Agreed, 'interactive movie' may be stretching it quite a bit. But gamers aren't nearly as satisfied with simple level to level design, they want cutsc...
Essential features lacking: 3D graphics (fixed with pretty much every new Sonic game now). Weaponry (Shadow). Detailed in-game cinematics (that starte...
I'm a Mario Kart: Double Dash player. I put Wario in the back seat and blow the living sh*t out of anyone foolish enough to wander within blast radius...
Perhaps we should consider that younger gamers would have different opinions? To them, those Genesis masterpieces would seem dated and lacking in many...
In that case, I totally agree with Ashide; Sonic reached his peak a long, long time ago. Maybe there are still a few tricks in Sonic's bag, but I doub...
More Shadow gunplay? That might not be so bad if they do it properly (and, since ST never learn their lesson, they won't). This poll saddens me. Appa...
Good point, Ashide. Aside from on a personal level (I personally was in love with the two 'Adventures'), I have no way of telling whether or not the g...
Don't post much, but I'm here. -Jake
I don't really see the series as 'jumping the shark.' The series seems to fluctuate. I think it hit it's highest peak with Sonic 3/Knuckles, and when ...
I think while we're correcting people's grammar, his logic was <i>skewed</i> as opposed to skewered. No offense.
In case anyone's interested in a potentially sarcastic review before the game comes out, I believe the channel G4's X-Play series will be detailing Sh...
1. Eggman/Robotnik 2. Sonic 3. Knuckles (though he's not been so cool recently) 4. Shadow 5. If I have to pick... Tails, I guess.
Exactly how much oil is in ANWR anyway? If they drill it, no biggie. I don't see the harm, but I also don't see much use in it. We'll be out again in ...
Welcome. Er, welcome back. Er, happy birthday. Um, on Sunday I mean... Er... Oh, f*** it, it's too complicated.
Your birthday is on Doom's Day? Cool. Happy birthday and beware of Hell creatures. You know, physical evidence of Hell was discovered...
Nobody panic-- We've got Dwayne. Er, I mean, the Rock.
SA1 and SA2 main themes. Sonic, E-103, and Tikal SA1 themes. Eggman and Shadow SA2 themes. Team Dark, Team Chaotix, and Metal Overlord themes from Her...
My real name: Zang! Who is that, prowling out of the cliffs! It is Jake, hands clutching a studded crowbar! And with a cruel cry, his voice cometh: ...
Whoa... I backed out and re-entered this board probably six times before I understood what was going on. I like the theme. Good timing, right when th...
AND?!?! Wonderbat, do you know what this means? I'll finally be getting another job! I've been out of work way too long... And if the new James Bond ...
Those questions blew my mind, man! It was really psychological, I wasn't expecting that. I was expecting something a bit more straightforward. How ...
Right, Cycle, agreed. I've just had more experience with MSN Mesenger and have a fair number of friends who refuse to spell out whole words. -Jake
Um... Wonderbat? Ouch. Really, really ouch. Thanks for that one. Good analogy, though. -Jake
YES! I love it. I only wish they were that clear about some of the plot elements in SA2, but oh well. -Jake
A: To make it confusing to various forumers including yourself. Q: What is your favorite/most nostalgic gaming moment?
Pop culture doesn't know how to spell, anyway. MSN Messenger's pretty much ruined that. Being a bit of a grammar freak myself, the idea of such a hig...
Burden in my Hand -Soundgarden Machinehead -Bush Trippin' on a Hole in a Paper Heart -Stone Temple Pilots -Jake
Funny, despite the fact that Napolean Dynamite annoys me. I'm 18, I'm supposed to like that kind of stuff... Ah well. Thanks, Ultra. -Jake
You've been sick on during the time directly surrounding your birthday... That's too bad. Anyway, I've wished you happy birthday, so now Happy Recove...
I've only seen bits and pieces of it and it still annoys me to no end. I shall sleep better at night just knowing that nobody else out there will be ...
So by 2050, everyone is going to think that Jona was swallowed by a waffle? I mean, each time we try to change this stuff, we screw something up. I g...
You didn't like "Get a load of this!"? That line is so awesome! I don't even mind that it's repeated over and over, sometimes interrupting itself... I...
What is going on!?!?!?! Ah well, at least this python was smart...
Feliz cumpleanos! That's happy birthday in Spanish(note that without the little tilde thing over the 'n,' that says "Happy Change of Anuses"). Wow, y...
Most entertaining, Tergonaut! *clap, clap* Detailed, as was already mentioned, but certainly not boring! Kept my attention to the end, which is the ...
As a former student of art myself, I must say "wow." I really love the shading. I think the first pick (Locke) was my favorite. The wallpaper looks a...
Don't worry, Tergonaut, I didn't take Geo seriously. I don't take anything too seriously... Shall the three of us join hands and sing the Illinois t...
Ech... all that hard work! They lost a lot of real art, there. Shame...
Thinking about it, Sonic was very monotone throughout the first SA. Most annoyingly so in Twinkle Park, I think, during the car-race sequence. Every t...
Theory of a Deadman - "Ain't no Surprise" Audioslave - "Doesn't Remind Me" (I don't care what anyone says, the song rocks) Nickelback - "Photograph" (...
A: No way. Theologically speaking, many often argue that all religious figures are one in the same, making the white man's condemnation of pagan faith...
Simply point out that taking the numbers from 7:16:21 and arranging them thusly in a mathematical sequence: 21-16+7(4)+the number of digits in all nu...
I'm curious... perhaps inappropriately so... What color is smurf blood? I mean, would it really be reasonable to expect it to be red?
This is so awesome! width="240" height="180" alt="Journeying Artificial Killing Entity" border="0"> I'm homicidal. ๐ And... width="240" hei...
Whoa, Geogwe! We are brothers of the corn. Corn is good. And hi.
King Solomon? Yeah, okay... that probably would have been a better example. Less words, definitely. But then I wouldn't get to hear myself type as muc...
Wow... is that serious? Geez... I'm sifting through my vocab words for a good adjective... Sad? Telling? Morbid? Shocking? No, no... I think I'll go...
*shrugs* It's all silliness if you ask me. Given that I read this right (I kind of jumped around, too) this just means that we might not be able to v...
Hmmnnn... more people to say hello to. HELLO!