Mobius Forum Archive

Estimable Member
Joined: Oct 7, 2005
Topics: 4 / Replies: 155
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

Being Christian myself and having read quite a bit of the Bible, I have to say that it contradicts itself on many, many an occasion. Christ loves all...

15 years ago
RE: Sonic and the Secret Rings Discussion

Quote:The game is 85% finished. Wait... doesn't that mean it should be out by now? (Harhar) -Jake

18 years ago
RE: Saddam Hussein Executed

Okay, I'm by no means sad that Saddam Hussein is dead. I think it had to be done and I think that the world is a better place without him in power. Ho...

18 years ago
RE: photoexchange!

Hate to stick my nose into a place where I've only lurked before, especially since I have no intention of contributing a photo or even commenting on a...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog Sales Figures

MP had some nice ball physics. I never really thought of how they would apply in a Sonic game... We'll add that to the improvements list, but only aft...

18 years ago
RE: Is Sonic 3 & Knuckles an impossible act to follow?

Quote:Is Sonic 3 & Knuckles an impossible act to follow? Simple answer? Yes. For me, anyway, because it's nostalgic; that doesn't mean, in terms ...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog Sales Figures

EDIT: This post is in response to whether or not Sonic Team will learn from poor sales of StH360. Yes, all the way back on the first page. Consider t...

18 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

EDIT: Removed. Someone got to this well before I did. My apologies. -Jake

18 years ago
RE: Best Sonic Game!

Genesis. -Jake

18 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Any word on whether or not a PC version has been confirmed? I know there was talk of one awhile back... I'm not up for purchasing a 360 for one game....

18 years ago
RE: MoFoRadio?

Oooh, I want to help! I'll be... a listener. You need at least one of those. It is a cool idea. -Jake

19 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

Abac... you finished TWO endings? You, sir (or ma'am), are a far more patient person than I. I made a five-day rental, essentially a waste because I ...

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

Quote:Otherwise, I see lack of responsibility as the bigger player in the scenario than homosexuality. Me too. You'd be surprised how irresponsible a...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic CD-Question on Lyrics to the song: You Can Do Anything

Quote:I've always thought it was Sonic's shoes, too. What were *you* thinking, Ashide? I don't know what Ashide's thinking... but the same thing goes...

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

Okay, Acrio, I apologize if I seemed defensive. I just wanted to make it very clear that I was not attempting to blame the world's problems on homosex...

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

I thought I made my position very clear... I'm not against homosexuality nor more creative forms of sexual intercourse. I'm simply regurgitating resea...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic in Smash Bros Brawl close to confirmed?

Quote:The only people who would not want Sonic in this game are people who were against 3rd party characters appearing in a Super Smash Bros. game(eve...

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

Quote:What makes you think any level headed person is going to have sex with someone who has AIDS, gay or not? What makes you think any level-headed,...

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

Quote:I kind of like my sexual partner to not have AIDS. Does being gay usually make me not care about that? ...What? -Jake

19 years ago
RE: Diabetics should not see this thread.

That's so cute... they're tasting it. -Jake

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

Quote:Yes, because we all know there is no exchange of fluids in normal sex. Like all straight couples have normal sex anyway. XD I don't know if I d...

19 years ago
RE: Family in the Middle East?

Agreed... probably not the best vacation spot. But I think it's unlikely anything will happen. Just keep your thoughts with him and hope everything tu...

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

It may be less about multiple partners and more about exactly how Aids is tansmitted. The HIV virus is most capable of surviving in blood and in semen...

19 years ago
RE: Super Smash Bros...Flash!

I vote 5/10 for a nifty interface and obvious fan-game making experience, but the gameplay itself just wasn't amazing. Good effort, but not enough tim...

19 years ago
RE: Planet Pluto(1930 -2006)

Quote:Jackie, stop taking things so literally you silly boy. If I'm Jackie... okay. -Jake

19 years ago
RE: Iran to launch a nuclear (Guess not.)

