Mobius Forum Archive

Estimable Member
Joined: Oct 7, 2005
Topics: 4 / Replies: 155
RE: Developing story ...New Planets to be confirmed.

Nuchtos, you're talking to Silver the Hedgehog, dude. Where he comes from, Pluto HAS been a planet for hundreds of years. Cut him some slack. He's fr...

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

Ah, the forgotten Twelfth Commandment: Thou shalt not roleplay, being further explanation of the Eleventh: Thou shalt not smite thine allies in Massiv...

19 years ago
RE: We're running out of time!

You want to know why we SHOULDN'T blow up the moon, Srol? Because it's shiny, that's why. I like shiny things. Proposal rejected. -Jake

19 years ago
RE: Developing story ...New Planets to be confirmed.

When you say 'galactic shift,' do you mean an actual, physical change in the makeup and functioning of our galaxy or in the accepted definition of wha...

19 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Quote:Let me guess; since the PS3 doesn't have a mic to my knowledge, he's instead replaced by more giant enemy crabs? Doubt it. I'm sure the PS3 wil...

19 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Quote:Anyway, even in Shadow the Hedgehog 5 I doubt they'd ever have Shadow flinging "F"s, "B"s or "S" Shadow the...

19 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Quote:I care more about the story and gameplay then the graphics. Hopefully this game will be as good or better then the Sonic Adventure series. True...

19 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Quote:Just click on 'em. I've tried that. I've even 'opened link in a new window.' It's just the same gallery page over and over again. I'm sure I'm ...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic's true love interest revealed!

Oh, indeed! Why all the arguing? Why can't love just be free? It's like the sixties never happened to you people. -Jake

19 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Idiot question, I'm sure, but is there any way to enlarge those new images on the website? My prematurely Old Man Eyes are straining to see that new h...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic CD help

I don't have the game right in front of me, so forgive me if I'm mistaken on this advice... Make sure your controller is set up properly. The sound t...

19 years ago
RE: Latest Sonic Channel update

Quote: Since Sonic's always been my least favourite character in the continuity and still - in his lack of background or skills other than speed - is ...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic and the Secret Rings Discussion

IGN's got about three new screenshots up. -Jake

19 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 83
RE: Look at me guys lol

Very cute. And yet I still feel an impending nightmare... Oh well. Looks great. You say you drew something as though it should be a shock... are you ...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic Rush

I do have to agree with the others, here, Rosie. Not only might you find the game there, but you may also happen upon a nice pair of khakis for, like...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic Is Not Speed

Sonic Advance 2 was pretty bad. It's a perfect example that focusing strictly on speed IS NOT going back to basics. Still more fun to run really fast ...

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

<quote> so my view on it is, when i die, i'll find out. until then, no one can convince me that there is a god and i'll go to hell for not belie...

19 years ago
RE: How come Sonic isn't popular in Japan?

I've posted a reply to your reply in your newly created topic, Veckums. That said, I included the word 'platforming' for a reason. Technically, I hav...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic Is Not Speed

I do believe I've been quoted! I do totally agree, though. I'm currently trying to program a fan game (graphics look mighty nice, but I'm not a very ...

19 years ago
RE: How come Sonic isn't popular in Japan?

Yet, Ice, that's exactly what we've tried to fight with Sonic. Since Sonic Adventure, fan's have been saying, "Just go back to basics! Focus on t...

19 years ago
RE: Best Sonic villain?

WW, can you honestly say that at the end of Sonic 2, when all the sudden you came face-to-foot with that huge Eggman robot, you didn't freak out just ...

19 years ago
RE: Best Sonic villain?

I remember when Eggman was Robotnik and was actually a pretty frightening enncounter... Way back when, I'd have to say Eggman beats them all. Current...

19 years ago
RE: Smorking.

If nothing else, do it for your girl. If you care about her as much as you seem to, then it's not even about your health... it's about keeping her aro...

19 years ago
RE: Intolerance (The TV made me beat a dead horse! :o)

There is no inferior/superior gender. There are differences that make one gender superior to others in certain areas, however. Women (I use women as ...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic's true love interest revealed!

....... Okay then. Totally haven't been keeping up with this topic... ... I'm... disturbed. -.....Jake

19 years ago
RE: Shark Leaping?

