 years ago
RE: Keith hits another one out of the park.

Quote:A "straw man" argument is setting up an opponent that isn't there so that you can appear tough on an issue. Boy, it's a good thing yo...

18 years ago
RE: Good Bye Clover Studio... =(

*pours a Diet Shasta Orange for his dead homie* RIP Clover. You were short-lived, but you made some sweet games that nobody bought. Say hi to Treas...

18 years ago
RE: Keith hits another one out of the park.

Quote:And I suppose that the anti second ammendment efforts by the democrats are any better? By your own statement you cannot support "dunderhead...

18 years ago
RE: Guitar Hero 2 Anticipation thread

Actually, it's on the OPM demo I mentioned. Fun song to play, but I haven't tried the co-op mode yet so I have no idea how badly the bass section wil...

18 years ago
Replies: 38
Views: 37
RE: Justify your sig (YAY UNORIGINALITY!)

It's Kid. He's here to help you avenge your cat.

18 years ago
RE: Thomas Sowell: Socialism for the Rich

Quote:Fake made up war indeed. *checks the death toll* REAL *checks congressional and UN approval* REAL *checks the deployment schedule* REAL May 1...

18 years ago
RE: Keith hits another one out of the park.

Quote:Educate yourself just a little bit, please. I'm educated just fine. It's the neocon dunderheads that seem to have advanced learning disabiliti...

18 years ago
RE: Keith hits another one out of the park.

Quote:When a Democrat is president the standard response to terrorism has been to cut and run or send a token "show of force" such as cruise...

18 years ago
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