Naw, crank that timer back up and let's go again. -Jake

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

Not to stir the pot, Wraith, but you say Aids results from unnatural sexual practices? Can't Aids be passed on to a child from a mother, and then pass...

19 years ago
RE: Hello.

I'd recommend you attempt escape... but no, they've already gotten to you. Ah well... welcome. -Jake

19 years ago
RE: Planet Pluto(1930 -2006)

I'm not arguing Pluto's demotion... but... Quote:* Planets: The eight worlds from Mercury to Neptune. this definition, there are only eight pl...

19 years ago
RE: The Church, State, Pledge and **Your Body**

Okay. Keep religion seperate from state. Don't say the pledge of allegience. Nobody's going to lock you up from that. Why take it away from those who...

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

I think, if I may offer a simple explanation from my Christian side of the Gray Area... It isn't so much God or the Bible that breeds hate, but rathe...

19 years ago
RE: Birthday Topic!! 😀

18, huh? You beat me by a little over a month. Congratulations on this landmark birthday! You can now do everything you could do when you first turned...

19 years ago
RE: Funniest Gaming Moment

Sonic 3, Carnival night after Knuckles turned out the power. As far right as Sonic can go before you head down into the water... I ran up the little l...

19 years ago
RE: Name that Boss, Part 3!

Sonia, are you and Matt conjoined at the brain or is there just one of you and you have an account for both of your personalities? That was amazing......

19 years ago
RE: Best Sonic villain?

Quote:It's not patented. Greeks don't even know what "patent" means, so Phobos appears to be free game. Are you referring to the ancient Gr...

19 years ago
RE: Name that Boss, Part 3!

Yeah, John got it. You're up, dude. -Jake

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

Quote:and if it's true that i dissapear into nothing then i'd still know wouldn't i? How would you know? You wouldn't even exist. Just like my little...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic and the Secret Rings Discussion

To whoever said we needed to change the title of the thread due to the change in the official name of the game... I still like to pretend that next-g...

19 years ago
RE: Name that Boss, Part 3!

My clues: "I keep something valuable in my chest." "Beware, lest I sneeze on you!" "Ouch! You spun into my knuckles!" ...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic Rivals announced for the PSP.

I know it's been said, but I feel the need to repeat it myself... These graphics suck. Isn't the PSP supposed to have PS2-quality graphics? EDIT: Ju...

19 years ago
RE: Name that Boss, Part 3!

Wow, I got one, I think. Is it Sonic 2's Aquatic Ruin boss? -Jake

19 years ago
RE: Sonic Rivals announced for the PSP.

Quote:So. Silver premiered in Sonic the Hedgehog Next-Gen, and is still around here, so that means that he, and thus nobody in the game died, and the ...

19 years ago
RE: Iran to launch a nuclear (Guess not.)

For all they know it's just another part of the US. -Jake

19 years ago
RE: Sonic and the Secret Rings Discussion

Personally, I crack up every time a videogame reporting site mentions "Sonic's new adventure on Nintendo's Wii." Deep down, I'm twelve year...

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

Quote:Guys, guys. I think we're all missing the real question at hand here: Can God microwave a burrito so hot/make a rock so big/make a woman so hot...

19 years ago
RE: Dreams: Do they mean anything? Can you feel them?

Maybe, Rico, that's because when you vent, you are emptying your subconscious of anything that needs to be addressed in sleep? Just a thought. And as...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic Is Not Speed

Quote:In radical highway, Right whean Shadow was running in a cork screws and GUN was fireing missles it slowed down a little matrix style for a secou...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic and the Secret Rings Discussion

Personally, I don't like either "Sonic Wildfire" or the new, official and officially unreleased title. Sonic Team has it right with the nex...

19 years ago
RE: Dreams: Do they mean anything? Can you feel them?

The brain receives many stimuli throughout the day, far too many for the brain to process at once. This, of course, includes emotional reactions as we...

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

To Wraith: Totally agreed. To Rico: It's my personal preference to believe that most people have knowledge of the difference between right and wrong ...

19 years ago
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