If STH'06 and Wildfire suck, then the series, for me, will have leapt the shark. But as far as sales go, I doubt it. The games, terrible or not, still...

19 years ago
RE: How come Sonic isn't popular in Japan?

Very true. Good points. I still very much feel that Sonic's (and other franchises's) popularity in either country is largely dependent on style/tone....

19 years ago
RE: How come Sonic isn't popular in Japan?

Okay, Ashide, I gotcha. "> My argument is that the games sell poorly in Japan since they are, essentially, less Japanese. They're tailored, it se...

19 years ago
RE: How come Sonic isn't popular in Japan?

Apologies, Wonderbat. Care to offer something productive, or are you just here to point out my shortcomings? Seriously, though, I don't know about Ma...

19 years ago
RE: Smorking.

I've inhaled more second-hand smoke in my years than you'd ever believe. And yes, I do get a headache and start to feel miserable it I'm away from a s...

19 years ago
RE: How come Sonic isn't popular in Japan?

I'm looking at the Anime-ish feel, Ashide. The Final Fantasy series in Japan has an Anime look and feel to it, as do a number of Japanese RPGs (Tales ...

19 years ago
RE: How come Sonic isn't popular in Japan?

I'm probably way off, but I'm going to venture my best guesses... 1. They don't like the gameplay as much. It's all about speed and thrills anymore, ...

19 years ago
RE: Shark Leaping?

I agree with Ashide, Xag. I thought of the Sonic Advance games, the first was best and they gradually declined. The partner system was just more annoy...

19 years ago
RE: Shark Leaping?

What's sad, Xag, is that both the good-quality 2D games you mention blow the Sonics out of the water. Well... New SMB, anyway. I'm basing Veiwtiful J...

19 years ago
RE: Philosophical outlook on racism, etc...

Stereotyping is not wrong unless it's done to an extreme. It's a survival tactic. I say "Hi" to some people I see on the street, others I do...

19 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Is it wrong that that made sense to me, Mr. Taylor? -Jake

19 years ago
RE: Are we sure women are being treated inferiorly?

Okay. Fascinating stuff about the pelvis, Ms. Rose. Seems like you've got me beat in the science department. I still agree with you on the 'sensitivi...

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

Not to be argumentative, Wonderbat, but would you care to elaborate? EDIT FOR AN AFTERTHOUGHT: The reason I post this disection of atheism is because...

19 years ago
RE: Guns: Should they be Allowed?

First, Wringthesquirrel, if a citizen gets guns illegally, that makes said citizen a criminal. Second, while I appreciate and even admire your descri...

19 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Thanks. If I get the game at all, it will probably be for 360, unless Sony wakes up and offers a 'stripped down' package like Microsoft does (except ...

19 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

I'm now torn... do I buy it for the PC (which I already have but will likely crash if I so much as play a DVD on it) or do I buy a 360 for the sole pu...

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

I don't care what you believe in. I'm open. I'm Christian, dating the daughter of two pastors, but that doesn't make me evangelical. You want to know ...

19 years ago
RE: Guns: Should they be Allowed?

Personally, I'd go for the handgun. I'm not one who would ever purchase a firearm, and I'm not about to come off as a psycho in front of my hypotheti...

19 years ago
RE: Are we sure women are being treated inferiorly?

Mel Rose, I do agree with you to a point. Naturally, women are physically different (not to say less capable; I wouldn't handle childbirth all that we...

19 years ago
RE: the forgotton ones

Mel Rose, you're wonderful. I didn't even think to suggest a mouse method. -Jake

19 years ago
RE: the forgotton ones

It definately works, SC. After you've copied, can you post it again into the same document? If so, then you've got copying down pat. When you paste, ...

19 years ago
RE: the forgotton ones

SC, a helpful hint so you don't have to remember where the copy and paste buttons are program to program: universally, just highlight what you want to...

19 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Out of curiosity, is that Kingdom Valley BGM from the stage proper or from the 'high-speed section'? If it is from the slower-paced section, it doesn'...

19 years ago
RE: the forgotton ones

Warning labels generally are for those lacking the mental capacity to judge a product's worth to them for themselves. This topic is a good one for st...

19 years ago
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